-1- 9061 (6zp)
A. As it applies to teachers:
1. The Board hereby recognizes the Cam/Voc Education Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiations concerning grievances and terms and conditions of employment for all full time day school teaching personnel, as defined below, under contract, employed or to be employed by the Board for their services at the Pennsauken or Gloucester Township Campuses, including all professional personnel employed in the schools designated as the Camden County Technical Schools who hold an earned bachelor’s or higher degree (or hold a regular, provisional or emergency vocational or technical certificate) and where required, hold, or are eligible to hold, a regular certificate; and who agree to abide by the code of Ethics of the Education Profession. School nurses who qualify as above and who so request may be represented by the Cam/Voc Education Association. Members of the Administrative, Supervisory, Guidance and Media Staffs, Athletic/Student Activity Directors, permanent members of the Child Study Team, Coordinator of Technology and Computer Applications, and Technology Operations Coordinators are excluded from the recognized unit.
B. As it applies to secretaries, clerks and technicians:
1. The Board hereby recognizes the Cam/Voc Education Association as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiations concerning grievances and terms and conditions of employment for all full time* day school secretarial/clerical/technician personnel, as defined below, under contract, employed or to be employed by the Board of Education of the Camden County Technical Schools for their services at either the Pennsauken or Gloucester Township Campuses in the schools designated as Camden County Technical Schools.
* Full time is defined as working 20 hours/week or more.
2. A recognized “unit employee” shall be defined as a full time day school employee and shall include only the following:
twelve month secretaries/clerks
ten month clerks
ten month technicians (non-tenured)
3. The following personnel shall be excluded from the definition of “unit employee”:
Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent, Assistant Board Secretary, Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools, Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent, Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent for Business/Board Secretary, Computer Systems Operator in the Business Office, Purchasing Assistant, Computer Support Technical Assistants, confidential employees, craft employees, managerial executives, police employees, supervisory employees within the meaning of the Act* and all other employees employed by the Board of Education of the Camden County Technical Schools.
* “the Act” when used herein means the N.J. Employer-Employee Relations Act, as amended and supplemented.
C. Unless otherwise indicated, the terms “teacher(s)” and “unit employee(s)”, when hereinafter used in this Agreement, shall refer to teaching personnel, school nurses and employees represented by the Association in the respective negotiating units as defined above.
As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
A. The parties agree to enter into collective negotiations over a successor Agreement in accordance with the Act in a good-faith effort to reach agreement concerning the terms and conditions of teachers’/unit employees’ employment. Such negotiations shall begin not later than October 15th of the calendar year in which this Agreement expires. Any Agreement so negotiated shall apply to teachers and unit employees, be reduced to writing, be adopted and signed by the Board and the Association.
B. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
A. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
The Board will make available to the Association upon request public records of the Board.
B. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings at all reasonable hours for meetings. Approval of appropriate division head shall be required before the said use for said meetings.
C. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
The Association shall have use of bulletin boards under the following conditions:
1. Pennsauken Campus:
a. Use of space on the bulletin board in the main office for the posting of general informational materials such use to be subject to the approval of the appropriate division head.
b. Exclusive use of a bulletin board in the Crosby Wing Faculty Lounge, provided that materials placed on said bulletin board shall not be derogatory of or in ridicule of any administrator or member of the Board of Education. All materials shall be identified as approved by the Association.
2. Gloucester Township Campus:
a. Use of space on the bulletin board near the Day School Office for the posting of general informational materials subject to approval of the appropriate division head.
b. Use of posting facilities in each building, the type and location of which shall be established by agreement of the Association and the appropriate division head, provided that materials placed on said posting facilities shall not be derogatory of or in ridicule of any administrator or member of the Board of Education. All material shall be identified as approved by the Association.
D. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
The Association shall have their right to use the interschool mail facilities and school mailboxes as it deems necessary and without the approval of the appropriate division heads, or other members of the administration, which use shall be for the ordinary day-to-day activities of the Association. The Board will assume no responsibility for the material therein placed.
A. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any teacher/unit employee such rights as he may have under New Jersey Law. The rights granted to teachers/unit employees hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere.
B. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
A teacher/unit employee shall not be disciplined, subject to a written reprimand or reduced in compensation without just cause.
C. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
Except for the conferences provided in Article XI hereof, whenever any teacher/unit employee is required to appear before the Board of Education or any committee or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that teacher/unit employee in his office, position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, then the teacher/unit employee shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a person of his own choosing present to advise and represent him during such meeting or interview. For the purpose of this paragraph, the Superintendent is not a member of the Board of Education.
D. As it applies to teachers:
1. Any question or criticism by a supervisor, administrator, or board member of a teacher and his instructional methodology or any question or criticism by a teacher of a supervisor, administrator, or board member shall be made in confidence and not in the presence of students, parents, or other public gatherings, unless required by law or at the request of the teacher, supervisor, administrator or board member.
As it applies to unit employees:
2. Any question or criticism by a supervisor, administrator or board member of a unit employee or criticism by a unit employee of a supervisor, administrator or board member shall be made in confidence and not in the presence of students, parents, or other public gatherings, unless required by law or at the request of the unit employee, supervisor, administrator or board member.
E. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. Teachers/unit employees shall have the right upon reasonable request to the administrator involved and in the presence of the administrator or his designee to review the contents of their personnel file within five (5) school/work days of the original request. A teacher/unit employee shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association accompany him during such review. At least once every three (3) years, a teacher/unit employee shall have the right to indicate those documents and/or other materials in his file which he believes to be obsolete or otherwise inappropriate to retain. Said documents shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or his designee and if the Superintendent agrees that they are obsolete or otherwise inappropriate to retain, they shall be destroyed. Letters and other materials written for the purpose of reference may be removed from the file prior to the review herein described.
2. No materials derogatory to a teacher/unit employees’ conduct, service, character or personality shall be placed in his personnel file unless the teacher/unit employee has had an opportunity to review the material. Such material shall be provided to the employee in paper copy and shall not be transmitted to the employee via electronic means unless the employee requests an electronic copy of the material in addition to the paper copy. Except for correspondence directed to the teacher/unit employee, the teacher/unit employee shall acknowledge that he has had the opportunity to review such material by affixing his signature to the copy to be filed with the express understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. The teacher/unit employee shall also have the right to submit a written answer to such materials and his answer shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or his designees and attached to the file copy.
3. Personnel files which are maintained by the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent and Division Heads shall be open for inspection as provided herein. Any other personnel file maintained in addition to those mentioned herein shall be considered as unauthorized and any material in such files shall not be used in any way to influence any judgment made regarding any teacher/unit employee.
A. As applies to teachers:
1. Teachers shall be notified of their contract status for the ensuing year in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:27-10.
2. The salary of each teacher covered by this Agreement will be as set forth in Schedule A as attached hereto and made a part hereof.
3. Each teacher shall be placed on the proper step of the salary schedule as of the beginning of the 1979-80 school year. Any teacher employed for at least 95 school days in any school year and not on extended leave of absence as provided in Article XVI hereof shall be given a year’s incremental credit on the salary guide.
4. All newly employed teachers will be placed on the salary schedule step according to the paragraphs below. The content of these paragraphs is subject to the step movement notes contained on Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof. The determination fo salary to be recommended to the Board of Education for approval shall be made by the Superintendent. When a teacher is placed on the guide at a step higher than his/her experience, the Superintendent will notify the President of the Association.
5. One year of public school teaching experience may be equivalent to one year creditable experience on the salary schedule. In addition, a teacher may be entitled to up to four (4) years credit on the salary schedule for military service in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:29-11. In the event a teacher has industrial experience, one year industrial experience may be equivalent to one year creditable experience on the salary schedule. Industrial experience must be substantiated in writing to the satisfaction of the Superintendent.
6. Teachers eligible for column movement on the salary guide shall receive salary increases when all requirements for the degree have been completed. The increase shall be effective the first pay period following written notice from the registrar of the college or university attended of said completion being received by the Superintendent. (The check for same shall reflect such increases upon computation and programming by the Business Office.)
7. All certificated teaching positions involving summer employment shall be advertised by posting a notice in each school and forwarding the same notice to the Association on or before May 15th of the school year for which they are to occur.
a. When a pay day falls on or during a school holiday, vacation, or weekend, teachers shall receive their pay checks on the last previous working day.
b. Each teacher shall receive his final pay on his last working day in June.
a. There shall be no reduction in force (Layoff) except in accordance with the provision of Article III, Chapter 28 of N.J.S.A. 18A which will be applied to tenured teachers only.
b. If a reduction in force is being considered, the Administration shall notify and consult with the Association as soon as possible but not less than sixty (60) days before the layoff is to occur.
B. As applies to unit employees:
1. The salary of each unit employee covered by this Agreement will be as set forth in Schedule A as attached hereto and made a part hereof.
2. Each employee shall be placed on the proper step of the salary schedule as of the beginning of the 1992-93 school year.
3. No newly employed unit employees will be placed on a salary step level higher than any currently employed unit employee with similar or equal years of experience.
4. Any ten (10) month technician employed for at least 95 days; any ten (10) month clerk employed at least 105 days and any twelve (12) month unit employee employed for at least 6 months, none of whom are on extended leave of absence as provided in Article XVI hereof, shall be given a year’s incremental credit on the salary guide.
a. When a pay day falls on or during a school holiday, vacation of two weeks or more, or weekend, unit employees shall receive their pay checks on the last previous working day.
b. Each 10 month unit employee shall receive, where applicable, his/her final pay on his/her last working day in June.
A. As it applies to teachers:
1. Payment to teachers accepting extracurricular activity assignments shall be as set forth on Schedule B attached hereto and made a part hereof and teachers shall stay until the end of the extracurricular activity. Teachers accepting year long activities Positions on Schedule B shall receive forty percent (40%) of the stipend on or before the December 15th payday and sixty percent (60%) with their last pay in June. Payment shall be made by separate check each time.
2. Academic teachers may volunteer to teach a yearly seventh period class and shop teachers, who teach an elective subject, may volunteer to teach a yearly eighth period class at the annual rate of $4,761.00 for the 2001-02 school year; $5,000.00 for the 2002-03 school year; $5,250.00 for the 2003-04 school year. When the additional period occurs before or after the normal school day, the teacher will be entitled to the annual stipend plus 10 percent of that stipend. The provisions of this paragraph are purely voluntary and the Board of Education may make no assignments in this area.
3. Teachers who accept positions as overnight chaperons (whether school is in session or not) shall receive $69.00 for the 2001-02 school year; $73.00 for the 2002-03 school year; $77.00 for the 2003-04 school year; except that, anyone receiving a stipend on Schedule B shall not be paid for chaperoning activities of the classes or activities for which they are responsible.
4. Teachers who accept positions as ticket collectors, officials or chaperons shall receive $43.00 for the 2001-02 school year; $46.00 for the 2002-03 school year; and $49.00 for the 2003-04 school year per person per activity or per day ($69.00 for the 2001-02 school year; $73.00 for the 2002-03 school year; $77.00 for the 2003-04 school year for two consecutive activities) except for the following:
Officiating - Physical Education teachers shall not be paid for officiating activities for post-secondary students during the day.
Chaperoning - Anyone receiving a stipend on Schedule B, shall not be paid for chaperoning activities of the classes or activities for which they are responsible.
(a) When a teacher is assigned by the Administration to cover a teaching class period of another teacher, the assigned teacher shall be paid $22.00 for each preparation period lost for the 2001-02 school year; $24.00 for each preparation period lost for the 2002-03 school year; and $26.00 for each preparation period lost for the 2003-04 school year.
(b) Teachers will indicate on forms to be supplied by the Administration the time periods they are available and willing to serve. If appropriate, a volunteer will be assigned by the Administration. If the Administration finds that there is no volunteer or there is no one available, who in its opinion is reasonably competent to cover the period, the Administration shall assign a teacher for such purpose. Volunteers and those teachers assigned by the Administration shall not include teachers funded under either State Compensatory Education or Title I (Chapter I) funds, unless the Administration, in its discretion, desires to make such an assignment. Shop teachers shall not be assigned by the Administration under any circumstances.
(c) Payment for coverages mentioned above shall be received in the first paycheck of the month following the month in which the coverages were performed. Coverages performed during the month of June shall be paid in the teacher’s final pay or mailed to the teacher no later than July 1 of the current year.
6. Any teacher who has been employed by the Board for a period of 10 years or more and who leaves such employment shall be paid $42.00 per day for no more than 122 days for the 2001-02 school year; $45.00 per day for no more than 129 days for the 2002-03 school year; and $48.00 per day for no more than 136 days for the 2003-04 school year for each unused accumulated sick day. This provision shall not apply to any teacher whose employment is terminated as a result of a decision of an administrative agency or a Court of competent jurisdiction. In the event of death, any monies due shall be paid to the teacher’s estate.
7. Teachers in the special needs program who received the Four Hundred Dollar ($400.00) salary differential in 1974-75 as listed in Appendix A as attached hereto and made a part hereof shall continue to receive such differential in the amount and manner paid in 1974-75. No other teachers shall receive said differential.
B. As applies to unit employees:
1. Any unit employee who has been employed by the Board for a period of 10 years or more and who leaves such employment shall be paid $36.00 per day for no more than 122 days for the 2001-02 school year; $38.00 per day for no more than 129 days for the 2002-03 school year; and $40.00 per day for no more than 136 days for the 2003-04 school year for each unused accumulated sick day. This provision shall not apply to any unit employee whose employment is terminated as a result of a decision of an administrative agency or a Court of competent jurisdiction. In the event of death, any monies due shall be paid to the unit employee’s estate.
2. Unit employees who accept positions as overnight chaperons (whether school is in session or not) shall receive $58.00 for the 2001-02 school year; $61.00 for the 2002-03 school year; $65.00 for the 2003-04 school year except that anyone receiving a stipend on Schedule B shall not be paid for chaperoning activities of the classes or activities for which they are responsible.
3. Unit employees who accept positions as ticket collectors, officials or chaperons shall receive $31.00 for the 2001-02 school year; $33.00 for the 2002-03 school year; $35.00 for the 2003-04 school year per person, per activity per day. ($58.00 for the 2001-02 school year; $61.00 for the 2002-03 school year and $65.00 for the 2003-04 school year for two consecutive activities).
C. As applies to teachers and unit employees (HEALTH CARE):
1. The Board of Education shall continue its present policy of paying for coverage of its teachers, unit employees and their dependents under the New Jersey State Health Plan.
2. The Board shall pay for coverage of its teachers, unit employees and dependents for a prescription drug plan with a $0 co-pay for drugs purchased by mail, a $5.00 co-pay for generic drugs and a $10.00 co-pay for legend drugs.
3. Effective July 1, 1985, the Board shall provide a dental health plan being Programs I and III as described in a brochure provided by the New Jersey Dental Service Plan, Inc., dated April 4, 1985, subject to the underwriting provisions attached hereto as Appendix “B”.
A. As it applies to Teachers:
1. The in-school work year for teachers employed on a ten (10) month basis shall not exceed one hundred ninety (190) days and shall include days when pupils are in attendance, orientation days, and any other days on which teacher attendance is required.
2. New personnel may be required to attend an additional ten (10) sessions of preservice orientation. A session is defined as anything that takes place during a calendar day.
3. Teacher attendance shall not be required whenever student attendance is not required due to inclement weather.
4. Five school days prior to the last school day for students, teachers shall be given a list of all items that will appear on the final checkout list.
B. As it applies to 10 month technicians:
1. The work year for 10 month technicians shall include days when pupils are in attendance, orientation days, and any other days on which other unit employee attendance is required, the last working day to be the same as the professional teaching staff, and not to exceed one hundred and ninety (190) days.
2. Attendance of 10 month technicians shall not be required whenever student attendance is not required due to inclement weather.
C. As it applies to 12 month secretaries and clerks:
1. The work year for 12 month secretaries and clerks shall be from July 1 through June 30.
They shall be entitled to the following paid holidays:
Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, NJEA Convention (2 days), Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Winter Break (the same as teaching staff), Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day, Spring Break (the same as teaching staff), and Memorial Day.
2. When school is closed due to inclement weather or other emergency during the teachers' school year (first work day for teachers in September and last work day for teachers in June) and the school calendar is adjusted to accommodate the closing, employees may be assigned to work on one of the holidays specified in C-1 above if that day is a work day for teachers.
3. Holidays which fall on a Saturday shall be celebrated on the preceding Friday and holidays that fall on a Sunday shall be celebrated on the following Monday, provided that the Friday or Monday is a nationally observed holiday and further provided that the schools are closed.
4. Their attendance shall not be required whenever student attendance is not required due to inclement weather.
D. As it applies to 10 month clerks:
1. The work year for 10 month clerks shall be from September 1st to June 30th. They shall be entitled to the following paid holidays:
Labor Day, Columbus Day, NJEA Convention (2 days), Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Winter Break (the same as teaching staff), Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day, Spring Break (the same as teaching staff), and Memorial Day.
2. When school is closed due to inclement weather or other emergency during the teachers' school year (first work day for teachers in September and last work day for teachers in June) and the school calendar is adjusted to accommodate the closing, employees may be assigned to work on one of the holidays specified in D-1 above if that day is a work day for teachers.
3. Holidays which fall on a Saturday shall be celebrated on the preceding Friday and holidays that fall on a Sunday shall be celebrated on the following Monday, provided that the Friday or Monday is a nationally observed holiday and further provided that the schools are closed.
4. Their attendance shall not be required whenever student attendance is not required due to inclement weather.
E. As it applies to 12 month secretaries and clerks:
1. All twelve (12) month secretaries and clerks shall be entitled to vacation days with pay and to utilize them in the contract year following the one in which the vacation days were earned according to the schedule set forth in this Article. Legal holidays shall not be counted as vacation days if they fall during an employee's vacation as scheduled under this Article.
2. Vacation days shall be earned on a fiscal year basis, July 1st to June 30th of each year.
3. Written requests for vacation to be taken during July and August shall be submitted to the division head no later than June 1st and Administration shall respond to said requests within two weeks. Written requests for vacations to be taken at times other than July and August shall be submitted to the division head two weeks prior to the start of the proposed vacation. In considering approval of all vacation requests, the division heads shall take into consideration the needs of the school or the district. Once a vacation schedule has been approved, it may not be changed except in the case of an emergency.
4. Any new 12 month secretary or clerk hired between July 1st and the succeeding January 1st of any calendar year shall be considered to have completed the necessary time to earn two (2) weeks vacation, and any 12 month secretary or clerk hired after January 1st, shall earn one (1) vacation day for each full month of employment between January 1st and June 30th.
5. Twelve (12) month secretaries and clerks shall earn the following vacation time:
a. Upon completion of one (1) full year of service (or such service as will qualify said secretary or clerk for two weeks vacation in accordance with Subparagraph E(4) above) through completion of ten (10) years service - two (2) weeks.
b. Upon completion of eleven (11) years of service through completion of nineteenth (19th) year of service - three (3) weeks.
c. Upon completion of twenty (20) years of service - and thereafter - four (4) weeks.
A. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
Personnel shall indicate their presence for duty by placing their initials in the appropriate column of the facility sign-in/out roster located in the Faculty Lounge or other conveniently located area or areas to be agreed upon in advance by the Association and the appropriate division head.
B. As it applies to teachers:
1. Teachers (except Technical Institute Division Teachers) shall be required to report to their scheduled assignment no later than 7:30 A.M. and shall not be required to remain beyond 2:40 P.M. at the Gloucester Township Campus and no later than 7:34 A.M. and shall not be required to remain beyond 2:44 P.M. at the Pennsauken Campus. The extra period before school shall begin 45 minutes prior to the opening of school and end 3 minutes before the opening of school. The extra period after school shall begin 3 minutes after the close of school and 42 minutes thereafter. The said hours for Technical Institute Division Teachers shall be 8:04 A.M. to 3:14 P.M. Teachers that teach in both the High School and Technical Institute Divisions shall follow the time specified above for “Teachers.” Those teachers who have morning hall duty or parking lot duty shall report and be at their duty station at 7:15 A.M. and those Teachers who conduct detention shall not be required to stay beyond 3:01 P.M. Teachers on affiliation with area hospitals or clinics shall, at the request of the hospital or clinic commence work at the time the employees of the hospital or clinic commence work for the day shift; provided, that the length of the teacher’s school day shall be as otherwise established in this Agreement.
2. Academic subject teachers shall have two (2) preparation periods per day. Every effort shall be made to grant related subject teachers two (2) preparation periods per day. Shop teachers shall have an average of two and one-half (2 ½) preparation periods per week as scheduling shall permit (such as, 2 periods in week one and 3 periods in week two). Effective in the 2002-03 school year, shop teachers shall have three (3) preparation periods per week and effective in the 2003-04 school year, shop teachers shall have four (4) preparation period per week.
3. Every effort shall be made to assign classroom teachers so that they will not be required to change buildings more than two times during the day and classroom stations not more than three times during the school day.
4. The President of the Association shall be released from non-teaching duties provided that the President’s preparation time shall not be used for Association business and further provided that other members of the Association are to be assigned the non-teaching duties ordinarily assigned to the President of the Association.
5. In the event a Board of Education meeting is scheduled during the school day, the President or his designee shall be permitted to attend said meeting. Any coverage cost required for teaching classes shall be paid directly to the teacher by the Association in accordance with Article VI A.5(a).
C. As it applies to 10 month clerks and 12 month secretaries/clerks:
1. Between the date of September 1st and June 30th the regularly scheduled work day for 10 month clerks/12 month clerks/secretaries shall commence between 7:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. and shall be eight (8) hours including lunch. Between the days of July 1st and August 31st, the said clerks/secretaries work day shall commence no later than 9:00 A.M. and end no later than 4:00 P.M. and shall be seven (7) hours including lunch. The starting time of said 12 month clerks/secretaries work day shall be determined by the Superintendent or his designee, providing that notice for the starting time between the days of July 1st and August 31st shall be given two weeks prior to July 1st. In the event the regularly scheduled work day of an employee commences at 9:00 A.M. and ends at 5:00 P.M.; said employee (or if there is more than one employee in the building – the group of employees) shall be provided with one low-frequency radio communication device for the period 4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. daily.
2. During the school year, when students are present, all secretarial/clerical unit employees will take lunch for forty-two (42) minutes. On those occasions when secretaries/clerks are required to be present, but no students are present, the lunch period for all said unit employees will be one hour.
D. As it applies to 10 month technicians:
1. Technicians shall work 7 ¾ hours per day and shall report no earlier than 7:00 A.M. and work no later than 3:15 P.M. The start time and end time of the said technicians work day shall be determined by the Superintendent or his designee.
2. Each technician shall have one duty free lunch period per day which shall be the same length of time as the lunch periods for the students at each campus.
E. As it applies to teachers:
1. Permission for absence from campus even for a short period or during the duty free lunch period must be secured in advance of departure from the division head or his appointed representative. Teachers shall sign out on departure and sign in on return.
As it applies to unit employees:
1. Unit employees shall be permitted to leave the campus during their duty free lunch period provided they sign out and sign in pursuant to subsection A above.
F. As it applies to teachers:
1. Except in the case of emergency, meetings which take place after the regular in-school work day and which require attendance shall not be called on Fridays or on any other day immediately preceding any holiday, or other day upon which teacher attendance is not required at school. Teachers shall be given a minimum of 24 hours notice of such meetings and such meetings shall last no longer than one hour. If a faculty meeting is to be scheduled for a Monday, then notice shall be given at least two (2) working days prior to such meeting.
G. As it applies to teachers:
1. Teachers shall be required by the Administration to attend no more than two (2) evening assignments or meetings during a school year that involve the entire faculty. If more than two such meetings are required that involve the entire faculty, then the Board shall pay compensation at the beginning rate provided teachers in the evening school.
As it applies to unit employees:
1. Unit employees shall be required by the Administration to attend no more than two (2) evening assignments or meetings during a school year that involve the entire faculty. Said assignments or meetings shall be attended on a rotating basis as assigned by the division head. If more than two such meetings are required that involve the entire faculty, then the Board shall provide compensation at the beginning hourly rate for secretaries in the evening school.
H. As it applies to teachers:
Each teacher shall have one duty free lunch period per day which shall be the same length of time as the lunch periods for students at each campus.
I. As it applies to teachers:
“Hands On” tasks at both campuses shall be governed by the curriculum and be accomplished within the normal school day.
J. As it applies to teachers:
The Board of Education shall assign teachers to supervise students working on external co-op based on need. These teachers shall be designated as co-op teachers. The co-op teacher shall be provided release time from instructional duties during the time needed to travel; to the site(s) and supervise. The classes of the co-op teacher shall be covered by another teacher assigned by the Board who shall be paid at the appropriate per period rate as established in Article VI A.5(a). The co-op teacher shall also be paid at the appropriate hourly rate established on Schedule B for summer school and homebound teachers for any time needed for such supervision that extends beyond the end of the teacher’s normal work day (2:40 P.M., 2:44 P.M. or 3:14 P.M. as stipulated in Paragraph B-1 above)
A. As it applies to teachers:
1. Parking lot duty before school, parking lot duty after school, hall supervision before school and detention duty at Gloucester Township and Pennsauken Campus are recognized as necessary supervisory functions. No teachers shall be assigned a second duty unless every teacher has been assigned at least one of the above duties, subject to Paragraph 2 below. Any teacher who is assigned a non-teaching duty before or after school for two semesters in the same school year shall receive compensation at the rate of $8.00 per day for the 2001-02 school year; $9.00 per day for the 2002-03 school year; and $10.00 per day for the 2003-04 school year for each day worked in the second semester.
2. Shop teachers that teach morning and afternoon shop shall have no duties as defined in Paragraph 1 above. Shop teachers that teach either a morning or afternoon shop shall be included in the pool of teachers available for duty assignments.
3. Cafeteria and related duties shall be assigned in place of a regularly assigned class, except licensed practical nursing teachers shall not be assigned cafeteria and related duties.
4. Duty assignments shall be rotated amongst the staff every three (3) marking periods at both campuses, the administration shall seek volunteers and endeavor to fill assignments according to teacher preference; provided however, the administration shall have discretion in by-passing a volunteer for a particular assignment.
B. The above provisions shall not apply to non-teaching librarians, school nurses and licensed practical nurse program director.
A. As it applies to teachers:
1. All teachers shall be given written notice of their class, subject, building and room assignment for the forthcoming year not later than August 25th. The Board shall have the right to make changes after August 25th because of student enrollment changes, student course changes and unforeseen circumstances. A list of said schedules and assignments shall be available for inspection by the Association in the office of the appropriate division head beginning not later than August 25th.
2. All vacancies for non-teaching professional personnel positions shall be filed pursuant to the following:
a. Such vacancies shall be publicized through the posting of a notice in each school and the forwarding of the same notice to the Association.
1. Such notice shall be posted as far in advance of the date of filling the vacancy as possible and in no event less than seven (7) days in advance of filling the vacancy.
b. Said notice of vacancy shall clearly set forth the job description, the minimum qualifications, the rate of compensation, and last date for filing applications. Vacancies shall be filled on the basis of qualifications as posted.
c. Teachers who desire to apply for such vacancies shall file application in writing with the office of the Superintendent within the time limits specified in the notice.
3. Teachers who desire a change in grade, and/or subject, division, or campus assignment will file a written statement of such request with the appropriate division head(s). Such statement shall include the grade and/or subject to which the teacher desires to be assigned. Such requests for transfer and/or reassignment or the following year shall be submitted no later than April 1.
B. As it applies to unit employees as described below:
1. All technicians, except Chapter I technicians, shall be given written notice of their tentative assignments for the coming year not later than August 25th. Chapter I technicians shall be given written notice of their tentative campus assignments by said date.
2. All vacancies for unit employee positions shall be filled pursuant to the following:
a. Such vacancies shall be publicized through the posting of a notice in each school and the forwarding of the same notice to the Association.
1. Such notice shall be posted as far in advance of the date of filling the vacancy as possible and in no event less than seven (7) calendar days in advance of filling the vacancy.
b. Said notice of vacancy shall clearly set forth the job description, the minimum qualifications, the rate of compensation, and the last day for filing applications. Vacancies shall be filled on the basis of the qualifications as posted.
c. Unit employees who desire to apply for such vacancies shall file applications in writing at the place specified within the time limits specified in the notice.
3. Unit employees who desire a change in division, or campus assignment shall file a written statement of such request with the appropriate division head(s). Such statement shall include the division and/or campus to which the unit employee member desires to be assigned. Such requests for transfer and/or reassignment for the following year shall be submitted no later than April 1.
4. In the event of the long term absence (2 weeks or more) of a secretarial/clerical employee, the division head or an Assistant Superintendent may recommend to the Superintendent that coverage for the absent secretarial/clerical employee be provided by another secretarial/clerical employee. If the Superintendent approves the recommendation, the secretarial/clerical employee providing coverage will be additionally compensated at a rate of $28.00 per day for the 2000-01 school year; $30.00 per day for the 2002-03 school year; and $32.00 per day for the 2003-04 school year, provided the absent secretarial/clerical employee is employed in a higher salaried classification than the secretarial/clerical employee providing coverage.
A. As it applies to teachers:
1. Formal observations of the work performance of teachers shall be conducted in accordance with the following standards:
a. Tenured teachers shall be observed a minimum of two (2) times per school year.
b. Each non-tenured teacher shall be observed a minimum of four (4) times per school year.
c. At least one (1) observation shall be conducted by the appropriate division head or his designated representative.
d. At least three (3) of the above observations shall be completed prior to the Winter Recess. The division head or his designated representative shall have completed at least one (1) evaluation prior to the Winter Recess. The appropriate supervisor shall have completed at least two (2) evaluations prior to the Winter Recess.
e. All required observations shall be completed prior to April 1. Teachers may also be observed after April 1.
f. Such observations shall occur in the classroom or shop for a minimum of one (1) class period. A class period is defined as that time lapse between class period bells, provided, the observation time does not necessarily have to coincide with said bells.
a. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of a teacher shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher. Electronic devices may be used with the consent of the teacher. Any tape or film record so resulting shall be destroyed upon the request of the teacher.
b. Before any observation or evaluation report is finalized, such report shall be discussed at a conference of the teacher and the observer. After the completion of this conference, the report will be finalized and a copy of the report given to the teacher who shall acknowledge receipt of same.
c. Results of standardized tests used for evaluating students shall not be the sole indicator of pupil progress to evaluate teacher performance.
3. All instruments used in evaluating the work performance of teachers shall stress the positive aspects of observation and evaluation, shall be constructed in a manner which will help the teacher instruct students more effectively, and shall also be used as a part of the total administrative evaluation procedures in making determinations on continued employment.
B. As it applies to unit employees:
1. Formal evaluations of the work performance of unit employees shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedures:
a. Each unit employee shall be evaluated at least one (1) time during the work year by his/her immediate supervisor or by an evaluator designated by the Superintendent.
b. A written evaluation report shall be furnished to the employee within ten (10) working days. The unit employee shall sign and return same and may append his comments thereto.
c. Any unit employee who receives an unsatisfactory evaluation shall be afforded a post-evaluation conference with the evaluator for the purpose of discussing the evaluation.
2. All instruments used in evaluating the work performance of a unit employee shall stress the positive aspect of the evaluation, and shall be constructed in such a manner which will help the unit employee.
C. As it applies to teachers/technicians:
1. Coaches shall be observed a minimum of one (1) time per sport season and co-curricular advisors shall be observed a minimum of one (1) time per year.
2. All monitoring of observation of the work performance of a coach or co-curricular advisor shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the individual involved.
3. Before any observation or evaluation report is finalized, such report shall be discussed at a conference of the coach/co-curricular advisor and the observer. After the completion of this conference, the report will be finalized and a copy of the report given to the coach/co-curricular advisor, who shall acknowledge receipt of same.
A. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:27-10, the Board shall give to each non-tenured teacher/unit employee continuously employed since the preceding September 30th either:
a. A written offer of a contract for employment for the next succeeding year providing for at least the same terms and conditions of employment but with such increases in salary and benefits as may be required by law or agreement between the Board and the Association, or
b. A written notice from the chief school administrator that such employment shall not be offered.
2. If the Board or the chief school administrator fails to act in accordance with A.1.a. or A.1.b. above, the Board will be deemed to have offered to the teacher/unit employee continued employment for the next succeeding year.
3. If the teacher/unit employee desires to accept such employment, the teacher/unit employee shall notify the Board of such acceptance in writing in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:27-10.
B. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. In the event a non-tenured teacher/unit employee receives notice of non-reemployment, the following procedures may be utilized:
a. The teacher/unit employee may make a request for reasons for non-reemployment within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of notice of non-reemployment.
b. The Board shall respond with a written statement of the reasons within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the request.
c. The teacher/unit employee may request an informal appearance before the Board within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the Board’s statement.
d. The Board shall schedule the informal appearance within thirty (30) calendar days of the teacher’s/unit employee’s receipt of the statement of reasons.
e. The Board shall make a final determination within three (3) calendar days following the informal appearance.
C. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. The granting of any salary increment and/or adjustment as set forth on the salary schedule or schedules shall not be deemed to be automatic. The Superintendent of Schools shall have the authority to recommend to the Board of Education the withholding of any salary increment or adjustment for inefficiency or other good cause. The Board of Education may then withhold said salary increment or adjustment in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:29-14, as it may, from time to time, be amended and supplemented.
D. The provisions of this Article shall be exempt from arbitration as provided in this Agreement in Article XVII, Grievance Procedures.
A. As it applies to employees as designated below:
1. All ten (10) month teachers/technicians/clerks shall be entitled to ten (10) sick leave days each school year as of the first official day of said school year whether or not they report for duty on that day. All twelve (12) month secretaries/clerks shall be entitled to twelve (12) sick leave days beginning July 1st. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit. This accumulated sick leave shall be available for use as sick leave in subsequent years.
2. In order to obtain sick leave, a physician’s certificate may be required. Request for same shall be made by the Assistant Superintendent. It shall be filed with the Board Secretary upon return to work from sick leave. (N.J.S.A. 18A:30-4)
3. Teachers/unit employees shall be given a written accounting of accumulated sick leave days no later than October 30th of each school year.
As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
A. Teachers and unit employees shall make every effort to notify their immediate superior of their impending late arrival for work.
B. Requests for approval of an early departure shall be made to the Division Head on or before 9:00 a.m. on the day of departure on a form entitled “Request for Late Arrival/Early Departure” (in triplicate) which shall contain the reason therefor. The requesting employee shall be notified prior to the end of the fourth period of the day the request has been made. If the request is denied, the specific reason therefore shall be stated on the request form. The only exception to the above notification shall be an extreme emergency or sudden illness in which case the form shall be completed upon the employee’s return to work. In such a situation, the request shall be made orally through the appropriate division head’s office and there shall be a response within 10 minutes. Copies of the request shall be distributed to the employee, employee’s file and central office.
Employee shall follow the appropriate sign in/out procedures for their division when arriving late or departing early.
C. Definitions
1. Lateness to Work:
Four (4) occasional lateness to work annually, before second (2nd) period, shall be charged as a half (½) day absence. Lateness to work shall include teachers who are late for before school duty. Each group of four (4) latenesses shall be considered to tally a half (½) day absence.*
2. Leaving Work Early:
Four (4) occasional leaving work early annually, after eighth (8th) period shall be charged as a half (½) day absence. Each group of four (4) occasional leaving work early shall be considered to tally a half (½) day absence.*
* Any combination of lateness to work or leaving work early that when added together equals four (4) shall constitute a half (½) day absence.
3. Half Day Absence:
Arrival to school in the morning, after second (2nd) period, but before the end of fourth (4th) period shall be charged as a half (½) day absence.
Request for half (½) day absence in the morning shall require the presence of the individual at the beginning of their sixth (6th) period assignment on the day of absence.
Request for half (½) day absence in the afternoon shall begin at the end of fourth (4th) period on the day of absence.
4. Full Day Absence:
Arrival to work after the beginning of sixth (6th) period shall be charged as a full day absence.
D. Record Keeping
1. Record keeping for occasional lateness and leaving work early will be maintained by the division head. The data will be reported to the Assistant Superintendent for entry into employee’s attendance record. When the employee accumulates four (4) days of lateness to work or four (4) days leaving work early or a combination thereof, the employee shall be charged with a half (½) day absence on the accumulated fourth (4th) day for each group of absences. These days shall be subtracted from personal days or, if none exist, from salary.
2. Other situations that occur beyond the scope of the above items shall be dealt with on an individual basis at the discretion of the Division Head and in accordance with the current labor agreement.
A. As applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. Absence without salary deduction shall be allowed in the amount of up to five (5) days due to death in the family. Family is defined as a parent, child and spouse. Any person living in the teacher/unit employee’s household shall also be included as family.
2. Absence without salary deduction shall be allowed for three (3) days in any one school year provided that the need for such days is to perform personal business. Personal business shall be defined to include the observance of religious holidays. Except in the case of an extreme emergency, such days may not be taken on the day immediately before or after a school holiday. Any personal days not utilized in a school year shall accumulate as sick leave pursuant to Article XIII A(1) as of July 1st of the succeeding school year.
3. Absence without salary deduction shall be allowed for a required appearance in a court of law or before an administrative agency, provided the teacher/unit employee is not a defendant in a criminal action, and provided further that the appearance does not involve an adversary action between the Board and the teacher/unit employee, except as otherwise provided in N.J.S.A. 18A:16-6.1 under the terms of which expenses of hearing shall be construed to include salary.
If the appearance in a court of law is for required jury duty, the employee shall present court documented proof of service upon return to work.
B. PROCEDURE - As applies to teachers/unit employees.
1. Temporary leave - a request for approval of all absences will be made at least two days in advance of the expected absence on the form entitled “Request for Temporary Leave.” No reason shall be stated on the form provided. The request will be made in triplicate. One copy will be returned to the staff member making the request, signed by the division head. One copy will be placed in the staff member’s file and one copy will be sent to the central office.
2. The only exception to the two day advance notification shall be an extreme emergency or sudden illness. In that event, the employee shall indicate the reason for the emergent situation. If the situation prevents the employee from completing the request form at the time of the emergency he/she shall do so immediately upon return to school.
3. Upon returning from any absence, the teacher/unit employee will fill out a scannable form entitled “Absence Form.” The teacher/unit employee will follow the directions printed on the form, sign the form and turn it into the office of the Division Head. This form will be in triplicate. A copy will be placed in the teacher/unit employee’s file, one sent to the office of Personnel and Technology, and another returned to the teacher/unit employee. If a physician’s certificate is required under the provisions of Article XIII A(2) it shall be placed in the teacher/unit employee’s file.
C. CALL-IN - As applies to employees designated below:
1. Teachers must call the answering service by 6:00 a.m. when a full day’s absence is required due to sudden illness or extreme emergency. This shall not apply on days when the teacher must leave school early due to illness or extreme emergency.
a. Half day personal and half day sick leaves shall be covered from within.
b. The board shall assume responsibility for getting substitutes to cover classes resulting from an approved field trip or school business day.
2. Technicians must call the answering service by 6:00 a.m. when a full day’s absence is required due to sudden illness or extreme emergency. This shall not apply on days when the technician must leave school early due to illness or extreme emergency.
3. Secretaries/clerks must call the appropriate office no later than 7:30 a.m. when an absence is required due to sudden illness or extreme emergency.
D. Emergencies occurring in transit to school shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Division Head and the Division Head shall have the authority to waive the requirements of the 6:00 a.m. or 7:30 a.m. call-in.
A. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. Military leave without pay shall be granted to any teacher/unit employee who is inducted in any branch of the armed forces of the United States for the period of said service.
B. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. Extended Disability Leave
a. Due to a medical disability, a teacher/unit employee shall be granted an extended leave of absence without pay (subject to paragraph e hereof) if any one of the following conditions exists:
1. a notable and substantial decrease in teacher/unit employee performance or
2. the production of a certification from a medical doctor that the teacher/unit employee is medically unable to continue to work.
b. The Board shall have the right to have such a teacher/unit employee examined by its own physician and in the event of a disagreement between the Board’s physician and the teacher/unit employee’s physician on such ability or disability, the question shall be referred to a third physician designated by mutual agreement of the teacher/unit employee and the Board, or, if no such agreement can be reached, by the Camden County Medical Society, for final and binding resolution. The expense of the third physician shall be paid by the Board.
c. During the period of the teacher/unit employee’s personal medical disability, accumulated sick leave benefits in accordance with Article XIII above shall be paid until such benefits are exhausted or the personal medical disability has terminated.
d. When the seeking of an extended leave of absence for medical disability can be anticipated, a teacher/unit employee shall file a written request for such leave with the Superintendent or his designee at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the anticipated date on which said leave is to commence. The request shall specify therein the date upon which, subject to medical confirmation, the teacher/unit employee proposes to return. Upon termination of the medical disability, the teacher/unit employee shall return to work, resign, retire or apply for other leave. In the event of disagreement, the date of termination shall be established as set forth in paragraph b above.
e. Application for extended medical disability shall not be granted beyond June 30th of the current school year. In the event a teacher/unit employee wishes to continue on extended medical disability for all or part of the ensuing school year, an application for such status shall be made during the month of June accompanied by appropriate medical certification and shall be granted by the Board. In the event the continued extended medical disability is for part of the ensuing school year and there is a change in the teacher/unit employee’s medical status during the school year, the Board shall, upon submission of an additional application and appropriate medical certification, make changes in said leave. In the event of a question concerning the certification, it shall be resolved in accordance with paragraph b above.
C. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. Upon completion of a disability leave, in accordance with paragraph B above, a teacher/unit employee may make application to the Board for an unpaid child rearing leave of absence. Upon application, said leave shall be granted by the Board for a period not to extend beyond the end of the contract year in which the leave is requested to commence for non-tenured teachers/unit employees and shall not extend beyond the beginning of the second July 1st from the date on which said leave is to commence for tenured secretaries and clerks and beyond the second September 1st for tenured teachers. For technicians (who do not acquire tenure) said leave shall not extend beyond the beginning of the second July 1st from the date on which said leave is to commence for those technicians who have been employed for any one of the time periods as delineated in N.J.S.A. 18A:28-5. The date of the requested return by the teacher/unit employee may be adjusted by the Board in its discretion to commence in January, July or September following the end of the requested leave.
D. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted at the discretion of the Board.
2. All extensions or renewals of leaves shall be applied for and responded to in writing.
A. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. A “grievance” is a claim by a teacher/unit employee or the Association based upon the interpretation, application, or violation of a term or terms of this Agreement affecting a teacher/unit employee or a group of teachers/unit employees.
2. A “grievant” is a person or persons or the Association making the claim.
3. A “party in interest” is the person or persons making the claim and any person, including the Association or the Board, who might be required to take action or against whom action might be taken in order to resolve the claim.
B. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. The purpose of this procedure is to secure at the lowest possible level, equitable solutions to the grievances which may from time to time arise affecting teachers/unit employees. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedures, and it is intended by the parties that, if appropriate, discussions be held in an attempt to resolve the grievance.
C. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. The number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement.
2. Discussion - A teacher/unit employee with a grievance shall first discuss it with the division head either directly or through the Association’s designated representative, with the objective of resolving the matter informally.
3. Level One - If the grievance is not resolved or if no response is made within five (5) work days after the discussion outlined above, the grievant may submit the grievance to the division head in writing. The division head shall respond in writing within ten (10) work days.
4. Level Two - If the grievance is not resolved or if no written response is received from the division head in the allotted time, the grievant may within ten (10) work days of the answer or expiration of the allotted time submit the grievance in writing to the Superintendent of Schools.*
* Wherever Superintendent of Schools is mentioned, it shall mean the Superintendent or his designee.
5. Level Three - If the grievance is not resolved or if the Superintendent does not respond in writing within ten (10) work days from the receipt of the grievance, the grievant may within ten (10) work days of the answer or expiration of the allotted time submit the grievance in writing to the Board of Education.
6. Level Four - If the grievance is not resolved or if no written response is received from the Board within forty-five (45) calendar days the Association only may within fifteen (15) work days of the answer or expiration of the allotted time submit the grievance to arbitration under the Voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules of PERC.
7. Level Five -
a. The arbitrator selected shall confer with the representatives of the Board and the Association and hold hearings promptly and shall issue his decision. The arbitrator's decision shall be in writing and shall set forth his/her findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on the issues submitted. The arbitrator shall be without power or authority to make any decision which requires the commission of an act prohibited by law or which is violative of the terms of this Agreement. The decision of the arbitrator shall be submitted to the Board and the Association and shall be final and binding on the parties.
b. In reaching a decision, the arbitrator shall be limited to the issues submitted and shall consider no other issues. The arbitrator shall neither add anything to nor subtract anything from this Agreement.
c. The arbitrator shall not have the jurisdiction to determine the arbitrability of issues before him but rather such issues shall be determined by the appropriate administrative agency, quasi-judicial body, except that the arbitrator shall have jurisdiction to determine whether or not the parties in interest have met the time limitations imposed by the grievance procedure.
d. The following matters shall not be arbitrable:
1. The termination of or non-renewal of a contract of a non-tenured teacher/unit employee.
2. Any allegation that the Board has violated a right conferred upon a teacher/unit employee, or a duty upon the Board by any administrative agency, court decision or the Laws of the State of New Jersey or the United States of America, where a method of review is available under the rules and regulations of said administrative agency or under or through a quasi-judicial or judicial body by virtue of a court decision or the Laws of the State of New Jersey or the United States of America.
3. Any alleged violation of a teacher's/unit employees' rights where the relief demanded by the teacher/unit employee is the payment of money damages for alleged wrongful discharge or the reinstatement of employment.
8. The costs for the services of the arbitrator, including per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel, subsistence expenses and the cost of the hearing room shall be borne equally by the Board and the Association. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring same.
D. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. All documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed in a separate grievance file and shall not be kept in the personnel file of any of the participants.
2. No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by the Board or by any member of the administration against any party in interest, any representative, any member of the Association, or any other participant in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
3. If, in the judgment of the Association, a grievance affects a group or class of teachers/unit employees, the Association may submit such grievance in writing to the Superintendent directly and the processing of such grievance shall be commenced at Level Two.
4. All meetings and hearings under this procedure, shall not be conducted in public and shall include only witnesses, parties in interest and their designated or selected representatives.
E. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. To be considered timely under this procedure, a grievance must be filed within thirty (30) work days from the occurrence which caused the grievance or from the time the grievant should reasonably have known of the occurrence.
A. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. Whenever a teacher/unit employee becomes aware of a condition which the teacher/unit employee feels may be, or has the potential of being a hazard to the safety, health or welfare of the teacher/unit employee, the students, the property of either, or of the school, the teacher/unit employee shall report that condition to the division head or to the appropriate person. The condition shall be promptly investigated and if not corrected, the result of the investigation will be reported to the teacher/unit employee.
B. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. As specified in 18A:6-1, a teacher/unit employee may, within the scope of his employment, use and apply such amount of force as is reasonable and necessary to quell a disturbance threatening physical injury to others; to obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects upon the person or within the control of the pupil for the purpose of self-defense; and for the protection of persons or property.
C. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. Teachers/unit employees shall immediately report cases of assault suffered by them in connection with their employment to their division head in writing.
2. Such notification shall be immediately forwarded to the Superintendent who shall comply with any reasonable request from the teacher/unit employee for information in the possession of the Superintendent relating to the incident or the persons involved, and shall act in an appropriate way as liaison between the teacher/unit employee, the police and the courts.
D. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. The Board shall review any claims (after receiving such certification as it shall request) on a case-by-case basis, made by teachers/unit employees for damages to their personal property arising out of and in the course of the performance of their duties as teachers/unit employees, and shall pay all or such part of such claims, not reimbursed to the teacher by the Board’s workers’ compensation carrier, as the Board in its absolute discretion shall deem appropriate. In no event shall such payment exceed $169.00 for the 2001-02 school year; $178.00 for the 2002-03 school year; and $187.00 for the 2003-04 school year.
A. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. The Board of Education agrees to deduct from the salaries of teachers/unit employees, who authorize such deduction dues for the Cam/Voc Education Association and its county, state and national affiliate organizations.
2. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with N.J.S.A. 52:14-15.95 and with rules established by the New Jersey Department of Education.
3. A check for the appropriate amount of such deductions made shall be transmitted to a person designated by the Association on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month following the month in which the deduction is made.
B. As it applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. Each teacher/unit employee may individually elect to have a specified amount of his monthly salary deducted from his pay and deposited in one agency mutually agreed upon by the parties; provided that said specified amount does not equal one hundred percent (100%) of said disposable salary.
A. The Board shall pay the prevailing graduate rate per credit hour at Rowan University for no more than six (6) credit hours per teacher per school year. In order to assure reimbursement, teachers must complete and submit the form titled “Prior Approval of Course for Tuition Reimbursement” to the Superintendent for approval before beginning the course. Approval by the Superintendent will be in accordance with the criteria listed below.
1. This Article shall not apply to any teacher who holds an emergency or provisional certificate in his subject area of teaching assignment.
2. Expenses to be reimbursable to the teacher upon successful completion of course.
3. Courses taken must be in the teacher’s subject area of teaching assignment.
4. Courses must be taken at a college accredited for certification by the New Jersey State Department of Education.
5. The total expense to the Board for all teachers shall not exceed $13,248.00 for the 2001-02 school year; $13,911.00 for the 2002-03 school year; and $14,607.00 for the 2003-04 school year.
B. The Board of Education shall pay the tuition, fees and related expenses for any shop teacher or unit employee to attend workshops or seminars provided the prior approval of the Superintendent and the Board of Education is received. The request shall identify the workshop/seminar and indicate the detailed, anticipated related expenses in addition to the precise fees and tuition. Receipts for all expenses (except mileage) must be submitted.
A. Purpose of Fee
If a unit member does not become a member of the Association during any membership year, during the duration of the term of the most current contract, which is covered in whole or part by this Agreement, said unit member will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for the membership year. The purpose of this fee will be to offset the unit member’s per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representative. Any public unit member who pays a representation fee in lieu of dues shall have the right to demand and receive from the majority representative, under the proceedings established and maintained in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 477 P.L. 1979, N.J.S.A., “a return of any part of that fee paid by him which represents the unit member’s additional pro-rata share of expenditures by the majority representative that is either in aid of activities or causes of a partisan political or ideological nature only incidentally related to the terms and conditions of employment or applied toward the cost of any other benefits available only to members of the majority representative.”
B. Notification of Fee
Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the Board, in writing, of the amount of the regular membership dues, initiation fee and assessments charged by the Association to its own members for the membership year. The representation fee to be paid by non-members shall be determined pursuant to law by statute.
C. Deduction and Transmission of Fee
1. Notification
Once during each membership year, covered in whole or part by this Agreement, the Association will submit to the Board a list of those eligible employees who have not become members of the Association for the then current membership year. The Board will deduct from the salaries of such employees, in accordance with paragraph 2 below, the full amount of the representation fee and promptly will transmit the amount so deducted to the Association.
2. Payroll Deduction Schedule
The Board will deduct from salaries of the employees referred to in Section C Paragraph 1 the full amount of the yearly representation fee in equal installments beginning with the first paycheck in February and will promptly transmit this fee to NJEA.
3. Termination of Employment
If a unit member who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his/her employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is entitled under this Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said unit member during the membership year in question.
D. Mechanics
1. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the mechanics for the deduction of representation fee and the transmission of such fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for deduction and transmission of the regular membership dues to the Association.
2. Changes in the list provided for in paragraph C-1 will be in accordance with the present APD dues deduction procedures.
E. New Unit Members
1. On or about the last day of each month, beginning with the month this Agreement becomes effective, the Board will submit to the Association, a list of all unit members who began their employment in a bargaining unit position during the preceding 30-day period. The list will include names, job titles and dates of employment for all such unit members.
2. The date of employment will have said to begun when the unit member is placed on the payroll and not the date when the Board approves his/her employment.
F. Liability
1. The Board gives the Association 30 days’ notice in writing of any claim, demand, suit or other form of liability in regard to which it will seek to implement this paragraph; and
2. If the Association so requests, in writing, the Board will surrender to it full responsibility for the defense of such claim, demand, suit or other form of liability and will cooperate fully with the Association in gathering evidence, securing witnesses, and in other aspects of said defense.
A. As applies to teachers/unit employees:
1. The Board and the Association agree that there shall be no discrimination, and that all practices, procedures, and policies of the school system shall clearly exemplify that there is no discrimination in the hiring, training, assignment, promotion, transfer, or discipline of teachers/unit employees or in the application or administration of this Agreement on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, domicile or marital status.
2. This Agreement constitutes Board policy for the term of said Agreement, and the Board and Association shall carry out the commitments contained herein and give them full force and effect.
3. Management Rights - Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Board reserves all rights and functions vested in it pursuant to applicable laws and regulations and such other functions as are normally and customarily exercised by Boards of Education in the management of the school district.
4. Proposed new rules or modifications of existing rules governing working conditions shall be negotiated with the Association before they are established.
5. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid or subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
6. Any individual contract between the Board and an individual teacher/unit employee, heretofore or hereafter executed, shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement, during its duration shall be controlling.
7. Individual employment contracts shall be in the form as attached hereto and made a part hereof as Schedule C.
8. Whenever any notice is required to be given by either of the parties to this Agreement to the other, pursuant to the provision(s) of this Agreement, either party shall do so by letter at the following address:
a. If by Association to the Board of Education:
Camden County Technical Schools
(Superintendent’s Name)
343 Berlin Cross Keys Road
Sicklerville, New Jersey 08081-4000
b. If by Board of Education to the Association:
Cam/Voc Education Association
(President’s Name)
(At school President is assigned)
1. This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2001, and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2004.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Association and the Board of Education have caused this Agreement to be executed by its President and Board Secretary this
day of , 2002.
By:___________________________ By:__________________________
Andy Alfano, Acting President Louis Bezich, President
By:___________________________ By:__________________________
Charene Scheeper, Rec./Cores. Sec. Gary Bennett, Secretary
1. Everyone moves up a step each year – effective on the date indicated on the individual guides.
2. A person on step 13 as of July of each year remains on step 13.
3. Column A= Academic Bachelor Degree
Shop/Related Emergency (Provisional) Certificate
Column B= Academic Bachelor Degree plus 15 credits
Shop/Related Permanent Certificate
Column C= Academic Masters Degree
Shop/Related Bachelor Degree
Column D= Academic Masters Degree plus 15 credits
Shop/Related Bachelor Degree plus 15 credits
Column E= Academic Masters Degree plus 30 credits
Shop/Related Masters Degree
Column F= Academic Masters Degree plus 60 credits
Shop/Related Masters Degree plus 15 credits
4. Courses taken for column advance on the salary guide for academic teachers must be courses that will qualify for an advanced degree, a post-baccalaureate certificate, or additional teaching certification.
Such courses taken by a shop or related teacher must be courses that will qualify for full certification, a bachelor's degree or an advanced degree.
All courses taken by any teacher shall be taken at a college or university accredited for certification by the New Jersey State Department of Education; a copy of the program approved by the New Jersey State Department of Education or the institution involved shall be provided; and shall be verified by an official transcript from the institution.
Column advance shall be credited pro rata from the time of course completion. The information specified in Paragraph 3 above together with an application form for salary advancement must be presented to the Superintendent within 90 days of course completion. Failure to present the official transcript within said 90 day period shall result in appropriate guide placement the following January 1 or September 1, whichever is applicable.
SCHEDULE A – 2001/05
Conversion Chart
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 04-05
Step |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  | 03-04
Step |  | 1 |
 |  |  |  |  | 02-03
Step |  | 1 | | 2 |
EXP | 00-01
Step |  | 01-02
Step |  | 1 | | 2 | | 3 |
0 | 1 |  | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 |
1 | 2 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 |
2 | 3 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 |
3 | 4 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 |
4 | 5 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 |
5 | 6 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 |
6 | 7 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 |
7 | 8 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 |
8 | 9 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 |
9 | 10 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 |
10 | 11 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | | 10 |
11 | 12 | | 8 | | 9 | | 10 | | 11 |
12-13 | 13 | | 9 | | 10 | | 11 | | 12 |
14-15 | 14 | | 10 | | 11 | | 12 | | 13 |
16-17 | 14A-15 | | 11 | | 12 | | 13 | | 13 |
18-20 | 16 | | 12 | | 13 | | 13 | | 13 |
SCHEDULE A – 2001/05
Conversion Chart
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 04-05
Step |
 |  |  |  |  |  | 03-04
Step |  | 1 |
 |  |  |  | 02-03
Step |  | 1 | | 2 |
 |  | 01-02
Step |  | 1 | | 2 | | 3 |
Step |  | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 |
A-C | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 |
D | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 |
E | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 |
F | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 |
G | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 |
H | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | | 10 |
I | | 8 | | 9 | | 10 | | 11 |
J | | 9 | | 10 | | 11 | | 12 |
K-L | | 10 | | 11 | | 12 | | 13 |
M | | 11 | | 12 | | 13 | | 14 |
N-O | | 12 | | 13 | | 14 | | 15 |
P-Q | | 13 | | 14 | | 15 | | 15 |
R | | 14 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 |
S-T | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 | | 15 |
SCHEDULE A – 2001/05
Conversion Chart
Step |  | 01-02
Step |  | 02-03
Step |  | 03-04
Step |  | 04-05
Step |
A | | A-1 | | A-B-1 | | A-C-1 | | A-D-1 |
B | | B-2 | | C-2 | | D-2 | | E-2 |
C-D | | C-3 | | D-3 | | E-3 | | F-3 |
E | | D-4 | | E-4 | | F-4 | | G-4 |
F | | E-5 | | F-5 | | G-5 | | H-5 |
G | | F-6 | | G-6 | | H-6 | | I-6 |
H | | G-7 | | H-7 | | I-7 | | J-7 |
I | | H-8 | | I-8 | | J-8 | | K-8 |
J | | I-9 | | J-9 | | K-9 | | L-9 |
K | | J-10 | | K-10 | | L-10 | | M-10 |
L | | K-11 | | L-11 | | M-11 | | N-11 |
M-N | | L-12 | | M-12 | | N-12 | | O-12 |
O | | M-13 | | N-13 | | O-13 | | P-13 |
P | | N-14 | | O-14 | | P-14 | | Q-14 |
Q | | O-15 | | P-15 | | Q-15 | | R-15 |
R-S | | P-16 | | Q-16 | | Q-15 | | R-15 |
T | | Q-17 | | Q-16 | | Q-15 | | R-15 |
SCHEDULE A – 2001/02
F |
1 | $35,176 | $35,570 | $35,986 | $36,391 | $36,796 | $37,201 |
2 | $35,426 | $35,831 | $36,036 | $36,441 | $36,846 | $37,251 |
3 | $35,726 | $35,931 | $36,336 | $36,741 | $37,146 | $37,551 |
4 | $36,285 | $36,690 | $37,095 | $37,500 | $37,905 | $38,310 |
5 | $37,540 | $37,945 | $38,350 | $38,755 | $39,160 | $39,565 |
6 | $38,793 | $39,198 | $39,603 | $40,008 | $40,413 | $40,818 |
7 | $41,280 | $41,960 | $42,367 | $42,772 | $43,177 | $43,582 |
8 | $42,831 | $42,962 | $43,641 | $44,046 | $44,451 | $44,856 |
9 | $44,034 | $44,439 | $44,844 | $45,249 | $45,654 | $46,059 |
10 | $47,134 | $47,539 | $47,944 | $48,349 | $48,754 | $49,159 |
11 | $51,934 | $52,339 | $52,744 | $53,149 | $53,554 | $53,959 |
12 | $59,575 | $59,980 | $60,385 | $60,790 | $61,195 | $61,600 |
Salaries effective: 9/1/01
SCHEDULE A – 2002/03
F |
1 | $35,976 | $36,370 | $36,786 | $37,191 | $37,596 | $38,001 |
2 | $36,176 | $36,570 | $36,986 | $37,391 | $37,796 | $38,201 |
3 | $36,426 | $36,831 | $37,036 | $37,441 | $37,846 | $38,251 |
4 | $36,726 | $36,931 | $37,336 | $37,741 | $38,146 | $38,551 |
5 | $37,540 | $37,945 | $38,350 | $38,755 | $39,160 | $39,565 |
6 | $38,840 | $39,245 | $39,650 | $40,055 | $40,460 | $40,865 |
7 | $41,280 | $41,960 | $42,367 | $42,772 | $43,177 | $43,582 |
8 | $42,880 | $43,560 | $43,967 | $44,372 | $44,777 | $45,182 |
9 | $44,431 | $44,562 | $45,241 | $45,646 | $46,051 | $46,456 |
10 | $47,134 | $47,539 | $47,944 | $48,349 | $48,764 | $49,159 |
11 | $51,934 | $52,339 | $52,744 | $53,149 | $53,554 | $53,959 |
12 | $60,575 | $60,980 | $61,385 | $61,790 | $62,195 | $62,600 |
Salaries effective: 9/1/02
SCHEDULE A – 2003/04
F |
1 | $38,540 | $38,945 | $39,350 | $39,755 | $40,160 | $40,565 |
2 | $38,740 | $39,145 | $39,550 | $39,955 | $40,360 | $40,765 |
3 | $38,940 | $39,345 | $39,750 | $40,155 | $40,560 | $40,965 |
4 | $39,140 | $39,545 | $39,950 | $40,355 | $40,760 | $41,165 |
5 | $39,340 | $39,745 | $40,150 | $40,555 | $40,960 | $41,365 |
6 | $39,540 | $39,945 | $40,350 | $40,755 | $41,160 | $41,565 |
7 | $41,280 | $41,960 | $42,367 | $42,772 | $43,177 | $43,582 |
8 | $43,280 | $43,960 | $44,367 | $44,772 | $45,177 | $45,582 |
9 | $44,880 | $45,560 | $45,967 | $46,372 | $46,777 | $47,182 |
10 | $47,134 | $47,539 | $47,944 | $48,349 | $48,764 | $49,159 |
11 | $51,934 | $52,339 | $52,744 | $53,149 | $53,554 | $53,959 |
12 | $55,005 | $55,410 | $55,815 | $56,220 | $56,625 | $57,030 |
13 | $63,075 | $63,480 | $63,885 | $64,290 | $64,695 | $65,100 |
Salaries effective: 9/1/03
SCHEDULE A – 2001-04
2001-2002 - $4,391
2002-2003 - $4,611
2003-2004 - $4,842
SCHEDULE A - 2001/02
Step | Group
III | Group
II | Group
I | Group I
Ten Months |
1 | $22,022 | $19,552 | $18,852 | $15,709 |
2 | $22,222 | $19,752 | $19,052 | $15,876 |
3 | $22,761 | $20,291 | $19,591 | $16,325 |
4 | $23,186 | $20,716 | $20,016 | $16,679 |
5 | $23,533 | $21,063 | $20,363 | $16,969 |
6 | $24,224 | $21,754 | $21,054 | $17,544 |
7 | $24,985 | $22,515 | $21,815 | $18,178 |
8 | $25,866 | $23,396 | $22,696 | $18,913 |
9 | $27,165 | $24,695 | $23,995 | $19,995 |
10 | $27,921 | $25,451 | $24,751 | $20,625 |
11 | $29,619 | $27,149 | $26,449 | $22,040 |
12 | $31,249 | $28,779 | $28,079 | $23,398 |
13 | $31,902 | $29,432 | $28,732 | $23,942 |
14 | $33,947 | $31,477 | $30,777 | $25,647 |
15 | $36,325 | $33,855 | $33,155 | $27,628 |
Group III: Division Head Secretaries
Group II: Secretary Curriculum & Instruction, Assistant Principals’ Secretary, Guidance Secretaries, Child Study Team Secretaries, Adult Education Secretary, Secretary to Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds, Accounting Clerks, Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent, Secretary to the Manager of Administrative Services; Secretary to the Recruitment Coordinator
Group I/12 Month: All 12 Month Clerk/Typists
Group I/10 Month: All 10 Month Clerk/Typists
Salaries effective July 1st or September 1st of the contract year depending on the length of the employment contract.
SCHEDULE A - 2002/03
Step | Group
III | Group
II | Group
I | Group I
Ten Months |
1 | $22,482 | $20,012 | $19,312 | $16,093 |
2 | $22,682 | $20,212 | $19,512 | $16,260 |
3 | $22,882 | $20,412 | $19,712 | $16,426 |
4 | $23,310 | $20,840 | $20,140 | $16,783 |
5 | $23,736 | $21,266 | $20,566 | $17,183 |
6 | $24,354 | $21,884 | $21,184 | $17,653 |
7 | $25,120 | $22,650 | $21,950 | $18,291 |
8 | $26,007 | $23,537 | $22,837 | $19,030 |
9 | $27,314 | $24,844 | $24,144 | $20,119 |
10 | $28,165 | $25,695 | $24,995 | $20,829 |
11 | $29,782 | $27,312 | $26,612 | $22,176 |
12 | $31,421 | $28,951 | $28,251 | $23,542 |
13 | $32,249 | $29,779 | $29,079 | $24,232 |
14 | $34,136 | $31,666 | $30,966 | $25,804 |
15 | $37,350 | $34,880 | $34,180 | $28,482 |
Group III: Division Head Secretaries
Group II: Secretary Curriculum & Instruction, Assistant Principals’ Secretary, Guidance Secretaries, Child Study Team Secretaries, Adult Education Secretary, Secretary to Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds, Accounting Clerks, Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent, Secretary to the Manager of Administrative Services; Secretary to the Recruitment Coordinator
Group I/12 Month: All 12 Month Clerk/Typists
Group I/10 Month: All 10 Month Clerk/Typists
Salaries effective July 1st or September 1st of the contract year depending on the length of the employment contract.
SCHEDULE A - 2003/04
Step | Group
III | Group
II | Group
I | Group I
Ten Months |
1 | $22,710 | $20,240 | $19,540 | $16,283 |
2 | $22,910 | $20,440 | $19,740 | $16,450 |
3 | $23,110 | $20,640 | $19,940 | $16,616 |
4 | $23,310 | $20,840 | $20,140 | $16,783 |
5 | $23,736 | $21,266 | $20,566 | $17,138 |
6 | $24,354 | $21,884 | $21,184 | $17,653 |
7 | $25,120 | $22,650 | $21,950 | $18,291 |
8 | $26,007 | $23,537 | $22,837 | $19,030 |
9 | $27,314 | $24,844 | $24,144 | $20,119 |
10 | $28,314 | $25,844 | $25,144 | $20,952 |
11 | $29,782 | $27,312 | $26,612 | $22,176 |
12 | $31,421 | $28,951 | $28,251 | $23,542 |
13 | $32,421 | $29,951 | $29,251 | $24,375 |
14 | $34,136 | $31,666 | $30,966 | $25,804 |
15 | $38,380 | $35,910 | $35,210 | $29,340 |
Group III: Division Head Secretaries
Group II: Secretary Curriculum & Instruction, Assistant Principals’ Secretary, Guidance Secretaries, Child Study Team Secretaries, Adult Education Secretary, Secretary to Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds, Accounting Clerks, Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent, Secretary to the Manager of Administrative Services; Secretary to the Recruitment Coordinator
Group I/12 Month: All 12 Month Clerk/Typists
Group I/10 Month: All 10 Month Clerk/Typists
Salaries effective July 1st or September 1st of the contract year depending on the length of the employment contract.
SCHEDULE A - 2001/02
Step | Salary |
1 | $16,525 |
2 | $16,725 |
3 | $17,025 |
4 | $17,525 |
5 | $18,025 |
6 | $18,525 |
7 | $19,025 |
8 | $19,525 |
9 | $20,031 |
10 | $20,566 |
11 | $21,014 |
12 | $22,077 |
13 | $23,422 |
14 | $24,757 |
15 | $26,012 |
16 | $27,357 |
17 | $28,803 |
Salaries effective: 9/1/01
SCHEDULE A - 2002/03
Step | Salary |
1 | $17,348 |
2 | $17,611 |
3 | $17,873 |
4 | $18,398 |
5 | $18,923 |
6 | $19,448 |
7 | $19,975 |
8 | $20,502 |
9 | $21,029 |
10 | $21,591 |
11 | $22,062 |
12 | $23,178 |
13 | $24,943 |
14 | $26,708 |
15 | $28,473 |
16 | $30,240 |
Salaries effective: 9/1/02
SCHEDULE A – 2003/04
Step | Salary |
1 | $18,450 |
2 | $18,713 |
3 | $18,975 |
4 | $19,500 |
5 | $20,025 |
6 | $20,550 |
7 | $21,077 |
8 | $21,604 |
9 | $22,131 |
10 | $22,693 |
11 | $23,164 |
12 | $24,280 |
13 | $26,634 |
14 | $28,988 |
15 | $31,342 |
Salaries effective: 9/1/03
Schedule B - 2001/02 |
Athletic Extracurricular Activities |
Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4 |
Head coach: Baseball, Soccer, Track, Softball, Hockey, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Cross-Country$2,945$3,927$4,928$5,910 |
Assistant coach: Baseball, Soccer, Track, Softball, Hockey, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Cross-Country$2,063$2,858$3,646$4,434 |
Head coach: Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling$3,437$4,428$5,418$6,400 |
Assistant coach: Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling$2,555$3,335$4,132$4,928 |
Head coach: Bowling, Tennis, Golf$2,555$3,335$4,132$4,928 |
Assistant coach: Bowling, Tennis, Golf$1,567$2,363$3,149$3,927 |
Intramural - Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Weightlifting, Wrestling, Gymnastics$982$1,129$1,278$1,427 |
Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities |
Class Advisors: Junior/Senior$1,966$2,162$2,361$2,555 |
Class Advisors: Freshman/Sophomore$1,177$1,374$1,572$1,771 |
Newspaper/Quality Circle Leader$1,177$1,374$1,572$1,771 |
Yearbook Editorial Advisor$3,182$3,365$3,547$3,729 |
Yearbook Business Advisor$2,037$2,222$2,401$2,583 |
VICA$2,751$2,947$3,144$3,339 |
DECA$2,751$2,947$3,144$3,339 |
FBLA$2,751$2,947$3,144$3,339 |
FFA$2,751$2,947$3,144$3,339 |
HOSA$2,751$2,947$3,144$3,339 |
Student Government$2,358$2,553$2,752$2,948 |
Post Secondary Student Government$1,771$1,966$2,162$2,361 |
Band, Drama, Chorus, Flower Show$1,374$1,523$1,619$1,771 |
Clubs/National Honor Society$982$1,179$1,378$1,576 |
Summer School Teacher (hourly rate)$27 |
Homebound Teacher (hourly rate)$27 |
Summer Curriculum Work (hourly rate)$27 |
Schedule B - 2002/03 |
Athletic Extracurricular Activities |
Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4 |
Head coach: Baseball, Soccer, Track, Softball, Hockey, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Cross-Country$3,063$4,084$5,125$6,147 |
Assistant coach: Baseball, Soccer, Track, Softball, Hockey, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Cross-Country$2,146$2,972$3,792$4,611 |
Head coach: Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling$3,575$4,605$5,635$6,656 |
Assistant coach: Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling$2,657$3,469$4,297$5,125 |
Head coach: Bowling, Tennis, Golf$2,657$3,469$4,297$5,125 |
Assistant coach: Bowling, Tennis, Golf$1,630$2,457$3,275$4,084 |
Intramural - Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Weightlifting, Wrestling, Gymnastics$1,021$1,175$1,329$1,484 |
Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities |
Class Advisors: Junior/Senior$2,045$2,249$2,455$2,657 |
Class Advisors: Freshman/Sophomore$1,224$1,429$1,635$1,842 |
Newspaper/Quality Circle Leader$1,224$1,429$1,635$1,842 |
Yearbook Editorial Advisor$3,310$3,500$3,689$3,878 |
Yearbook Business Advisor$2,119$2,311$2,497$2,687 |
VICA$2,861$3,065$3,270$3,473 |
DECA$2,861$3,065$3,270$3,473 |
FBLA$2,861$3,065$3,270$3,473 |
FFA$2,861$3,065$3,270$3,473 |
HOSA$2,861$3,065$3,270$3,473 |
Student Government$2,452$2,655$2,862$3,066 |
Post Secondary Student Government$1,842$2,044$2,249$2,455 |
Band, Drama, Chorus, Flower Show$1,429$1,583$1,684$1,842 |
Clubs/National Honor Society$1,021$1,227$1,433$1,639 |
Summer School Teacher (hourly rate)$28 |
Homebound Teacher (hourly rate)$28 |
Summer Curriculum Work (hourly rate)$28 |
Schedule B - 2003/04 |
Athletic Extracurricular Activities |
Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4 |
Head coach: Baseball, Soccer, Track, Softball, Hockey, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Cross-Country$3,186$4,247$5,330$6,393 |
Assistant coach: Baseball, Soccer, Track, Softball, Hockey, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Cross-Country$2,232$3,091$3,944$4,795 |
Head coach: Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling$3,718$4,790$5,861$6,922 |
Assistant coach: Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling$2,764$3,607$4,469$5,330 |
Head coach: Bowling, Tennis, Golf$2,764$3,607$4,469$5,330 |
Assistant coach: Bowling, Tennis, Golf$1,695$2,556$3,406$4,247 |
Intramural - Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Weightlifting, Wrestling, Gymnastics$1,062$1,222$1,382$1,543 |
Nonathletic Extracurricular Activities |
Class Advisors: Junior/Senior$2,126$2,339$2,553$2,764 |
Class Advisors: Freshman/Sophomore$1,273$1,486$1,701$1,916 |
Newspaper/Quality Circle Leader$1,273$1,486$1,701$1,916 |
Yearbook Editorial Advisor$3,442$3,640$3,837$4,033 |
Yearbook Business Advisor$2,204$2,404$2,597$2,794 |
VICA$2,975$3,188$3,400$3,612 |
DECA$2,975$3,188$3,400$3,612 |
FBLA$2,975$3,188$3,400$3,612 |
FFA$2,975$3,188$3,400$3,612 |
HOSA$2,975$3,188$3,400$3,612 |
Student Government$2,550$2,762$2,976$3,189 |
Post Secondary Student Government$1,916$2,126$2,339$2,553 |
Band, Drama, Chorus, Flower Show$1,486$1,647$1,751$1,916 |
Clubs/National Honor Society$1,062$1,276$1,490$1,704 |
Summer School Teacher (hourly rate)$29 |
Homebound Teacher (hourly rate)$29 |
Summer Curriculum Work (hourly rate)$29 |
SCHEDULE B – 2001-2004
Teachers may submit plans for clubs or activities to be considered by the Board of Education for its approval. If the activity is approved by the Board of Education the teacher shall conduct such club or activity for the first year with no compensation. If the activity is approved by the Board of Education to be conducted beyond the first year, then the teacher shall be compensated in accordance with Schedule B above. Clubs shall meet after the end of the school day.
Credit for coaching experience for teachers hired initially for the 1981-82 school year or hired initially thereafter shall be as follows:
0-3 years Step 1
4-9 years Step 2
10 or more years Step 3
Coaches will not receive payment of their coaching salary until all equipment, uniforms, etc., have been accounted for by the Athletic Director and all other terms of coaching agreement satisfactorily completed. (Coaches unable to complete the entire season shall receive their salary on a pro-rated basis. This shall be based upon the length of the season for that particular coaching assignment).
In-School Suspension
The Board of Education agreed to pay those teachers assigned to in-school suspension duty a fee of $640.00 for the 2001-02 school year; $672.00 for the 2002-03 school year, and $706.00 for the 2003-04 school year. No retroactive pay will be given to any teacher who had this assignment during any previous school year.
Teachers will be selected for the assignment to in-school suspension duty by the following procedures:
1. Shop or academic teachers who do not have a full schedule may be assigned to in-school suspension in lieu of a teaching assignment in order to establish a full time position, in this case no additional fees would be paid.
2. Volunteers from a list of academic or related teachers on the faculty. If an academic teacher volunteers, that academic teacher will lose one (1) of two (2) preparation periods that are presently guaranteed under the negotiated agreement between the parties; however, the teacher will receive the payment set forth above.
3. If there are not enough volunteers available from the list of academic and related teachers, the Administration will assign an academic or related teacher to the class whether that teacher volunteers for the assignment and the academic teacher will receive payment as set forth above if a preparation period is lost.
It is agreed between the Board of Education of the Vocational School in the County of Camden, party of the first part, and *FIRST NAME* *LAST NAME* party of the second part, that said Board of Education has employed and does hereby engage and employ the said party of the second part to teach in the public schools, under the control of said Board of Education, from the 1st day of September 20__, to the 30th day of June 20__, at the salary of *SALARY* to be paid in 20 equal semi-monthly installments, that the said party of the second part shall begin service on the lst day of September 20__, in accordance with the school calendar, and that the said party of the second part holds an appropriate certificate issued in New Jersey now in full force and effect or will procure such certificate before the date said person shall begin service, and that said person, before entering upon the duties of such position, will exhibit the certificate to the County Superintendent of Schools and to the Superintendent of the district in which such school is situate.
The said party of the second part hereby accepts the employment aforesaid and agrees to faithfully do and perform duties under the employment aforesaid, and to observe and enforce the rules prescribed for the government of the school by the Board of Education.
It is hereby agreed by the parties hereto that this contract may at any time be terminated by either party giving to the other sixty days’ notice in writing of intention to terminate the same, but that in the absence of any provision herein for a definite number of days’ notice the contract shall run for the full term named above.
Dated this __th day of ____________ 20__.
Whereas the party of the second part represents that he/she holds a valid certificate to teach, issued in New Jersey, now in full force and effect, and will exhibit the same to the said Board of Education, if, as and when required.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed between the Board of Education of the Vocational School in the County of Camden, New Jersey, party of the first part and *FIRST NAME* *LAST NAME*, party of the second part, as follows:
1. This agreement sets forth the understanding of the parties hereto for the school year hereinafter referred to.
2. The party of the second part is to teach in the school system of the party of the first part under the control of said Board of Education from the 1st day of September 20__ to the 30th day of June 20__, at the annual salary of *SALARY* to be paid in 20 equal semi-monthly installments, and shall begin teaching on the lst day of September 20__ in accordance with the school calendar.
3. The said party of the second part agrees to continue teaching for the time set forth herein, and to faithfully do and perform all the duties under the employment aforesaid, and to observe and enforce the rules prescribed for the government of the school by the Board of Education, provided, however, that the party of the second part may at any time terminate this contract by giving to the party of the first part notice provided by statute.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals this __th day of ______________ 20__.
It is agreed between the Board of Education of the Vocational School in the County of Camden, New Jersey, party of the first part and , party of the second part, that said Board of Education does hereby engage and employ the said party of the second part to serve as secretary/clerk in the Camden County Vocational & Technical Schools, under the control of said Board of Education from the 1st day of July, 20 __ to the 30th day of June, 20__, at a salary of $_____________ (prorated) payable in 24 equal semi-monthly installments, and that said party of the second part shall begin work on the day of , 20__.
The said party of the second part hereby accepts the employment aforesaid, and agrees to faithfully do and perform the duties under the employment aforesaid, and to observe and enforce the rules prescribed for the government of the school by the Board of Education.
It is agreed by the parties hereto that this contract may be terminated by either party, at any time, by giving to the other part two weeks written notice of intention to terminate the same.
Dated this day of , 20__ .
Attest: President
It is agreed between the Board of Education of the Vocational School in the County of Camden, New Jersey, party of the first part and , party of the second part, that said Board of Education does hereby engage and employ the said party of the second part to serve as clerk in the Camden County Vocational & Technical Schools, under the control of said Board of Education from the 1st day of September, 20__ to the 30th day of June, 20__, at a salary of $_________ (prorated) payable in 20 equal semi-monthly installments, and that said party of the second part shall begin work on the day of , 20__ .
The said party of the second part hereby accepts the employment aforesaid, and agrees to faithfully do and perform the duties under the employment aforesaid, and to observe and. enforce the rules prescribed for the government of the school by the Board of Education.
It is agreed by the parties hereto that this contract may be terminated by either party, at any time, by giving to the other part two weeks written notice of intention to terminate the same.
Dated this day of , 20__.
Attest: President
It is agreed between the Board of Education of the Vocational School in the County of Camden, New Jersey, party of the first part and , party of the second part, that said Board of Education does hereby engage and employ the said party of the second part to serve as technician in the Camden County Vocational & Technical Schools, under the control of said Board of Education from the 1st day of September, 20__ to the 30th day of June, 20__ , at a salary of $___________ (prorated) payable in 20 equal semi-monthly installments, and that said party of the second part shall begin work on the day of , 20__ .
The said party of the second part hereby accepts the employment aforesaid, and agrees to faithfully do and perform the duties under the employment aforesaid, and to observe and enforce the rules prescribed for the government of the school by the Board of Education.
It is agreed by the parties hereto that this contract may be terminated by either party, at any time, by giving to the other part two weeks written notice of intention to terminate the same.
Dated this day of , 20__.
Attest: President
Teacher in the Special Needs Program to whom Article VI applies is:
Harry E. Gatto
The following teachers shall be reclassified as academic teachers commencing with the school year indicated and shall be paid on the salary guide for academic teachers:
School Year
Roger Derlin 1988-89
Rita Martin-Blair 1991-92
Joann McCloskey 1988-89
1. Dental Plan benefits to be effective July 1, 1985 for currently employed teachers/unit employees.
2. For teachers/unit employees employed effective September 1 of the school year, the plan shall be effective September 1 of that year.
3. For teachers/unit employees employed subsequent to the September 1 of the school year, the benefits shall be effective the first day of the month following 30 days of employment.
4. For teachers/unit employees on leave of absence without pay, including those who have exhausted their sick leave, coverage shall be continued for 30 days from the effective date of the leave of absence. Teachers/unit employees shall have the right to continue coverage by reimbursing the premium to the Board payable 30 days in advance.
5. Teachers/unit employees returning to employment from leaves of absence without pay, including those who have exhausted their sick leave, shall be re-enrolled in the plan upon return to employment.
6. Children of eligible teachers/unit employees shall be covered to age 19 and if a full time student shall be covered to age 23.
9061 (6zp)
2001-2004 AGREEMENT
-i- 9061 (6zp)
XXIII: DURATION……………………………………………………..54