Glen Ridge Board of Education and GREA July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2007
July 1, 2004
June 30, 2007
THIS AGREEMENT is made effective the 1st day of July, 2004, between the GLEN RIDGE BOARD OF EDUCATION (hereinafter referred to as the BOARD) with its principal office in the Township of Glen Ridge Borough, County of Essex and State of New Jersey, and the GLEN RIDGE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (hereinafter referred to as the ASSOCIATION) of the Township of Glen Ridge Borough, County of Essex and State of New Jersey.
WHEREAS, the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION recognize that the major objective of the School District is to provide high quality education for the students of the Township of Glen Ridge Borough, and that high morale of the School District’s staff is a major factor toward that end; and
WHEREAS, the BOARD and the staff share responsibility for providing quality education for the students of the School District, and the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION recognize that the staff, because it possesses specialized educational qualifications and because it has direct contact with the students, is particularly qualified to assist in carrying out the policies and programs designed to provide quality education; and
WHEREAS, the members of the BOARD are elected by the qualified voters of the School District as the governing body of the School District and as such are custodians of the public trust, are charged with fiscal responsibility, and charged with the responsibility of formulating policies and programs designed to provide quality education to the School District within the means provided by the District; and
WHEREAS, the BOARD is desirous of obtaining the advice and recommendations of the staff in the formulation of policies and programs; and
WHEREAS, the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION recognize that the attainment of quality educational programs requires mutual understanding and cooperation between the BOARD and the staff and, to this end, good faith negotiations between the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION with a free and open exchange of views are essential;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration for the following mutual covenants and other good and valuable consideration, the BOARD and ASSOCIATION agree:
1.1 The Board recognizes the Association as the representative for collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment for all members of the professional staff, secretarial staff, aides, custodians, janitorial, ground keepers, maintenance men, and bus drivers of the school district of the Township of Glen Ridge Borough except the following:
A. Administrators or any personnel having the power to hire, discharge, discipline, or to effectively recommend the same.
C. Temporary secretaries, clerical employees and confidential employees.
(1) Administrative Assistant to Superintendent
(2) Executive Secretary to Superintendent
(3) Secretary to School Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Confidential Secretary/Payroll Secretary
(5) Confidential Secretary/Accounts Payable/Receivable
1.2 The Association shall not include any part-time, substitute or weekend custodians, janitorial, ground keepers, maintenance men, and bus drivers engaged by the Board providing the Board maintains a minimum of 16.5 full-time equivalent positions that are within the Association.
1.3 All rights and privileges granted to the Association under the terms and provisions of this Agreement are for the exclusive use of the Association.
Section 1 (All Employees)
2.1 The terms employee, teacher, secretary, aides, and custodial refer to all regularly assigned personnel represented exclusively by the Association in the negotiating unit as defined in ARTICLE I - RECOGNITION.
2.2 The term Board as used in this Agreement shall mean the Board of Education of the Township of Glen Ridge Borough, Essex County, and State of New Jersey.
2.3 The term Association as used in this Agreement shall mean the Glen Ridge Education Association.
2.4 The terms School District and Glen Ridge Public Schools as used in this Agreement shall mean the Glen Ridge Schools in the Township of Glen Ridge Borough, Essex County, and State of New Jersey.
2.5 The term Superintendent as used in this Agreement shall mean the Superintendent of Schools of the Glen Ridge Public Schools, Township of Glen Ridge Borough, Essex County, State of New Jersey.
2.6 When the singular is used it is to include the plural.
2.7 The term parties as used in this Agreement refers to the Board and Association.
2.8 The term day or days shall mean, except where specifically indicated otherwise, workdays; thus, weekends or vacation days are excluded.
2.9 The term custodial shall mean custodians, janitorial, ground keepers, maintenance men, and bus drivers.
2.10 The District shall consist of three (3) Custodial Units: Primary, Upper Elementary, and High.
Section 2 (Teachers and Aides)
2.11 The term school year as used in this Agreement shall mean the period of time when pupils are in attendance, orientation days, and any other days on which teachers’ attendance is required.
2.12 The term extra-curricular services shall mean all those services for which teachers are responsible to the administration and are in excess of teaching and professionally related duties.
2.13 The term Major Subject(s) shall mean major academic disciplines: English, World Language, Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education/Health Related Courses (Health, First Aid, Driver’s Education, Family Life), Basic Skills Instruction, Fine Arts, Performing Arts and Related Arts. Resource Center Replacement Courses apply to the definition.
2.14 The term subject field(s) shall mean a course division within a major subject (e.g. Spanish I, Spanish II, English 9, English 9 Honors, etc.).
Section 3 (Secretaries & Aides)
2.15 Twelve-month secretaries shall work from July 1 through the following June 30, excluding holidays and earned vacation time.
2.16 The term part-time aide shall mean an aide who works 25 hours or less per week and shall not be eligible to receive the insurance benefits as set forth in ARTICLE XXII - INSURANCE PROTECTION and the provisions of ARTICLE XXIV - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT.
All individuals employed as Aides and employed 20 hours or more per week prior to July 1, 1996, are excluded from the provisions stated above.
3.1 The Board shall not discriminate against any employee on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status, age or membership in any employee organization.
3.2 The Association shall admit persons to membership without discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age or marital status, and shall represent equally all employees without regard to membership in any employee organization.
3.3 The employee shall have, and shall be protected in the exercise of, the right, freely and without penalty of reprisal, to join and assist the Association or to refrain from such activity.
3.4 This Agreement constitutes Board Policy for those items included and for the term of said Agreement. The Board and Association will carry the commitments contained herein and give them full force and effect.
3.5 No change, revision, alteration, or modification of this Agreement in whole or in part shall be valid unless reduced to writing, signed and ratified by the Board and the Association.
3.6 This Agreement shall be governed and construed according to the Constitution and Laws of the State of New Jersey and, if any provision of this Agreement shall be found to be contrary to any such law and therefore invalid, all other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
3.7 In case of any direct conflict between the express provisions of the Agreement and any Board or Association policy, practice, procedure, custom or writing not incorporated in the Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall control.
4.1 The Board will provide the Association with the preliminary proposed budget and narrative explanation for the next fiscal year as it will be available to the public.
4.2 Agreement between negotiation parties shall be final following ratification of each constituent body.
4.3 The parties agree to begin collective bargaining over such successor agreements in accordance with Chapter 123, Public Laws of New Jersey, 1974, as amended. Such collective bargaining shall commence not later than March 1st.
4.4 The Board and Association recognize that the herein-described procedure requires the good faith effort on both sides to reach agreement. To this end, the parties agree to exchange proposals for successor agreements and shall thereafter commence meeting at a mutually satisfactory place and time.
4.5 The parties agree to advise each other as to their respective negotiating committee. Neither party may, however, have any say as to whom the members of the other committee are and either party may, at its own expense, utilize the services of outside consultants.
4.6 Tentative agreements reached as a result of negotiations will be reduced to writing and shall become final after approval by the majority of the membership of both parties.
4.7 This agreement shall not be modified, in whole or in part, by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by the Association and the Board.
(Teachers, Secretaries, Custodians and Aides)
5.1 A grievance shall mean a complaint by a person or persons covered by this Agreement and/or the Association relating to the application of, or interpretation of, any of the provisions of this Agreement, except the following shall not be the basis of any grievances:
A. the method of review as prescribed by law;
B. any matter where the Board is without authority to act; and
C. the Board’s right to hire, re-employ or terminate the services of any prospective or non-tenure employee.
5.2 A grievant is a person or persons and/or the Association covered by this Agreement asserting a grievance.
5.3 A party in interest is a person or persons and/or the Association asserting a claim or against whom a claim has been made.
5.4 No employee shall be disciplined, reprimanded (excluding employee evaluations) reduced in rank or compensation or deprived of any professional advantage without just cause. Any such asserted action by the Board, or any agent or representative thereof shall be subject to the grievance procedure herein set forth. Furthermore, the parties agree that only grievances affecting mandatory negotiable terms and conditions of employment as defined by the New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) shall be subject to the just cause provision.
5.5 Good morale is maintained, as problems arise, by sincere efforts of all persons concerned to work toward constructive solutions in an atmosphere of courtesy and cooperation. The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible administrative level, equitable solutions to the problems, which may, from time to time, arise. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
5.6 Nothing contained herein will be construed as limiting the right of any employee having a grievance to discuss the matter informally with any appropriate member of the administration and having the grievance adjusted, provided the adjustment is consistent with the terms of this Agreement.
General Provisions
5.7 It shall be the general practice of all parties in interest to process grievances during times when they do not interfere with assigned duties. If the Board or the Administration schedules a hearing during the workday, the employees and/or representatives shall suffer no loss of pay.
5.8 Any employee shall also have the right to be represented at all levels of the grievance procedure by himself, or at his/her option, by the Association’s representative.
Time Limits
5.9 The number of days at each level shall be considered as a maximum. However, the limits specified may be extended by written agreement of the parties in interest. Failure to file a grievance at any level within the time prescribed in this policy shall constitute a waiver of the grievance. Failure by the Administration or the Board to respond to a grievance within the time prescribed shall automatically advance the grievance to the next step of the process.
5.10 A grievance must be filed, in writing, within twenty-five (25) working days of the act or condition on which the claim is based and shall specify the nature of such grievance, the reasons therefore, including reference to the specific provision or provisions of this Agreement in dispute.
5.11 Failure by the grievant at any level to appeal a grievance to the next level within the specified time limits shall be deemed to be acceptance of the decisions rendered at that level.
5.12 If a grievance is filed which might not be finally resolved at Level Three under the time limits set forth herein prior to the end of the work year, and which, if left unresolved until the beginning of the following work year, could result in irreparable harm to a party in interest, the time limits set forth herein will be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be concluded prior to the end of the work year, or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
Informal Procedure
5.13 An employee with a grievance shall first discuss the matter with the appropriate administrator with or without the Association representative in an effort to resolve the problem informally.
Level One
5.14 If the grievant is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal procedure, the grievant may present the written grievance either directly or through the Association’s designated representative to the appropriate Supervisor. The Supervisor shall hold a conference within ten (10) working days of receipt of the written grievance, and shall render a written decision within ten (10) working days of the conference. The Supervisor may decline to hold a conference and shall render a written decision within ten (10) working days of receipt of the written grievance. This section does not include extra curricular positions.
Level Two
5.15 If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of her/his grievance at Level One, the grievant may, within ten (10) workdays, file the grievance in writing with the Association and the Superintendent.
5.16 The Superintendent, or designee, will meet with the grievant in an effort to resolve the grievance within ten (10) workdays after receipt of the written grievance. Within ten (10) workdays after meeting with the grievant, the Superintendent or designee shall render a written decision to the grievant, with a copy to the Association. The Superintendent or designee may decline to hold a conference and shall render a written decision within ten (10) working days of receipt of the grievance.
Level Two A
5.17 If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level Two and the determination was made by the designee, the grievant may, within ten (10) working days, file the grievance, in writing, to the Superintendent of Schools. Upon receipt of the written grievance, the Superintendent shall, within ten (10) working days, meet to discuss the grievance with the grievant and/or the Association and every effort shall be made to arrive at a satisfactory solution to the grievance. The Superintendent shall, within ten (10) working days after meeting with the grievant, render a written decision to the grievant with a copy to the Association.
Level Three
5.18 If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level Two or Two A, the grievant may submit a written request within ten (10) work days of the receipt of the written decision under Level Two or Level Two A, to the Superintendent and the Association for a meeting with the Board’s Ad Hoc Personnel Committee and representatives of the Association to discuss the grievant’s complaint. The written request under Level Three shall specifically describe the points at issue and the reasons for the grievant’s dissatisfaction with the decisions rendered at Level One, Level Two and/or Level Two A.
5.19 Within ten (10) working days upon receipt of the grievant’s written request, the Board’s Ad Hoc Personnel Committee, the Association, and the Superintendent shall meet to discuss the complaint and every effort shall be made to arrive at a satisfactory solution to the problem, including recommendations to the Board for courses of action to be taken. The Board’s decision shall be rendered in writing to the grievant within ten (10) work days, copies of the decision being forwarded to the Association.
Level Four
5.20 If the Association is dissatisfied with the Level Three decision, within fifteen (15) work days of the receipt of the Level Three decision, it shall notify the Board of Education of its intent to submit the grievance to arbitration. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator or to obtain such a commitment within the specified period of ten (10) days, a demand for arbitration may be submitted to the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) by either party.
5.21 The arbitrator’s decision shall be in writing, shall be submitted to the Board and the Association and shall be final and binding on the parties.
5.22 In the event that the arbitrability of a grievance is an issue between the parties, jurisdiction to resolve the issue shall rest with the arbitrator where the issue is a question of contract arbitrability. Jurisdiction shall rest with the Public Employment Relations Commission or Superior Court where the issue is one of the legal arbitrability.
5.23 The costs for the service of the arbitrator including per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel, subsistence expenses and costs of the hearing room shall be borne equally by the Board and the Association. Each party shall pay its own expense incurred in the arbitration, including payment for time and expenses of its witnesses and its designated advisor to the arbitrator.
5.24 Each referral to arbitration shall embrace but one (1) such matter in dispute, unless otherwise stipulated by agreement between the Board and the Association.
5.25 The arbitrator shall have no authority to:
(1) Add to, subtract from, or in any way modify the provisions of this Agreement, or
(2) Include in the award an obligation for the Board to make any retroactive adjustment of pay for any period beyond the original date the grievance arose as specified in the grievance.
5.26 The decision of the arbitrator made in compliance with the foregoing shall be final and binding, shall be in writing, shall include the reasons for each finding and conclusion, and shall be rendered within thirty (30) days following the date of the last hearing conducted by the arbitrator, unless there is an extension of such period to abide by the arbitrator’s decision.
Section 1 (Teachers and Aides)
6.1 The Board of Education or its designated representative will program the School Calendar with input from the Association. The calendar shall consist of the number of days sufficient to cover 180 days of pupil instruction, plus two orientation days at the beginning of the year and one (1) in-service day. One of the two orientation days shall be used exclusively for classroom preparation. The last day of school shall be a 12:30 dismissal day. The day before the Thanksgiving recess shall be a half-day. All new teachers shall complete up to five (5) days, no day to exceed six (6) hours of professional in-service training, prior to the opening of school.
Section 2 (Twelve-month Secretaries)
6.2 All twelve-month secretaries hired prior to July 1, 1992 shall be eligible for a vacation according to the following conditions:
A. The selection of a vacation time requires the prior approval of the immediate supervisor. Such approval should not be arbitrarily or unreasonably denied.
B. All twelve-month secretaries hired prior to July 1, 1992 shall be entitled to twenty (20) days earned vacation in each year after one full year of employment.
C. All twelve-month secretaries hired on or after July 1, 1992, after one (1) full year of employment shall be entitled to earn vacation as follows:
Up to and including the fifth year – ten (10) days; sixth year through tenth year – fifteen (15) days; after ten years – twenty (20) days.
For less than one (1) full year of employment, a twelve-month secretary shall be eligible for one vacation day for each month of service, not to exceed ten (10) days.
D. As a general rule, a secretary must take vacation days within the year, July 1-June 30, except as hereafter provided. Unused vacation time can be carried for eighteen (18) months only and will be cancelled if not used. A secretary not rehired for the next succeeding work year will be compensated for those unused days in amount equivalent to the secretary’s regular rate of pay for each vacation day.
E. Anniversary date of hire shall be used to calculate pro-rated entitlements, providing this does not change the current practice.
F. As of June 30, 1998, the number of accumulated unused vacation days shall be capped and secretaries shall utilize five (5) accumulated unused vacation days per year by either taking the vacation days or being paid at the secretary’s 1997-1998 regular rate of pay pro-rated at the rate of 1/240 of the secretary’s annual salary. The secretary shall continue to utilize five (5) days per year until all accumulated days are utilized. If the days are redeemed for reimbursement rather than utilized, the days will be compensated at the secretary’s 1997-1998 rate regardless of the year of reimbursement. The utilization or reimbursement of the accumulated unused vacation days shall be at the discretion and with the prior approval of the Superintendent or designee.
6.3 All twelve-month secretaries shall be entitled to the following paid holidays: July 4, Labor Day, Religious Observance(s) (if on the school calendar), NJEA Convention, Thanksgiving Recess, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King’s Birthday (if school is not in session), President’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day.
Section 3 (Custodial)
6.4 All employees, except part-time employees, shall receive vacations with pay at their regular wage as follows:
A. Employees with less than one (1) year of service shall receive one (1) day per month of service prior to July of the vacation year, to a maximum of ten (10) days.
B. Employees with one (1) full year of service, and up to five (5) full years of service, shall receive ten (10) working days vacation.
C. Employees with six (6) full years of service, and up to ten (10) full years of service, shall receive fifteen (15) working days vacation.
D. Employees with ten (10) or more full years of service shall receive twenty (20) working days vacation.
E. All service shall be uninterrupted.
F. As a general rule, an employee must take all his/her vacation days within the year July 1 - June 30, except as hereafter provided. Unused vacation time can be carried for eighteen (18) months only and will be canceled if not used. If said employee is not rehired for the next succeeding work year, he/she shall be compensated for those unused vacation days in an amount equivalent to that employee’s regular rate of pay for each vacation day. Vacation periods shall be selected by the employee prior to May 1. If an employee is entitled to three weeks vacation, he/she shall have the option of taking the days consecutively subject to it being approved on a custodial unit basis and seniority being the determining factor.
G. Anniversary date of hire shall be used to calculate pro-rated entitlements.
6.5 If an employee wishes to change the period of his/her vacation, every effort shall be made to accommodate said employee. No change shall be arbitrarily denied.
6.6 An employee shall be allowed to take vacation at any mutually agreed time during the school year.
6.7 In the event of a conflict with respect to vacation time choices, seniority shall be the determining factor.
6.8 Subject to and consistent with the language of ARTICLE VI, all vacation schedules must be approved by the School Business Administrator. Board reserves the right to restrict Head and Assistant Custodians from scheduling vacations at the same time, where appropriate.
6.9 If it is mutually agreed that an employee takes his vacation during regular school days, the Board may employ temporary help to meet the needs of the district. Such decision is not subject to the provisions of ARTICLE V - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE.
6.10 A. All employees, except part-time employees, shall be entitled to the following holidays with pay at their regular wage:
Memorial Day July 4th Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Friday after Thanksgiving
Yom Kippur* Rosh Hashanah* Christmas Eve
Christmas Day New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day
President’s Day Two (2) Floating Holidays**
*Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah are included as holidays only when school is in session.
**Two (2) Floating holidays – scheduling is pursuant to the Superintendent’s discretion.
Two (2) additional floating holidays to be taken when school is not in session on days approved by the administration.
B. The ½ day before Christmas recess shall be a full workday if school is regularly scheduled as such. If the employee works the full day, then he shall be granted ½ day compensatory time to be taken when school is not in session or on a day approved by the Administration. If the day prior to Christmas break is ½ day for teachers, the custodial staff shall work only ½ day.
C. Custodians in their first two (2) years of service shall receive ten (10) holidays. The following holidays have been approved for the custodian.
New Year’s Day Good Friday Memorial Day
July 4th Labor Day Thanksgiving Day
Friday after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve
6.11 A. If more than two (2) of the fifteen (15) holidays listed in 6.10A fall on a weekend, then only two (2) will be compensated as equivalent days.
B. In the event that any of the aforementioned holidays shall occur during an employee’s vacation period, the day so celebrated shall not be counted as part of said vacation, but rather, the employee shall receive an additional vacation day. However, in the event that employee fails to work the day before and the day after the holiday without a justifiable excuse, said employee shall be ineligible for holiday pay. Only employees who are on the Board’s payroll on the last working day immediately preceding the holiday shall be considered to be on the payroll at all times unless said employee has quit, was discharged for cause, has been paid off for more than thirty (30) days prior to the holiday, or has been absent from work for more than sixty (60) days due to a non-work connected injury or illness.
6.12 Hours for part-time employees shall be set by the Board. Compensation shall be pro-rated using 2,080 hours as the yearly base for full-time.
Section 1 (Teachers)
7.1 A pre-conference will be scheduled before each of the minimum statutory number of formal observations. Observations will be scheduled within twenty (20) workdays of the pre-conference. Observations in excess of the statutory requirement need not be pre-conferenced if a pre-conference has already been conducted by the observing administrator.
7.2 Non-tenured teachers shall be evaluated by their administrator at least three (3) times in each school year, to be followed, in each instance, by a conference and a written evaluation report.
7.3 Tenured teachers shall be evaluated at least one (1) time each year by their administrator, to be followed by a conference and a written evaluation report.
7.4 A. All formal observations shall be reviewed in a conference between the teacher and the administrator making the report. This conference shall occur within ten (10) workdays of the observation.
B. The teacher shall receive the written observation report within fifteen (15) workdays after the conference.
7.5 The teacher shall sign and return the report indicating that the teacher has seen and discussed it within five (5) workdays of the receipt of the report. Signing the evaluation in no way indicates agreement with its contents.
7.6 Teachers have the right to prepare comments in regard to a class visit or observation report, and these comments shall be attached to all copies of the report.
7.7 Upon request, teachers may view the contents of their personnel file and make copies of any part of it in the presence of the appropriate administrator or designee.
7.8 A teacher shall be apprised by his/her immediate administrator of any complaints regarding such teacher by any parent, student, or other person, which do or may influence the evaluation of a teacher. The immediate administrator shall meet with the teacher to attempt to resolve the matter informally.
7.9 Every effort shall be made by the appropriate administrator to help the teacher if there is evidence of need for such assistance.
7.10 Evidence of unsatisfactory instructional performance shall be brought to the teacher’s attention. The teacher shall be given not less than thirty (30) days to correct the problem.
7.11 Non-tenured teachers shall be entitled to an evaluation conference prior to any contract recommendations and may respond to the evaluation in writing to the immediate supervisor. A copy of the teacher’s response shall be attached to the evaluation.
7.12 All monitoring or observations of the work performance of a teacher shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher.
7.13 Employees shall be notified in writing of the individual who shall be responsible for the employee’s annual written performance report. Twelve-month employees shall be notified in July, ten-month employees shall be notified in September. Employees shall be notified, in writing, of any changes in these individuals during the course of the year.
7.14 All teachers shall be evaluated using the same procedure on standard forms as contained in the Staff Evaluation Guide.
Section 2 (Secretaries, Aides and Custodians)
7.15 Written evidence of unsatisfactory performance brought to an employee’s attention shall include recommendation(s) for improvement.
7.16 Non-tenured secretaries shall be evaluated by the appropriate administrator, at least twice in each school year, to be followed by a written evaluation report and by a conference between the secretary and the appropriate administrator for the purpose of reviewing job performance.
7.17 All employees will be evaluated by their appropriate administrator at least once per year. The evaluation will be presented by a written report that will be reviewed in a conference between the employee and the evaluator.
7.18 All employees have the right to prepare comments in regard to evaluation reports and these comments shall be attached to all copies of the report.
7.19 Evaluations will be signed by the employee to indicate that the evaluation has been seen and discussed, if requested, with the appropriate administrator. Signing the evaluation in no way indicates agreement with its contents.
7.20 No evaluation shall be submitted to the Central Office (or the Board of Education), placed in the employee's file or otherwise acted upon without prior conference with the employee.
7.21 Upon request, employees may view the contents of their personnel file and make copies of any part of it in the presence of the appropriate administrator.
7.22 Before the Board takes action, which adversely affects the continuation of a tenured secretary in employment, position or salary, or any increment pertaining thereto, the tenured secretary shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such action and opportunity for a hearing before the action is final.
8.1 Only under emergency conditions may regular teachers be requested to cover classes or substitute in classes other than their own. Before a teacher is assigned, where reasonable, attempts shall be made to find a volunteer.
8.2 Teacher assignments made pursuant to 8.1 shall be compensated at the rate of $35.28 per class period for 2004-2005 and $36.69 per class period for 2005-2006 and $38.15 per class period for 2006-2007. Time in excess of one hour shall be computed in fifteen-minute blocks.
8.3 An aide directed to substitute for a full day or class coverage shall be compensated at the District established substitute teacher daily rate or coverage rate or the aide’s own rate, whichever is higher. The time served as a substitute teacher shall be deemed temporary service and shall not be added to an aide’s contractual time or cause an aide to be eligible for health benefits. The time served as a substitute teacher shall be verified by the aide and the building principal and submitted to the Business Office by voucher. Time lost in the aide’s regular assignment may be made up if circumstances warrant it and at the discretion and with the prior approval of the Superintendent or designee.
9.1 In the event the Board determines to maintain a summer school program, the Board agrees to give preference to regularly employed teachers in the district who are qualified for available summer school positions and who have notified the Superintendent of their desire to teach in the summer school program in filling such positions.
9.2 A list of proposed summer school teaching positions will be made available to all teachers on or before April 1st. Teachers desiring to teach in the summer school program shall notify the Superintendent in writing within the time limits set by the Administration.
9.3 Rates for summer school positions will be determined by the Board following notification to and negotiation with the Association.
Section 1 (Teachers)
10.1 The Board and Association agree to educate the Glen Ridge students in the democratic tradition to foster a recognition of individual freedom and social responsibility, to inspire meaningful awareness of, and respect for, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and to instill appreciation of the values of individual personality. It is recognized that these democratic values can best be transmitted in an atmosphere which is free from censorship and artificial restraints upon free inquiry and learning, and in which academic freedom for teacher and student is encouraged.
10.2 Academic freedom shall be guaranteed to teachers in order to create in the classroom an atmosphere of freedom which permits and encourages students to raise questions dealing with critical issues of the time and which maintains an atmosphere conducive to the study investigation, presentation, and interpretation of facts which stress the interplay of ideas. Teachers have the right to express their points of view provided their students clearly understand that they are their personal opinions and are not to be accepted by the students as authoritative statements. Teachers are responsible for exercising their judgments in selecting for discussion those relevant issues, which they may deem to be of value consistent with the maturity and understanding of the students involved.
Section 2 (All Employees)
10.3 Freedom of individual conscience, association and expression will be observed both to safeguard the legitimate interest of the school and to exhibit by appropriate example the objectives of a democratic society.
10.4 Employees will be entitled to full rights of citizenship and no religious or political activities of any employee, or lack thereof, will be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to the professional employment of such an employee.
10.5 There will be no reprisal of any kind taken against any employee by reason of his/her membership in the Association or participation in its activities.
10.6 Employees shall not engage in outside employment that will impair the effectiveness of the employee’s service or permit commercial exploitation of their position.
11.1 All material placed in the permanent personnel files and originating within the School District shall be available to the employee at his/her request for inspection. A copy of any material placed in the permanent personnel files and originating within the School District shall be provided to the employee within seven (7) working days of such placement.
11.2 No material derogatory to an employee’s conduct, service, character or personality shall be placed in his/her personnel file unless the employee has had the opportunity to review such material by affixing his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the express understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. The employee shall also have the right to submit a written answer to such material and his/her answer shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or his/her designee and attached to the file copy.
11.3 Once every two years an employee shall have the right to indicate those documents and/or other materials in the employee’s personnel file which the employee believes to be obsolete or otherwise inappropriate to retain. Said documents shall be reviewed by the Superintendent or designee and, if in fact they are obsolete or otherwise inappropriate to retain, they shall be destroyed. Disputes over the retention of said documents may be appealed directly to the Board. The Board’s decision in this matter shall be final and not subject to grievance.
Section 1 (Teachers)
12.1 The principal criterion for consideration of a request for transfer is whether or not the request will result in the best educational program for the School District. A request for transfer will not be granted if the teacher does not qualify for the existing vacancy.
12.2 A change in teaching position from one school to another may be requested by a teacher, Principal, or the Superintendent. In considering such a request for transfer, the convenience and wishes of the teacher will be considered.
12.3 The Superintendent shall have posted in the office of each school a list of the known vacancies as they occur during the school year.
12.4 In the event that a teacher objects to the transfer or reassignment, upon the request of the teacher, the Superintendent shall meet with the concerned parties. The teacher may, at his/her option, elect to have an Association representative present at such a meeting.
12.5 A teacher being involuntarily transferred or reassigned shall be placed only in an equivalent teaching position, one which does not involve reduction in rank or in contractual compensation, unless the result is a reduction in force.
Section 2 (Secretaries)
12.6 Consideration of a request for transfer, assignment or promotion by an employee shall be based on qualifications and the existence of a vacancy. If one or more employees are deemed equally qualified to fill a vacancy, the employee with the longest period of service in the district shall be given preference.
12.7 The Board shall have the right to make assignments within the same job classification without limitations.
12.8 Ten-month secretaries assigned to a twelve-month work year shall be given equal experience credit.
Section 3 (Custodial)
12.9 STATEMENT OF INTENT - In determination of transfers, assignments and promotions, the principal consideration is whether or not said transfer, assignment, or promotion will, in the judgment of the Board, result in the best and most effective administration for the school district. The Board will, however, consider the desire of the individual or individuals involved in reaching its decision.
12.10 Initiation of request for transfers, assignments, changes or promotions may be made by either the Board or an employee.
12.11 FILLING A VACANCY - The following procedure shall be followed in filling a vacancy:
A. When a vacancy occurs in the school district, the Board shall post a notice at a place to be agreed upon by the Board and the Association of the existence of such vacancy, the requirements of the position, the job title, and the hours associated with said position and the conditions upon which an application may be made. A copy of the notice shall be sent to the Association president.
B. In considering the filling of a vacancy, the Board shall consider the employee’s application, and, if more than one employee is deemed by the Board to be qualified, the Board shall give the employee with the longest period of service in the district preference where the employees are deemed equally qualified to fill the vacancy.
12.12 Nothing in the ARTICLE shall be deemed to require that a said vacancy be offered to an employee.
12.13 All personnel assuming employment for the first time are subject to a trial or probationary period until June 30th of the current contract year or 90 days, whichever is longer. The board may exercise the right to shorten the probationary period if it so votes by a majority of its members. A new employee shall be considered as a probationary employee. Upon satisfactory completion of probation period, employee shall not be disciplined, dismissed, non-renewed, or reduced in compensation without just cause. No probationary employee shall acquire permanent status without formal resolution by the board, but a probationary employee may request reclassification to permanent status within ten (10) working days after the expiration of the first thirty (30) working day period. In no event shall the grant of permanent status be considered as a grant of tenure. All employees shall be afforded full benefits as of the date of the Board affirmation of the employees’ status.
12.14 The Board shall have the right to make assignments within the same job classification without limitation. The Board may require a Black Seal for any position at the Board’s sole discretion. Any employee affected shall have the opportunity to take the first available Black Seal course and exam before any adverse action is taken with respect to the position.
12.15 Any employee promoted, either within the same job classification or to another job classification (i.e., Head Custodian), who does not successfully complete the trial period, shall be returned to the job classification from which he left and shall retain all rights, privileges and seniority he had obtained prior to the change in job classification.
12.16 If the Association objects to any move made in accordance with the provisions of this ARTICLE, the matter may, if presented within ten (10) working days of the effective date of such move, be processed in accordance with ARTICLE V - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. Only a grievance dealing with assignment of employees shall be subject to arbitration as expressly provided in ARTICLE V.
12.17 It is understood and the Board agrees to offer each employee an employment contract, the position and salary to be described in the individual contract to be issued by the Board to the employee.
12.18 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to grant an employee tenure. The tenure laws of the State of New Jersey shall prevail in the instances of employment of custodians.
Section 1 (Teachers, Secretaries, and Aides)
13.1 Sick leave is defined to mean the absence of any employee from his/her post of duty because of personal disability due to illness or injury, or because s/he has been excluded from school by the school district's medical authorities on account of a contagious disease or being quarantined for such a disease in his or her immediate household. The Board reserves the right to request a physician's certificate for any and all sick leaves of absence.
13.2 Employees shall be entitled to as many sick leave days each school year as provided by statutory enactment of the State of New Jersey. There shall be no limit to the number of sick leave days accumulated.
13.3 The Board will pay departing (excluding leaves of absence) employees who have been employed in the district at least ten (10) years, for one-half the number of accumulated sick days at the following rates:
Up to and including 50 days $31.20
51 and up to 100 days $46.80
101 and up to 150 days $62.40
151 days and over $67.60
Upon death, the payment of any employee's accumulated sick days shall be made to his or her estate. To be eligible for payment at time of resignation under this section, notice of intent to depart must be filed with the Superintendent of Schools by November 1 of the year preceding resignation or payment may not be made until the Board's next budget year.
13.4 Personal Leave. Each employee may, upon application and approval of the appropriate administrator and Superintendent or designee, be absent with full pay for a maximum of three (3) days in one year for personal business for which the employee need not specify any reason. It is the intention that this leave be for reasons of hardship or other pressing need and not personal convenience. No personal day shall be granted on the days preceding or following a school holiday or vacation. Where possible, the employee shall provide twenty-four (24) hours' advance notice. Any unused personal days become accumulated sick days, as per 13.3. Employees will receive ten (10) sick and three (3) personal days each year. Twelve-month employees will receive fifteen (15) sick days and three (3) personal days each year.
13.5 Professional Leave. Absence with full pay may be allowed for worthwhile work experiences, trips involving school business and attendance at Association conferences by the incumbent officers or their designees. Only the appropriate administrator's advance approval will be required for one-day trips. The Superintendent's advance approval will be required for overnight and longer trips.
13.6 Leave Without Pay. Any employee may, upon written request and with the approval of the Superintendent and Board of Education, be granted an unpaid leave for the following reasons: prolonged illness; needed rest accompanied by a physician's certificate; necessities of home; professional improvement when the employee is not eligible for sabbatical leave; employment at a United States military installation abroad; assignment in Peace Corps; or any other activities which would, in the opinion of the Board or the Superintendent, rebound to the future benefit of the Glen Ridge School System.
13.7 All benefits to which the employee is entitled at the time of such leave of absence, including unused accumulative sick leave, shall be restored upon his/her return, and s/he will be assigned to the position s/he held at the time said leave began, if possible, or to a substantially equivalent position.
13.8 Requests for leave without pay must be received no later than April 1st of the year preceding the year for which the unpaid leave is requested. In cases of personal emergency, the application date may be waived. Requests of leave under the Family Leave Act shall be governed by Federal and State law.
13.9 A. Childbirth
(1) Leaves of absence for childbirth shall be granted consistent with applicable law. The employee shall be afforded use of her accumulated sick days for disability periods. Upon normal physician's certification, a teacher shall be entitled to 20 working days before and 20 working days after the anticipated date of birth (including school holiday and vacation periods). Upon additional specific medical certification, a teacher with pregnancy complications shall be entitled to utilize additional accumulated sick leave as necessary.
(2) Pregnant employees shall notify the Superintendent of Schools of their condition and anticipated delivery date as soon as possible but in no case less than 120 days prior to the delivery date. Their notice should include the anticipated date to commence the leave and their intention as to use of sick days (if available).
(3) Pregnancy leave granted to a non-tenured employee shall be limited to the specific school year and there shall be no guarantee of renewal as a result of the leave of absence.
(4) Employees returning from a pregnancy leave of absence shall be entitled to all benefits to which other employees returning from other types of sick or disability leave would be entitled.
The Board shall grant childcare leaves without pay to an employee upon request according to the following conditions:
(1) In cases where both husband and wife are employees, only one employee shall be granted said leave.
(2) In cases of female employees, the application for leave shall be made simultaneously with the application for childbirth leave and shall become effective immediately upon the termination of the disability period. If a man makes application for childcare leave, it must be made at least 120 days in advance of the anticipated leave date. In the case of adoption, either a man or woman shall apply for leave upon obtaining de facto custody of the child.
(3) The initial childcare leave (and childbirth leave where applicable) shall run from the date of commencement to the end of that school year. If the employee wishes to extend the childcare leave, the employee shall apply by April 1 for an extension of the leave for one (1) full school year. If birth or adoption occurs after April 1, the employee shall make application within thirty (30) days of the birth or adoption. There shall be no further childcare leaves granted.
(4) A childcare leave granted to a non-tenured employee shall not extend beyond June 30th of the year in which it is granted. An employee on leave shall be subject to the same process of review for contract renewal as those employees who continue to work.
13.10 A further extension of absence or a second leave of absence may be granted at the will of the Board upon recommendation of the Superintendent.
13.11 Any employee adopting an infant child may receive similar leave which shall commence upon receiving de facto custody of the infant or earlier if necessary to fulfill the requirements for the adoption.
13.12 Military leaves of absence shall be granted for employees who are inducted for military duty in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States. Employees on military leave shall be given the benefit of any salary increments which would have been credited to them had they remained in the active service of the district, as provided by Title 18A, New Jersey Law.
13.13 Good Cause. Leaves of absence with pay may be granted by the Board for good reason.
13.14 An employee on leave must notify the Board by March 1st if the employee plans to return the following year.
13.15 Leaves will be forfeited if there is evidence the employee is not fulfilling the purpose of the leave.
13.16 Pursuant to the Family Leave Act (N.J.S.A. 34:11(B)-1) an employee is eligible to receive an unpaid leave of absence for a period not to exceed twelve (12) weeks in a twenty-four (24) month period. Leave may be taken only for the birth or adoption of a child, or the serious health conditions of a family member (i.e., child, parent, spouse). The leave may be taken consecutively or intermittently depending on the legitimate needs of the employee. Any leave granted pursuant to this leave due to the birth or adoption of a child must be taken consecutively unless otherwise agreed to by the employer and the employee and must begin within one year of the adoption or birth. The district shall continue in effect health insurance for the employee during the period of leave under this section.
Section 2 (All Employees)
Emergency Leave
13.17 A. When an employee loses time from work because of a death or serious illness occurring in the employee's immediate family, the Board will pay said employee his/her regular wages for days lost from scheduled work (Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and vacations excluded) from the date of death or serious illness to the day immediately following the day of burial inclusive or conclusion of serious illness, but in no event for more than five (5) days. An employee who fails, without just cause, to attend the funeral shall be ineligible for the above benefits. For the purpose of Section 13.17 the term immediate family shall mean the employee's husband, wife, child, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother, sister, stepchild or grandchild or relatives residing as a member of the employee's immediate household in a familial relationship.
B. When an employee loses time from work because of a death or serious illness occurring in the employee's family, the Board will pay said employee his/her regular wages for days lost from scheduled work (Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and vacations excluded) from the date of death or serious illness to the day immediately following the day of burial inclusive or conclusion of serious illness, but in no event for more than three (3) days. An employee who fails, without just cause, to attend the funeral shall be ineligible for the above benefits. For the purpose of Section 13.17 the term family shall mean the employee's grandparent, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law.
C. Serious illness shall mean an illness of a member of the immediate family when the attending physician, in writing, states that the attention of the employee is required to assure the proper recuperation of said member.
13.18 When an employee loses time from work because of a death occurring in the employee's immediate family or family other than as defined above, the Board will pay said employee his/her regular wages for one (1) day lost from scheduled work (Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and vacations excluded) for the burial. An employee who fails, without just cause, to attend the funeral shall be ineligible for the above benefits. For the purpose of Section 13.18, the term other than immediate family or family shall mean the employee's uncle, aunt, cousin, grandparents, grandchild, niece, nephew, and godchild.
Section 3 (Custodial)
13.19 Funeral Leave. The Board will pay employees up to five (5) days for a death occurring in the employee's immediate family and one (1) day to attend a funeral of a relative (other than immediate family). The term immediate family shall mean the employee's husband, wife, child, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother or sister, or relatives residing as a member of the employee's immediate household. The term family shall mean the employee's uncle, aunt, cousin, grandparents, grandchildren, brother-in-law or sister-in-law.
13.20 A. Sick leave is defined to mean the absence of any employee from his/her post of duty because of personal disability due to illness or injury, or because he/she has been excluded from school by the school district's medical authorities on account of a contagious disease or being quarantined for such a disease in his/her immediate household.
B. The employee shall be entitled to twelve (12) sick leave days each school year, which shall be cumulative. Employees shall be entitled to ten (10) sick leave days each school year for the first two (2) years of service.
C. In the event of absence of an employee under Section 13.20 A, the Superintendent of Schools may, if he/she has reasonable cause to believe that there is an abuse of sick leave policy as defined under Section 13.20 A, require an examination by an independent physician, such examination to be at the Board's expense, or proof of the employee's condition by a written statement from the employee's physician.
D. The Board shall maintain a record of the number of sick leave days each qualified employee has available and make such information available to such employee on or before September 30th of each year.
13.21 Personal days are defined as days of absence for personal business consisting of legal, business, household or other family matters which cannot be scheduled at any other time other than regular working hours. It is the intention that this leave shall be for reasons of hardship or other pressing need and not personal convenience. Employees must request personal days in writing with a brief statement indicating the reason(s) for the request – legal, business, household, family – no less than 48 hours in advance to the immediate supervisor. A maximum of four (4) personal days per year will be available to each employee and shall be non-cumulative. Up to a maximum of four (4) personal days per year may be credited if unused, to the sick leave accumulation. Custodians in the first two (2) years of service shall receive one (1) personal day per year.
13.22 Employees on leave of absence shall retain their employment status during such leave.
13.23 All employees shall be paid 50% of their accumulated sick leave upon retirement or termination of employment due to disability or layoff and contingent upon the employee providing sixty (60) days written notice to the Superintendent. Payment resulting from termination shall be at the Board's discretion. Upon death, the payment of any employee's accumulated sick days shall be made to his/her estate.
13.24 Pursuant to the Family Leave Act (N.J.S.A. 34:11(B)-1) an employee is eligible to receive an unpaid leave of absence for a period not to exceed twelve (12) weeks in a twenty-four (24) month period. Leave may be taken only for the birth or adoption of a child, or the serious health conditions of a family member (i.e., child, parent, spouse). The leave may be taken consecutively or intermittently depending on the legitimate needs of the employee. Any leave granted pursuant to this leave due to the birth or adoption of a child must be taken consecutively unless otherwise agreed to by the employer and the employee and must begin within one year of the adoption or birth. The district shall continue in effect health insurance for the employee during the period of leave under this section.
14.1 Sabbatical leaves of absence are granted for professional improvement upon recommendation of the appropriate administrator and Superintendent for reasons of value which, in the opinion of the Board, shall render a benefit to the School District, subject to the following conditions:
A. Written requests for sabbatical leaves of absence must be received in the Superintendent's office not later than November 1st of the year preceding the semester of the school year in which the sabbatical leave is requested.
B. The teacher must have completed at least seven (7) years' consecutive active service inclusive of approved leave as a regularly appointed teacher in the Glen Ridge schools in order to be eligible to request a sabbatical leave.
C. Teachers on sabbatical leave of absence will be paid at one-half of their annual salary rate. Upon return, the teacher shall be placed on the appropriate level as though the teacher had not been on leave.
D. A sabbatical leave of absence may be extended without pay or increment for one additional year by Board approval.
E. Any teacher granted sabbatical leave of absence must agree in writing to continue working two years in the school system following the sabbatical leave. The teacher will agree, by signing a promissory note before being granted the leave, to remit to the Board the monetary amount paid pro-rated to the time not served, except if there should occur any physical incapacity during this time, the Board may relieve him/her of such obligations.
F. No more than two (2) percent of the teaching staff shall be absent on sabbatical leave at any one time.
G. Subsidy for graduate course credit will not be granted for credits earned while on paid sabbatical leave.
H. Written responses to all requests shall be received by May 1st.
15.1 The Association agrees that it will not cause, engage in, sanction, or assist in any strike or refusal to perform the duties of employment by any employee.
15.2 No employee shall cause or participate in any strike or slowdown affecting the Glen Ridge School District directly or indirectly, or refuse to perform the duties of his or her employment.
15.3 The Association further agrees that it will refrain from imposing sanctions or refrain from encouraging other persons, groups or persons, or associations to impose sanctions against the School District.
Section 1 (Teachers)
16.1 The Association and the Board agree that the teachers' responsibility to their students and their profession generally entails the performance of duties and an expenditure of time beyond the assigned class periods.
16.2 As a professional, the teacher has the right and obligation with the accompanying responsibility to determine the time required to effectively discharge his/her duties. The workday shall consist of 7½ hours to be determined by the building principal and to start no earlier than 7:30 AM and end no later than 3:30 PM unless a teacher volunteers. No future change may occur without negotiations. Extensions of the normal teacher responsibilities beyond the classroom may include meeting with parents to discuss areas of mutual concern. The Administration shall not unilaterally extend this time.
16.3 It is expected that preparation periods will be used for such things as thorough class preparation, conferences with students, teachers, parents, and administrators, teaching interns, supporting personnel, and special assistance to students individually and/or in small groups, professional reading, writing, and research. The Board and Association agree that an extensive professional and curriculum library should be established as soon as possible. Secondary teachers shall have at least one uninterrupted instructional preparation period per day.
16.4 All elementary teachers shall have nine (9) preps periods within a six (6) day cycle, with at least one uninterrupted instructional preparation period per day.
16.5 All teachers shall be scheduled for a duty-free uninterrupted lunch period of at least thirty (30) minutes.
16.6 In an attempt to achieve realistic instructional groups the Board agrees to consult with the teacher and appropriate administrator regarding differentiating the curriculum, staffing requirements, and utilization of support personnel.
16.7 For secondary teachers, sixth period teaching assignments shall be compensated at $5,165.00 for the 2004-2005 school year, $5,371.00 for the 2005-2006 school year and $5,586.00 for the 2006-2007 school year.
A. If there are no qualified volunteers or no qualified part-time teachers on staff, not more than four (4) staff members per department (Social Studies, Science, Related Arts, Foreign Language, Mathematics and English) may be assigned a sixth period teaching assignment on a rotating basis among qualified teachers in the department.
B. There will be no limit on the number of volunteers.
C. No teacher, unless said teacher volunteers, shall be required to carry a sixth period teaching assignment for two consecutive years unless such assignment is the result of there being no other qualified member in the department to fill the vacancy.
(1) No teacher assigned a sixth period including a volunteer shall have a non-teaching duty.
(2) A teacher with six teaching assignments shall not be required to prepare for more than three (3) different subject fields.
(3) A teacher who spends more than 50% of teaching time with grades 7-12 will be considered a secondary teacher.
16.8 Teachers should not be required to teach in more than two (2) major subjects and prepare lessons for more than three (3) different subject fields each marking period except:
B. The Board may assign four (4) different subject fields to no more than nine (9) teachers in grades 9-12 and four (4) teachers in grades 7-8 for no more than a total of thirteen (13) teachers. Those teachers assigned a fourth preparation shall receive a fifteen (15) minute reduction of non-teaching duty.
16.9 To the extent feasible in existing buildings, the Board will provide:
A. Space in each classroom which teachers may use for storing instructional materials and supplies.
B. An appropriately furnished room to be used as a faculty lounge.
C. Teacher workroom containing adequate equipment and supplies to aid in preparation of instructional materials.
D. A serviceable desk, chair, and filing cabinet for exclusive use of each teacher. This equipment is not necessarily located in the classroom.
E. Teacher manuals of all texts used by the teachers, including a dictionary.
16.10 Teachers shall be notified of any change in their tentative program, schedule, and assignment level for the ensuing year, including the school to which they will be assigned, as soon as administratively practicable. In the event that such assignments for the ensuing year or subsequent changes therein involve a change in major subject or grade level assignment, such change or assignment shall be made only after notifying the teacher of the change and the reason for the change. The teacher may request a meeting with the administrator to discuss the change, but it shall not be mandatory. An Association representative may be present at such meetings.
16.11 Meetings which take place after the regular in-school workday and which require attendance shall not be called on days immediately preceding any day teacher attendance is not required at school. This provision does not apply to team planning sessions.
16.12 The notice of and purpose for any meeting shall be given to the teachers involved prior to the meetings, except in cases of emergency.
16.13 The administration may schedule seventeen (17) meetings per year without extra compensation. Ten (10) building-faculty meetings of a maximum of one (1) hour duration and seven (7) meetings to extend no more than one-half hour beyond the regular work day. Effective July 1, 2002, in addition to the seventeen (17) meetings, the Administration may schedule two and one-half (2 ½ ) hours of in-service per year without extra compensation for teachers. This 2 ½ hours shall be scheduled beyond the teachers’ regular work day. For all non-certificated staff, the 2 ½ hour in-service shall be scheduled during the work day. If scheduled outside the work day, it shall be paid at the hourly rate.
16.14 Conferences
Grades located in the Primary Schools:
Fall: 2 evening conferences
3 half-days staggered during the month
Spring: 1 evening conference
1 half-day
Grades located in Ridgewood Avenue School:
Fall: 2 evening conferences
3 half-days staggered during the month
Spring: 1 evening conference
High School:
Fall: 2 evening conferences
Spring: 1 evening conference
A. Every effort will be made to schedule conferences on Thursday evenings.
B. All evening conferences shall be held from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. A dinner allowance of twenty five ($25.00) dollars will be paid by the Board.
C. If required, additional evening conferences may be scheduled after consultation with the teacher and the prior approval of the principal from either 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Additional conferences shall be compensated at $60.00, inclusive of the dinner stipend.
D. Spring conferences at all levels will be at the request of the parent or teacher.
16.15 Teachers will attend Back-to-School night for each building to which they are assigned. Teachers assigned to more than one (1) building shall be paid at the regular per hour rate as appears in ARTICLE 8.2 for each additional evening conference.
16.16 No teacher shall be involuntarily assigned to teach classes beyond the regular school day.
16.17 Teachers shall not be required to change teaching stations more than two times a day unless such movement is unavoidable within the school schedule.
16.18 Teacher participation in extra-curricular activities, which extend beyond the regularly scheduled school day, at the direction of the Board, shall be compensated.
16.19 Each teacher shall be expected to have at least one committee responsibility each year that extends beyond his/her teaching role.
16.20 Any teacher on a school sponsored overnight field trip with students shall receive an allowance of $142.00 for each night for 2004-2005, $148.00 for each night for 2005-2006, and $154.00 for each night for the 2006-2007school years.
Section 2 (Secretaries)
16.21 Overtime compensation. All employees shall be entitled to their hourly rate as computed by dividing the regular weekly pay by 35 hours for work done up to 40 hours per week. Compensation for work over 40 hours shall be at a rate of one and one-half (1½) times the hourly rate.
16.22 Hours of work shall be from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (7:45 AM -3:45 PM at the High School) when school is in session. When school is not in session, hours of work shall be from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
16.23 Secretaries shall have a one (1) hour duty free lunch.
16.24 If a reduction in force is necessary amongst the secretarial staff, a more senior secretary may bump a less senior secretary provided that he/she has the skills to perform the requested position, provided it is consistent with the Commissioner of Education's rules and regulations.
16.25 In the event a vacancy occurs after a reduction in force, laid off employees shall be entitled to recall for a period of 2 years in the order of seniority, provided he/she has the requisite skills to perform the duties of the vacant position.
Section 3 (Aides)
16.26 The work year for this unit shall be the same as the work year for the teachers.
16.27 Employees in this unit shall be guaranteed not less than a 30 minute duty free lunch period.
16.28 In the event a vacancy occurs after a reduction in force, laid-off employees shall be entitled to recall for a period of 2 years in the order of seniority (seniority rights will only relate to the same position - classroom aide, library aide, clerical aide), provided he/she has the requisite skills to perform the duties of the vacant position.
Section 4 (Custodial)
Work Schedule
16.29 The Association and the Board recognize the necessity for work schedules. The Board shall have the right to introduce new work schedules and to make changes in the starting and stopping time, including the starting and stopping time of lunch periods.
16.30 The Board shall notify the Association of new work schedules, or any change or variation in existing work schedules, at least five (5) working days in advance of the effective date, except when emergency situations make it impractical to do so. Negotiations thereon shall take place when requested by the Association and in the event of such negotiations, the new schedule, change or variation proposed by the Board may be placed in effect pending agreement between the parties.
16.31 The workweek shall consist of five (5) consecutive scheduled workdays.
16.32 A workday shall consist of eight (8) scheduled hours of work.
16.33 A work year shall consist of 365 calendar days exclusive of holidays and vacation days.
16.34 Lunch Period. Each employee shall be entitled to a 30-minute lunch period in a work day, which said lunch period shall be uninterrupted except when, in the opinion of the building administrator or his designee, the services of the employee are required during an emergency or for an emergency or for an unusual occurrence. In the event any portion or all of an employee's lunch period is interrupted, the employee will receive the equivalent time so interrupted during that workday or in any one of the next three succeeding workdays. A schedule of lunch periods shall be kept on file in the building and with the School Business Administrator. Changes to scheduled lunch periods for emergencies shall be by mutual agreement.
16.35 Break Period. Each employee is entitled to a scheduled fifteen (15) minute break period in the morning and afternoon. A schedule of breaks shall be kept on file in the building and with the School Business Administrator. Changes to scheduled break periods for emergencies shall be by mutual agreement.
16.36 Time Clocks. The Board maintains time clocks in each building facility. Each member of the bargaining unit is required to punch in upon commencing work and punch out when leaving work including periods for time off for lunch and/or dinner. It is understood that, if an employee punches in more than three (3) minutes after his designated time for commencing work or punches out more than three (3) minutes before his designated time for leaving work, without approval of the employee's immediate supervisor, the Board may deduct from the employee's wages as follows:
Failure to punch in shall be subject to disciplinary action based on the following:
First offense written warning
Second offense written warning
Third offense salary shall be docked for all time not recorded
The above schedule shall cover a one-year cycle.
A. If more than three (3) minutes and less than fifteen (15) minutes, an amount equal to one-quarter (1/4) of an hour of the person's usual wage.
B. If more than fifteen (15) minutes, then an amount equal to one quarter (1/4) of an hour of the person's usual wage for each such additional fifteen (15) minutes or part thereof.
16.37 All employees other than the first shift shall call in at least three (3) hours in advance of their shift whenever possible. Employees on the first shift shall call the Maintenance Supervisor at home. The contact number will be distributed to all maintenance and custodial personnel on a yearly basis by July 1. All other shifts should contact their head custodian. During the summer, all custodians and maintenance personnel shall use the contact number.
16.38 It is recognized that the needs of the District may require overtime work and that the jobs involved must be manned by qualified employees working on an overtime basis. The amount of overtime and the schedule for working such overtime will be established by the Board or its delegate. The distribution of overtime is to be distributed as evenly as practicable among qualified employees normally engaged in the work involved within their assigned custodial unit by building. An employee scheduled for overtime shall work unless the employee has adequate reason for not doing so, in which event the employee may be excused provided that other qualified employees normally engaged in the work involved are available.
16.39 Overtime is defined as any time spent in excess of forty (40) hours of work per week.
16.40 Overtime shall be computed at one and one-half (1½ ) times an employee's hourly rate of pay, unless otherwise noted.
16.41 When Association members are required to perform weekend building checks, such checks during heating season done by:
- One elementary custodian holding a black seal license, rotating to cover two (2) buildings on each Sunday for four (4) hours pay (Saturdays when building is not otherwise open for activities) according to administrative checklist developed February 1995.
- One middle/high school custodian holding a black seal license rotating to cover Sundays when school is not open for activities: four (4) hours for two (2) buildings, and when one (1) building is open two (2) hours for one (1) building according to administrative checklist developed February 1995.
16.42 Call-in time. Any employee called in to work for any period other than his regularly scheduled work day after he has left his place of employment (excluding periods in connection with extra-curricular activities) shall be guaranteed not less than four (4) hours pay at 1½ times his regular wage, regardless of the number of hours actually worked; provided, however, that the Board shall have the right to furnish the employee with work of a custodial or maintenance nature.
16.43 Overtime Field House
A. All overtime at the Field House will be by the employees assigned to the Ridgewood Avenue School and High School custodial units.
B. When the Field House is not in use, the employee regularly assigned there will be put into the overtime pool at the Ridgewood Avenue School and the High School on a rotating basis.
16.44 Overtime for custodial units will be as follows:
A. All custodial units will have an overtime pool.
B. Employees with the least amount of overtime will be at the top of the pool at the custodial unit.
C. If an employee turns down overtime, he/she shall be charged in the overtime pool with the hours of overtime refused.
16.45 When the employer first becomes aware of the overtime need or as soon as practicable thereafter, notification will be given to employees concerning overtime assignments. Emergencies excepted.
16.46 When not inconsistent with the Board's past practice of assignment of work to independent contractors or persons not otherwise members of the bargaining unit, overtime work, normally performed by members of the unit will not be performed by persons outside the unit unless employees normally performing said overtime work have refused said assignment or are otherwise not available to comply with the provisions of ARTICLE 16.45.
16.47 When District employees qualified to do asbestos work are used on such tasks, their rate of compensation for such work shall be at one and one-half (1½) times their hourly rate using their step as indicated on the Maintenance Salary Guide.
16.48 The District shall maintain two separate lists for overtime: one shall count the High School and Ridgewood Avenue School employees for Saturday overtime only. The second shall be by separate building for Sunday through Friday work. Saturday building checks shall be counted as part of the overtime calculation. Overtime shall be balanced (as nearly as possible) using the two lists. If overtime is refused, it shall count as if worked on the record for equalization. The District shall forward to the President a quarterly report on overtime calculations.
(Teachers and Aides)
17.1 Student discipline is the mutual responsibility of both teachers and administrators in all school areas.
17.2 Student discipline in the classroom or during student activities shall be the responsibility of the teacher in charge. However, serious disciplinary infractions and disruptive students whose behavior does not respond to a teacher's disciplinary actions, or the student whom the teacher can no longer control, and whose actions interfere with the learning of other students, shall be referred to the principal or his/her designee.
18.1 Nothing herein contained shall prevent an employee from using reasonable force as is necessary under the circumstances for self-protection or protection of any person or property for which s/he is responsible as provided by law.
18.2 Employees shall be required to report in writing to the Superintendent or his/her designee any case of assault in connection with their employment. Assault shall include but not be limited to harm or threats of harm to person or personal property. The Superintendent shall acknowledge in writing the receipt of such report and shall report this information to the Board of Education. The Superintendent shall inform the employee immediately of his/her rights under the law and shall provide such information in a written document.
18.3 The Superintendent or designee shall notify the employee of his/her readiness to assist the employee as follows:
A. By obtaining from the police and/or the Principal relevant information concerning the involved student or assailants, and
B. By acting in other appropriate ways as liaison between employee, police, and the courts.
18.4 All theft and damages shall be investigated by the school administrators and referred for legal advice.
18.5 Employees shall not be responsible for collection of monies for non-related classroom duties.
18.6 Employees shall be responsible for money collected for classroom related activities. They shall have the right to keep such monies in the school safe whenever necessary.
18.7 Employees shall be free from all reprisals and harassment for participation in any phase of negotiations under this contract, or for using the grievance procedure.
19.1 The Board and Association agree that proper placement of employees on the salary guide is a major factor in employee morale. To ensure equitable treatment, the following guidelines will be adhered to:
A. The Board reserves the right to complete discretion in initial salary guide placement.
B. Employees with previous experience in the Glen Ridge School District shall, upon returning to the district, be subject to the same rules and procedures set forth in the above.
C. Employees returning to Glen Ridge will be entitled to all unused sick leave in effect at the time of their leave.
D. All employees shall be notified of their salary and contract status for the ensuing year pursuant to law. Contracts shall be returned to the Superintendent's office within ten (10) days of receipt.
Section 1
20.1 The Association shall be allowed to use school buildings and rooms for meeting purposes subject to the usual and normal conditions affecting such use as set forth by Board policy for organizations with educational affiliations.
20.2 The Association shall have the right, through a member of the executive committee, to distribute by means of employee mail-boxes and bulletin boards, any announcements, notices, letters, brochures and other written or printed materials that it wishes to pass on to employees provided that such distribution does not interfere with the normal routine and responsibilities of employees and is signed by the appropriate officer of the Association. Building Principals shall be given a copy of all materials prior to distribution.
20.3 The Board agrees, upon written request of the Association, to release to the Association, information available to the Board concerning salary, working conditions, and all other terms and conditions of employment.
20.4 The Association and its members shall not conduct any Association activities during school working hours in any manner so as to interfere with or interrupt normal school operations.
20.5 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee rights s/he may have under the New Jersey School laws or other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to employees hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere.
20.6 It is the responsibility of the Association, its members and its representatives, to carry out administrative directions subject to the right of the Association or employee to follow the provisions of ARTICLE V, GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES. Neither the Association nor its representatives shall assume Board, administrative or supervisory authority.
20.7 No criticism by an administrator or Board member of an employee shall be made in the presence of students, parents, or at public gatherings. Nor shall any criticism by an employee of an administrator or Board member be made in the presence of students, parents, or at a public gathering. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to interfere with the appearance of employees, administrators, or Board members at public hearings involving the Glen Ridge School District.
20.8 All orientation programs for new employees shall be sponsored by the Board. The Association will be apprised of the schedule of such events and an appropriate amount of time will be granted to the Association to present programs of its choosing.
20.9 Whenever, except at initial conferences related to routine evaluation procedures, any employee is required to appear before the Superintendent or designee concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her office, position, or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, then s/he shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meetings or interviews. At all subsequent meetings or interviews with the Superintendent or designee or at any appearance before the Board or any committee, member, representative or agent thereof, such employee shall be entitled to have a representative from the Association present to advise and represent him/her during such a meeting or interview. Any suspension of any employee shall be in accordance with state statute. Whenever the Superintendent finds it necessary to hold a meeting with an employee according to the above paragraph in circumstances where notice of a meeting is given on the day of the meeting, such notice shall be oral rather than written.
20.10 The Board shall enter into no contract which will result in instruction being provided, supervised or otherwise influenced by any person or persons, organization, group or company other than properly certified persons directly employed by the Board without prior consultation with the Association.
20.11 The president of the Association shall have no non-teaching duties (excluding homeroom) to conduct Association business. The President of the Association may have one (1) professional day for Association business per year with notification and the prior approval of the Superintendent. If the President is a non-instructional staff member, he/she will be provided release time to conduct Association business on an as-needed basis with the approval of the Superintendent or designee.
Section 2
20.12 If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting except to the extent permitted by law but all other provisions of applications shall continue in full force and effect.
20.13 The Board and the Association, through their respective representatives, shall examine facilities for unsafe and unhealthful conditions, but such recommendations shall be considered advisory and not binding upon the Board.
20.14 Equal Treatment - The Board agrees that there shall be no discrimination or favoritism for reasons of gender, age, nationality, race, religion, marital status, political affiliation, union membership or union activities.
20.15 Work Rules - The Board may establish reasonable and necessary rules of work and conduct for employees. Such rules shall be equitably applied and enforced.
20.16 Bulletin Boards - Bulletin boards will be made available by the Board at each of the work locations for the Association for the purpose of posting Association announcements and other information of a non-controversial nature.
20.17 The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings at all reasonable hours for meetings when said building is not occupied. The principal of the building in question shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting stating the time and place of any such meeting.
20.18 Night custodians receive their pay at the Board office at the start of their shift the day before payday.
20.19 When in the judgment of the Board or its authorized administrator(s), emergencies that make working conditions temporarily unsafe or unhealthy, unit employees may be released from work without loss of pay.
20.20 As part of the regularly scheduled workday, if school is closed for inclement weather and the custodian works, they shall receive time and a half compensation. There shall be no additional compensation time.
20.21 Each July 1, the Board shall provide the Association President with an accurate seniority list. The President will be notified of any changes in the composition of the unit or alterations in the list as soon as they occur.
20.22 Cost for mandated new employee fingerprinting and criminal check shall be borne by the employee.
Section 1 (Teachers, Secretaries and Aides)
21.1 All vacancies caused by death, retirement, discharge, resignation, or by the creation of a new position, shall be filled pursuant to the following procedure:
A. A notice clearly setting forth the qualification, requirements, duties, salary, deadline for submission of application and other pertinent information necessary for the position shall be posted in every school building and a copy sent to the Association.
B. Such notices shall be posted as far in advance as practicable for at least ten (10) days before the final date for submission of applications.
C. Employees who desire to apply for any vacancies shall submit their application in writing to the Superintendent or designee within the time limits specified in the notice. Application shall include qualifications for position, transcripts, certification data that is not already contained in the candidates' personnel file, as well as other information requested. The application will remain active until withdrawn by the employee.
D. Employees who apply and are qualified for such a position shall be interviewed and shall subsequently be notified of the disposition of their application before the appointment is made. Any employee under contract who applies for a vacancy and is not appointed to the new position may discuss the reasons for the Board's action with the appropriate administrator, Superintendent or designee.
21.2 All appointments to vacancies shall be made without discrimination as to age, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, handicap or marital status.
21.3 Vacancies shall be filled by the Board on the basis of the best-qualified person available. The decision of the Board in this regard shall be final.
21.4 Employees who wish to be notified of any vacancies occurring during the summer may leave their name, mailing and cable address, and telephone number with the Superintendent. The administration shall send a notice of vacancy to all employees exercising such option. Application from such employees must be received by the Superintendent or designee within ten (10) days of the postmark date of the vacancy notice.
21.5 Vacancies in the extra-curricular schedule shall be filled as above.
Section 2 (Custodial)
21.6 All adjustments to the work force shall be initiated and made by the Board.
21.7 Term of employment within the District shall be given the most weight in the selection of an employee to fill a vacancy or declaring a surplus, as defined hereinafter, when two or more employees under consideration possess substantially the same qualifications needed for such reasoning.
21.8 Effect of Lack of Work
A. When lack of work necessitates decreasing the work force, employees shall be selected as surplus in the inverse order of their term of employment within the district from the custodial unit when such surplus exists by job classification, e.g., Head Custodian, Assistant Head Custodian, Custodian, Custodian of Operations. Maintenance persons will be considered by their term of employment in the District without regards to the custodial unit. Black Seal holders shall be on a separate seniority list. Seniority on the Black Seal seniority list shall be determined by the length of time an employee was employed by the Board while holding a Black Seal.
B. An employee selected as surplus or an employee who becomes surplus by displacement shall be considered for placement in the following successive steps:
(1) The surplus employees will displace another employee in the same job classification who has the shortest term of employment.
(2) If the surplus employee is not placed under 21.8 B1, then said employee will displace another employee in the next lower job classification who has the shortest term of employment. Said procedure will be followed at successively lower job classifications.
(3) An employee who cannot be placed in accordance with the above procedures shall be laid off.
Section 1 (All Employees)
22.1 The Board agrees to provide a medical insurance plan equal to or better than New Jersey State Health Benefits Plan in effect as of April 1, 1996, subject to the modifications and provisions set forth below in paragraphs A to E. The cost of said plan shall be paid by the Board for the 2004-2005, 2005-2006, and 2006-2007 school years. The Association agrees that the Board has the authority to choose the provider of said medical insurance plan provided said plan is equal to or better than the current medical insurance plan.
A. Effective January 1, 1999, all new hires shall be enrolled in the full family POS (managed care plan) until tenure, when they are eligible to choose either to remain in POS or go to another plan offered by the medical insurance provider, at no cost to the employee.
B. The indemnity plan shall contain the following modifications as to coverage:
(1) mandatory second surgical opinion;
(2) pre-admission certification;
(3) large case management;
(4) 48 hour emergency room notification;
(5) no carry over deductible
C. Deductible shall be $300.00 single and $600.00 family.
D. Waiver of Medical Coverage: An employee choosing to waive medical coverage shall receive $2,000.00 per year for each year of the contract. An employee will be entitled to re-enroll in the existing plan on a change in circumstances as defined by the insurance carrier. The payment of $2,000.00 will be paid quarterly or at the end of the year and separation. The parties will establish a Section 125 plan for the $2,000.00 payment.
E. An employee choosing to switch from the indemnity plan to POS (Managed Care Plan) will receive a one-time payment of $750.00.
Section 2 (Teachers, Secretaries and Aides)
22.2 The Board agrees to maintain the current vision plan for the 2004-07 school years up to $182.00 per employee per year. The quoted cost is the actual premium cost.
22.3 For the period of employment covered by this Agreement, the Board shall provide full family dental insurance as detailed in the group plan held with New Jersey Dental Service Plan, or its equivalent. Provisions to include: Program II, Basic 100 percent, Prosthodontics 50 percent, and Ortho II $800 maximum per case.
22.4 For the period of employment covered by this Agreement, the Board shall provide full family prescription coverage including coverage of dependents to age 23, $25.00/$15.00 co-pay prescription coverage, with same co-pays for Mail-In/Maintenance Prescriptions, as detailed by Blue Cross of New Jersey, or its equivalent. Provisions to include a deductible of $25.00/$15.00 for each eligible prescription.
Section 3 (Custodians)
22.5 The Board agrees to maintain the current vision plan for the 2004-07 school years up to $182.00 per employee per year. The quoted cost is the actual premium cost. The Board shall pay for vision plan coverage for the employee only in the first two (2) years of service.
22.6 For the period of employment covered by this Agreement, the Board shall provide full family dental insurance as detailed in the group plan held with New Jersey Dental Service Plan, or its equivalent. Provisions to include Program II, Basic 100 percent, Prosthodontics 50 percent, and Ortho II $800 maximum per case. The Board shall pay for employee only dental coverage for the first two (2) years of service.
22.7 For the period of employment covered by this Agreement, the Board shall provide full family prescription coverage including coverage of dependents to age 23, $25.00/$15.00 co-pay prescription coverage, with same co-pays for Mail-in/Maintenance Prescriptions, as detailed by Blue Cross of New Jersey, or its equivalent. Provisions to include a deductible of $25.00/$15.00 for each eligible prescription. The Board shall pay for employees only prescription coverage for the first two (2) years of service.
Section 4 (All employees)
22.8 At retirement, an employee may elect to continue participation in all or any of the above health insurance group programs. Each retired employee wishing to retain coverage will be billed annually each July for the full premium and will be responsible for all rate increases. An employee who does not elect to continue at retirement may not rejoin at a later date. For the purpose of the provision, an employee will only be considered retired if he/she is drawing a pension from TPAF, PERS or Essex County Pension Fund.
23.1 The Joint Study Committee shall serve in the capacity of employee/ Board/administration liaison.
23.2 The parties recognize that in our rapidly changing society curriculum content, teaching methods, learning patterns, student evaluation techniques, educational philosophy and goals, social change, society values, and other topics related to the total educational scene must be constantly reviewed, studied and improved.
23.3 In order to carry out the foregoing review, study, and improvement to best meet the needs of the students, the schools, and the community, a Joint Study Committee shall be established.
23.4 The Committee shall consist of four (4) representatives appointed by the Board and four (4) representatives appointed by the Association.
23.5 The Committee shall meet at the request of either the Board or Association members.
23.6 If there are recommendations made by the Joint Study Committee to the Board, the Board, through the Superintendent, will advise the Committee in writing of its actions and reasons for its actions.
23.7 The Committee will be authorized to establish ad hoc sub-committees as necessary in order to engage those staff members and others most familiar with the particular problem or topic and the most apt to be affected. The ad hoc sub-committees shall report directly to the Joint Study Committee.
23.8 Upon completion of the study in each area, the Joint Study Committee shall prepare a written report indicating findings of fact, opinions of each committee member and recommendations, if any. The said report shall be submitted to the Board and the Association.
23.9 Nothing herein contained shall be construed to indicate an intent on the part of the Board or the Association to consider the committee recommendations as negotiable or subject to grievance, nor shall the recommendation of the Joint Study Committee be binding upon the Board or the Association or be conclusive.
Section 1 (Teachers, Secretaries, and Aides)
24.1 The Board agrees to pay $170.00 per credit for graduate level courses that are part of a planned program and have been approved in advance by the Superintendent of Schools. Payment is made after submission of an official transcript indicating satisfactory completion of the work. The Board shall fully reimburse employees for course work that it requires those employees to take. Reimbursement under this provision shall not exceed $31,200.00 per year for each year of this Agreement.
The parties enter into this Sidebar Agreement which shall become an addendum to the 2004 through 2007 Agreement between them and go into effect upon ratification from both parties, as for the
24.1 (Pg. 48)
"The Board agrees….and have been approved in advance by the
Superintendent of Schools. Payment….requires those employees to take.
Reimbursement under….for each year of this Agreement"*
A maximum of three (3) credit hours per person (initial payment) shall be paid during the school year not to exceed the annual tuition reimbursement provision of $31,200. However, should the tuition reimbursement provision exceed the total amount paid during the school year, a final tuition reimbursement will be paid to those individuals who were not reimbursed for credit hours completed in excess of three (3) credit hours during the school year.
In the event a final tuition reimbursement payment is made, the amount a person will receive per credit hour shall be the total amount of the unused annual tuition reimbursement provision, divided by the total of all completed credit hours submitted for unpaid reimbursement, multiplied by the individual's completed credit hours not reimbursed not to exceed $170.00 per credit hour.
In the event that the annual tuition reimbursement provision is insufficient to pay for all of the initial payment (maximum of three (3) credit hours) reimbursement requests submitted, the order of payment shall begin with the lowest assigned course approval form number. The Superintendent will implement a sequential numbering system beginning with the number one (1) to each course approval form received by the Superintendent during the school year.
President Date President Date
Negotiations Chair Date Vice President Date
Negotiations Chair Date
24.2 The Board, within budget limitations, will pay the reasonable expenses, including fees, meals, lodging, and/or transportation incurred by teachers, secretaries and aides who attend local and out-of-town workshops, seminars, conferences or other professional improvement sessions at the request and/or with advance approval of their immediate supervisor and the Superintendent.
Section 2 (Teachers)
24.3 Teachers must notify the Board of Education through the Superintendent, in writing, of any anticipated changes in salary by November 1 of the year preceding the contract in which that level change becomes effective.
24.4 Any teacher granted funds under this ARTICLE would agree in writing to return to the school district following completion of the approved graduate courses for one school year. The teacher will agree, by signing a promissory note before being granted such funds, to remit to the Board the monetary amount paid except if there should occur any physical incapacity during this time, the Board may relieve him/her of such obligation.
Section 3 (Secretaries)
24.5 The Board will award to all employees, hired prior to June 30, 1994, who complete the Professional Development Program delineated below:
1st Certificate: 9 credits in any business or approved curriculum area 1.025% of Guide
2nd Certificate: 21 credits in any business or approved curriculum area 1.050% of Guide
3rd Certificate: 36 credits in any business or approved curriculum area 1.075% of Guide
Section 4 (Teachers)
24.6 In-Service. The Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) with input as required by Code, shall determine in-service needs of the district. Based upon this input, the LPDC, shall develop an in-service program of continuing education in order to meet those needs. The Board shall provide training to meet those needs as required by Code. Attendance at staff development beyond the contractual agreement shall be voluntary.
25.1 All mentoring positions shall be posted as early as the District is aware of its needs. The posting shall include qualifications for the position. The location and grade level or subject area shall also be posted.
25.2 Mentoring shall be voluntary. No teacher shall be assigned to mentoring if there are qualified volunteers available. If a mentor is required and no qualified volunteer is available, the Superintendent shall assign a mentor. Any teacher who is involuntarily assigned as a mentor shall not be involuntarily re-assigned until all other qualified teachers have been assigned. Mentoring assignments shall be made by the Superintendent. Any teacher assigned to a sixth period assignment shall not be assigned involuntarily as a mentor. A mentor must be a tenured teacher. The mentor shall be certified in the same subject area or closely aligned subject area as the Novice Teacher.
25.3 The District shall provide training for all teachers who serve as mentors prior to the start of their assignments. The District shall pay all costs associated with the mentoring program including training, travel, meals and lodging, pursuant to Board policy and subject to the prior approval of the Superintendent.
25.4 The novice teacher and the mentor shall meet at a mutually agreeable time on a weekly basis providing it does not interfere with student contact time. If the novice teacher and the mentor are unable to mutually agree on a time to meet, the novice teacher and mentor shall be required to meet once per week during period nine on Fridays or the last day of the work week. All meetings regardless of when held shall be documented as part of the mentoring plan.
25.5 Provided the Department of Education makes an annual appropriation to cover the costs of training, release time and stipends for the mentoring program, mentors shall receive the following amounts per academic year and/or pro-rated for a portion of the academic year:
$780.00 for each alternate route teacher
$572.00 for each new traditional route teacher
Section 1 (Teachers, Secretaries and Aides)
26.1 The Board on its own behalf and on behalf of the electors of the Township of Glen Ridge Borough hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and constitution of the State of New Jersey. The exercise of these powers, rights, authority, duties, rules, regulations and policies, as it may deem necessary, shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of the agreement. However, the Board reserves the right to adopt such policies not in conflict with the terms of this Agreement.
26.2 The Board will continue to accept its responsibility to give all reasonable support and assistance to employees with respect to the maintenance of control and discipline in the classroom and school.
26.3 The Board will continue to accept its responsibility to encourage and provide employees the opportunity to express their opinion. The Association shall be given a reasonable opportunity to submit its own written suggestions on any new or proposed policy changes directly affecting employees’ welfare or working conditions.
Section 2 (Custodial)
26.4 The Board reserves all rights and functions vested in it pursuant to applicable laws and regulations and such other functions as are normally and customarily exercised by boards of education in the management of the affairs of the school district.
26.5 The Board and its authorized administrator(s) have the right to take whatever immediate disciplinary action is consistent with maintaining the health and safety of students and employees and the operation of the school system. However, should an employee be required to appear before the Board or its authorized administrator(s) concerning a matter which could affect the continued employment, salary level, or permanent records of the employee, the employee and the Association President shall be given at least twenty-four (24) hour written notice to appear. The Board and/or its authorized administrator(s) shall notify the employee of his right to representation in such situations.
Section 1 (Teachers, Secretaries and Aides)
27.1 The basic salary schedule for all persons covered by this Agreement is set forth in a separate attachment and is considered part of this Agreement. Such salary schedule shall remain in effect during the term of this Agreement.
27.2 Extra-curricular duties shall be compensated according to the separate attachment, which is considered part of this Agreement.
All new and existing non-compensated clubs/activities should run for a minimum of one year without compensation. During that year, a job description for the club/ activity advisor will be created. Goals and objectives for the club will be developed along with minimum time expectations for the club/activity. At the end of the year, the club/activity will be evaluated for its effectiveness by the administration and a recommendation will be made to the Superintendent to make it a compensated position for the following year.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, all new and existing non-compensated clubs/activities will be approved for compensation over a three year phase-in period, not to exceed, in total, $7,000.00 per year, for each year of this contract. The Superintendent, or his/her designee, will then negotiate the compensation based on comparability with existing clubs and their job descriptions. All will be reviewed by the Board of Education for their final approval. Each compensated club/activity advisor will be evaluated yearly by the administration.
27.3 The Board reserves the right to withhold salary increments in accordance with applicable statutes.
27.4 Employment or adjustment increments in any one year may be withheld, in whole or in part, for inefficiency or other just cause related to the performance of duties only with the following:
A. The Procedure shall be adhered to as outlined in ARTICLE VII – EVALUATION.
B. The appropriate administrator shall not forward any recommendation to withhold an employee’s increment or any part thereof, through the Superintendent to the Board, unless at least ninety (90) calendar days prior thereto, and in no case later than April 1st of the preceding school year in which such action shall take effect, the appropriate administrator has given to the employee against whom the recommendation shall be made, written notice of the alleged cause(s) for the recommendation specifying the nature thereof with such particulars as to furnish the employee an opportunity to correct and overcome the same.
Section 2 (Teachers)
27.5 Longevity payments shall begin after twenty (20) years of service. The second step shall be added after twenty-five (25) years of service. For all employees hired after July 1, 1992, only years of service in Glen Ridge shall be counted.
27.6 Calculations for longevity payments shall be made by adding the number of years of experience credited by the Board at initial employment to the number of years of service in Glen Ridge. This section shall not apply for any employee hired after July 1, 1992.
Section 3 (Secretaries)
27.7 Longevity payments shall begin after fifteen (15) years of service in Glen Ridge. The second step shall be added after twenty (20) years of service in Glen Ridge.
Section 4 (Custodial)
27.8 The salary schedule for all persons covered by this agreement is set forth in a separate attachment and is considered part of this Agreement. Such salary schedule shall remain in effect during the term of this Agreement.
27.9 Payroll date normally falling on December 30 shall occur on the last day regular school sessions are held in December.
27.10 The Board reserves the right to grant credit for any experience which it deems of value to the Glen Ridge school system at the time of initial employment.
27.11 Longevity payments shall begin after ten (10) years of service. The second step shall be added after fifteen (15) years of service.
Section 1 (All Employees)
28.1 The Board agrees to deduct from the salaries of its employees dues for the Glen Ridge Education Association, the Essex County Education Association, the New Jersey Education Association, the National Education Association, or any one or any combination of such Associations as said employees individually and voluntarily authorize the Board to deduct. Such deduction shall be made in compliance with Chapter 310, Public Laws of 1967 (NJSA 52:14-15, 9R) and under rules established by the State Department of Education.
28.2 If an employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership year (i.e., from September 1 to the following August 31) which is covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. The purpose of this fee will be to offset the employee’s per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representative.
28.3 Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the Association to its own members for that membership year. The representation fee to be paid by non-members will be equal to 85% of that amount.
28.4 In order adequately to offset the per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representative, the representation fee should be equal in amount to the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the Association to its own members, and the representation fee has been set at 85% of that amount solely because that is the maximum presently allowed by law. If the law is changed in this regard, the amount of the representation fee automatically will be increased to the maximum allowed, said increase to become effective as of the beginning of the Association membership year immediately following the effective date of the change.
28.5 Once during each membership year covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, the Association will submit to the Board a list of those employees who have not become members of the Association for the then current membership year. The Board will deduct from the salaries of such employees, in accordance with paragraph 28.6 below, the full amount of the representation fee and promptly will transmit the amount so deducted to the Association.
28.6 The Board will deduct the representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paychecks paid to each employee on the aforesaid list during the remainder of the membership year in question. The deductions will begin with the first paycheck paid:
A. Ten (10) days after receipt of the aforesaid list by the Board; or
B. Thirty (30) days after the employee begins his or her employment in a bargaining unit position, unless the employee previously served in a bargaining unit position and continued in the employ of the Board in a non-bargaining unit position or was on layoff, in which event the deduction will begin with the first paycheck paid ten (10) days after the resumption of the employee’s employment in a bargaining unit position, whichever is later.
28.7 If any employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his or her employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is entitled under this ARTICLE, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to each employee during the membership year in question.
28.8 Except as otherwise provided in this ARTICLE, the mechanics for deduction of representation fees and the transmission of such fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the deduction and transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.
28.9 The Association will notify the Board in writing of any changes in the list provided for in paragraph 28.5 above and/or the amount of the representation fee, and such changes will be reflected in any deductions made more than ten (10) days after the Board received said notice.
28.10 On or about the last day of each month, beginning with the month this Agreement becomes effective, the Board will submit to the Association, a list of all employees who began their employment in a bargaining unit position during the preceding thirty (30) day period. The list will include names, job titles and dates of employment for all such employees.
28.11 The Association shall indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses that may arise out of or by reason of any action taken by the Board in connection with this ARTICLE.
CLOTHING (Custodial)
29.1 Uniforms are mandatory. A joint committee shall choose the clothing. The Board agrees to provide each employee of the unit with three (3) uniforms per year on or before September 1. New employees will not be furnished uniforms until after the probationary period.
29.2 The Board also agrees to provide each employee with one (1) pair of gloves per year.
29.3 A sufficient quantity of the following items will be provided in each work location:
A. Winter jackets
B. Rain boots
C. Raincoats and pants
The Association shall be consulted prior to purchases of the items for input on number, sizes, and types of material to be purchased.
Section 1 (All Employees)
30.1 The provisions of this Agreement shall be effective on July 1, 2004.
30.2 This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2007 at which time it shall terminate unless the Association and the Board agree to extend or amend the Agreement.
Section 2 (Custodial)
30.3 The Board shall provide ninety (90) day advance written notice of any plan to contract with outside vendors in any manner that may affect the continued employment of Association members with the Board.
30.4 Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to deny or restrict to any Employee, the Association or the Board such rights as they may have under New Jersey laws or other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to employees, the Association and the Board hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere.
30.5 Upon expiration of the terms, this Agreement and all Articles herein shall remain in full effect until such time as a successor agreement is negotiated.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said GLEN RIDGE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION has caused these presents to be signed by its President, and attested to by its Negotiating Chairperson, and the BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GLEN RIDGE BOROUGH has caused these presents to be signed by its President, and attested by its Secretary, on the day and year first above written.
Attest: Signed:
_____________________________ ______________________________________
Peter R. Caprio, Jr. Elisabeth Ginsburg
Secretary - Board President - Board
Attest: Signed:
_____________________________ ______________________________________
Edward Bobinski Henry Haas and Joan DeJong
Negotiating Chairperson - Association Co-Presidents - Association
Step | BA | BA+30* | BA+60* | MA | MA+32 |
1 | 40,092 | 43,629 | 48,170 | 44,779 | 48,849 |
2 | 40,592 | 44,129 | 48,670 | 45,279 | 49,349 |
3 | 41,588 | 45,125 | 49,666 | 46,275 | 50,345 |
4 | 42,583 | 46,571 | 50,620 | 47,246 | 51,295 |
5 | 43,687 | 47,797 | 51,970 | 48,474 | 52,645 |
6 | 44,792 | 49,025 | 53,320 | 49,699 | 53,996 |
7 | 45,896 | 50,252 | 54,670 | 50,926 | 55,345 |
8 | 47,000 | 51,479 | 56,020 | 52,154 | 56,695 |
9 | 48,105 | 52,707 | 57,369 | 53,381 | 58,045 |
10 | 49,209 | 53,934 | 58,719 | 54,608 | 59,394 |
11 | 50,314 | 55,161 | 60,069 | 55,836 | 60,745 |
12 | 51,419 | 56,389 | 61,419 | 57,063 | 62,095 |
13 | 52,523 | 57,615 | 62,769 | 58,290 | 63,444 |
14 | 58,812 | 58,842 | 64,240 | 59,518 | 64,860 |
15 |  | 61,588 | 68,702 | 62,207 | 69,322 |
16 |  | 68,228 | 73,164 | 68,867 | 73,784 |
17 |  |  | 81,778 |  | 82,416 |
Longevity After 20 Years - $ 1,050.00
Longevity After 25 Years - $1,566.00
* Teachers hired subsequent to July 1, 1992 are not eligible for placement on this column.
Step | BA | BA+30* | BA+60* | MA | MA+32 |
1 | 41,990 | 45,647 | 50,341 | 46,836 | 51,043 |
2 | 42,490 | 46,147 | 50,841 | 47,336 | 51,543 |
3 | 42,990 | 46,647 | 51,341 | 47,836 | 52,043 |
4 | 44,019 | 48,141 | 52,327 | 48,839 | 53,024 |
5 | 45,160 | 49,409 | 53,723 | 50,108 | 54,420 |
6 | 46,302 | 50,678 | 55,118 | 51,375 | 55,816 |
7 | 47,443 | 51,946 | 56,514 | 52,644 | 57,211 |
8 | 48,585 | 53,215 | 57,909 | 53,913 | 58,606 |
9 | 49,727 | 54,484 | 59,304 | 55,181 | 60,002 |
10 | 50,868 | 55,752 | 60,699 | 56,450 | 61,397 |
11 | 52,011 | 57,021 | 62,095 | 57,719 | 62,793 |
12 | 53,153 | 58,290 | 63,490 | 58,987 | 64,189 |
13 | 54,294 | 59,558 | 64,886 | 60,255 | 65,583 |
14 | 60,796 | 60,827 | 66,407 | 61,525 | 67,047 |
15 |  | 63,665 | 71,019 | 64,304 | 71,659 |
16 |  | 70,529 | 75,631 | 71,189 | 76,272 |
17 |  |  | 84,536 |  | 85,195 |
Longevity After 20 Years - $ 1,091.00
Longevity After 25 Years - $1,629.00
* Teachers hired subsequent to July 1, 1992 are not eligible for placement on this column.TEACHER SALARY GUIDE
Step | BA | BA+30* | BA+60* | MA | MA+32 |
1 | 44,477 | 48,746 | 53,079 | 49,468 | 53,801 |
2 | 44,777 | 49,046 | 53,379 | 49,768 | 54,101 |
3 | 45,077 | 49,346 | 53,679 | 50,068 | 54,401 |
4 | 45,577 | 49,846 | 54,179 | 50,568 | 54,901 |
5 | 46,759 | 51,158 | 55,624 | 51,882 | 56,346 |
6 | 47,941 | 52,472 | 57,069 | 53,194 | 57,792 |
7 | 49,123 | 53,785 | 58,514 | 54,507 | 59,236 |
8 | 50,305 | 55,098 | 59,959 | 55,821 | 60,681 |
9 | 51,488 | 56,413 | 61,403 | 57,135 | 62,126 |
10 | 52,669 | 57,726 | 62,848 | 58,448 | 63,570 |
11 | 53,852 | 59,039 | 64,293 | 59,762 | 65,016 |
12 | 55,034 | 60,353 | 65,738 | 61,075 | 66,461 |
13 | 56,216 | 61,667 | 67,183 | 62,389 | 67,905 |
14 | 62,948 | 62,980 | 68,757 | 63,703 | 69,421 |
15 |  | 65,918 | 73,533 | 66,581 | 74,196 |
16 |  | 73,026 | 78,308 | 73,709 | 78,972 |
17 |  |  | 87,528 |  | 88,210 |
Longevity After 20 Years - $1,135.00
Longevity After 25 Years - $1,694.00
* Teachers hired subsequent to July 1, 1992 are not eligible for placement on this column.SECRETARY SALARY GUIDE 2004-2005
Step | 12 mos | Central |
1 | 33,946 | 34,446 |
2 | 34,316 | 34,816 |
3 | 34,685 | 35,185 |
4 | 35,055 | 35,555 |
5 | 35,424 | 35,924 |
6 | 35,795 | 36,295 |
7 | 36,164 | 36,664 |
8 | 38,414 | 38,914 |
9 | 40,663 | 41,163 |
10 | 42,914 | 48,764 |
Longevity After 15 Years: $1,012.00
Longevity After 20 Years: $1,514.00SECRETARY SALARY GUIDE
Step | 12 mos | Central |
1 | 35,161 | 40,161 |
2 | 35,544 | 40,544 |
3 | 35,927 | 40,927 |
4 | 36,310 | 41,310 |
5 | 36,692 | 41,692 |
6 | 37,076 | 42,076 |
7 | 37,459 | 42,459 |
8 | 39,789 | 44,789 |
9 | 42,119 | 47,119 |
10 | 44,451 | 50,301 |
Longevity After 15 Years: $1,052.00
Longevity After 20 Years: $1,575.00
Step | 12 mos | Central |
1 | 38,824 | 43,824 |
2 | 39,624 | 44,624 |
3 | 40,424 | 45,424 |
4 | 41,224 | 46,224 |
5 | 42,024 | 47,024 |
6 | 42,824 | 47,824 |
7 | 43,624 | 48,624 |
8 | 44,424 | 49,424 |
9 | 45,224 | 50,224 |
10 | 46,024 | 51,874 |
Longevity After 15 Years: $ 1,094.00
Longevity After 20 Years: $ 1,638.00
STEP | 2004-2005 | HOURLY BASE
1400 HRS | 2005-2006 | HOURLY BASE
1400 HRS | 2006-2007 | HOURLY BASE
1400 HRS |
17,807 |
18,107 |
18,406 |
18,638 |
19,310 |
20,041 |
20,725 |
21,472 |
22,244 |
23,045 |
12.72 |
12.93 |
13.15 |
13.31 |
13.79 |
14.31 |
14.80 |
15.34 |
15.89 |
16.46 |
18,465 |
18,765 |
19,065 |
19,305 |
20,001 |
20,758 |
21,467 |
22,241 |
23,041 |
23,870 |
13.19 |
13.40 |
13.62 |
13.79 |
14.29 |
14.83 |
15.33 |
15.89 |
16.46 |
17.05 |
19,089 |
19,389 |
19,689 |
19,989 |
20,709 |
21,493 |
22,227 |
23,028 |
23,856 |
24,716 |
13.63 |
13.85 |
14.06 |
14.28 |
14.79 |
15.35 |
15.88 |
16.45 |
17.04 |
17.65 |
Off Guide | 26,468 |  | 27,792 |  | 29,182 |  |
Longevity After 15 Years - $ 342.00
Longevity After 20 Years - $ 686.00
Longevity After 15 Years - $ 356.00
Longevity After 20 Years - $ 714.00
Longevity After 15 Years - $ 370.00
Longevity After 20 Years - $ 742.00
CUSTODIAL SALARY GUIDE *Transportation Salaries shall be $32,409 in 2004-05; $33,569 in 2005-06; and $34,758 in 2006-07.
STEPS | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
30,961 |
31,421 |
31,883 |
32,345 |
32,806 |
33,268 |
33,730 |
34,190 |
34,913 |
35,962 |
38,129 |
38,892 |
32,069 |
32,546 |
33,025 |
33,503 |
33,981 |
34,459 |
34,937 |
35,414 |
36,163 |
37,250 |
39,494 |
40,284 |
33,205 |
33,699 |
34,194 |
34,689 |
35,184 |
35,679 |
36,174 |
36,668 |
37,443 |
38,569 |
40,892 |
41,710 |
STIPEND: Head Elementary $4,221.00
Head Upper Elementary $7,013.00
Head High School $7,358.00
STIPEND: Head Elementary $4,374.00
Head Upper Elementary $7,241.00
Head High School $7,738.00
STIPEND: Head Elementary $4,531.00
Head Upper Elementary $7,476.00
Head High School $8,138.00MAINTENANCE SALARY GUIDE
STEPS | 2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
40,961 |
41,421 |
41,883 |
42,345 |
42,806 |
43,268 |
43,730 |
44,190 |
44,913 |
45,962 |
48,129 |
51,028 |
42,069 |
42,546 |
43,025 |
43,503 |
43,981 |
44,459 |
44,937 |
45,414 |
46,163 |
47,250 |
49,494 |
52,420 |
43,205 |
43,699 |
44,194 |
44,689 |
45,184 |
45,679 |
46,174 |
46,668 |
47,443 |
48,569 |
50,892 |
53,846 |
Position Guide
Head Football 1
Assistant Football 3
Assistant Frosh Football 3
Head Soccer 2
Assistant Soccer 3
Head Girls' Tennis 3
Head Boys' Tennis 3
Head Field Hockey 2
Assistant Field Hockey 3
Fall Cheerleading 4
Assistant Cheerleading 6
Site Director 5
Head Boys' Basketball 1
Assistant Boys' Basketball 3
Head Girls' Basketball 1
Assistant Girls' Basketball 3
Head Wrestling 2
Assistant Wrestling 3
Head Boys' Lacrosse 2
Assistant Boys' Lacrosse 3
Head Girls' Lacrosse 2
Assistant Girls' Lacrosse 3
Head Cross Country 3
Position Guide Position Guide
Weightlifting 3
Winter Track 3
Assistant Winter Track 4
Winter Cheerleading 4
Head Baseball 2
Assistant Baseball 3
Head Softball 2
Assistant Softball 3
Head Track 2
Assistant Track 3
Golf 3
Head Band Director 1
Assistant Band Director 3
Head Yearbook Advisor 3
Journalist Advisor 3
Color Guard Instructor………………… 3
G.O. Account 6
Student Council Advisor 4
Drama Advisor 3
Assistant Drama 5
Jazz Band Director 4
Science League 7
Book Club Advisor……………………. 6
Junior Class Advisor 6
Senior Class Advisor 6
National Honor Society 7
Literary Magazine 6
Community Service 6
Spanish Club/Honor Society 7
French Club/Honor Society 7
MS Jazz Band 5
National Art Honor Society 7
Sophomore Advisor 7
Frosh Advisor 7
Middle School Math Team 7
Middle School Debate 7
Middle School Chorus 4
AV Coordinator 6
Model UN 4
Middle School Student Council 4
After School Bldg Monitor…………….5
Middle School Yearbook………………..4
Percussion Ensemble Director…………3
Environmental Club…………………….6
Key Club & Builders…………………..6
Future Educators……………………….5
Political Science Club…………………..7
Program Leaders………………………6 RIDGEWOOD AVENUE SCHOOL
Position Guide
Head Fall Intramurals 6
Assistant Fall Intramurals 7
Head Winter Intramurals 6
Assistant Winter Intramurals 7
Head Spring Intramurals 6
Assistant Spring Intramurals 7
Yearbook Advisor 6
Lamp Post Advisor 7
S.A.B. 7
Jazz Band Director 5
Key Club……………………………………………………………. 6
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | 1&2 | 6076 | 5796 | 4623 | 3607 | 2681 | 1891
1199 |
2 | 3&4 | 6841 | 6100 | 4928 | 4042 | 3022 | 2064
1353 |
3 | 5&6 | 7201 | 6455 | 5282 | 4449 | 3372 | 2292
1534 |
4 | 7&8 | 7500 | 6761 | 5580 | 4756 | 3709 | 2460
1701 |
5 | 9&10 | 7886 | 7132 | 5956 | 5154 | 4116 | 2688
1929 |
6 | 11&12 | 8194 | 7431 | 6262 | 5485 | 4457 | 2856
2134 |
7 | 13&14 | 8564 | 7819 | 6624 | 5897 | 4880 | 3127
2339 |
8 | 15&16 | 8879 | 8123 | 6946 | 6230 | 5211 | 3342
2508 |
Longevity: After 15 Years - $40
Bus License Stipend: Coaches driving their own teams during the season shall not be eligible for the stipend, but shall be eligible for it if called upon to drive at other times.
Employees hired as bus drivers shall not be eligible for the $250 stipend.
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | 1&2 | 6376 | 6071 | 4853 | 3807 | 2841 | 2001
1284 |
2 | 3&4 | 7141 | 6375 | 5158 | 4242 | 3182 | 2174
1438 |
3 | 5&6 | 7501 | 6730 | 5512 | 4649 | 3532 | 2402
1619 |
4 | 7&8 | 7800 | 7036 | 5810 | 4956 | 3869 | 2570
1786 |
5 | 9&10 | 8186 | 7407 | 6186 | 5354 | 4276 | 2798
2014 |
6 | 11&12 | 8494 | 7706 | 6492 | 5685 | 4617 | 2966
2219 |
7 | 13&14 | 8864 | 8094 | 6854 | 6097 | 5040 | 32372424 |
8 | 15&16 | 9179 | 8398 | 7176 | 6430 | 5371 | 3452
2593 |
Longevity: After 15 Years - $41
Bus License Stipend: Coaches driving their own teams during the season shall not be eligible for the stipend, but shall be eligible for it if called upon to drive at other times.
Employees hired as bus drivers shall not be eligible for the $250 stipend.
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
1 | 1&2 | 6691 | 6361 | 5093 | 4013 | 3006 | 2111
1374 |
2 | 3&4 | 7456 | 6665 | 5398 | 4448 | 3347 | 2284
1528 |
3 | 5&6 | 7816 | 7020 | 5752 | 4855 | 3697 | 2512
1709 |
4 | 7&8 | 8115 | 7326 | 6050 | 5162 | 4034 | 2680
1876 |
5 | 9&10 | 8501 | 7697 | 6426 | 5560 | 4441 | 2908
2104 |
6 | 11&12 | 8809 | 7996 | 6732 | 5891 | 4782 | 3076
2309 |
7 | 13&14 | 9179 | 8384 | 7094 | 6303 | 5205 | 3347
2514 |
8 | 15&16 | 9494 | 8688 | 7416 | 6636 | 5536 | 3562
2683 |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Longevity: After 15 Years - $43
Bus License Stipend: Coaches driving their own teams during the season shall not be eligible for the stipend, but shall be eligible for it if called upon to drive at other times.
Employees hired as bus drivers shall not be eligible for the $250 stipend.
(Effective July 1, 2004)
Preschool Salaries Teaching salaries (4.5 hrs. x 30 sessions = 135.0 hours)
Aides salaries (4.5 hrs. x 30 sessions = 135.0 hours)
Teacher $26/hr
Aide $10.40/hr
Primary I Salaries
Teacher $26/hr
Aide $10.40/hr
Intermediate Salaries
Teacher $26/hr
Aide $10.40/hr
Related Services
Speech/Lang $26/hr
Nurse $26/hr
OT $57.20/hr (approx. - depends on need)
PT $57.20/hr (approx. - depends on need)
Social Skills $26/hr
Evaluations: Per Case
LTD-C $312/per case x 6 cases = $1,872.00 (approx. number of cases)
PSYCH $312/per case x 6 cases = $1,872.00 (approx. number of cases)
SPEECH Eval. $312/per case x 6 cases = $1,872.00 (approx. number of cases)
SOC. WK $312/per case x 6 cases = $1,872.00 (approx. number of cases)
Absence Notification
Custodians, 36
Adoption Leave
Custodians, 28
Teachers, Secretaries & Aides, 25
Appearance at Public Meetings, 41
Applications, 43-44
Assaults, 39
Custodial, 21
Changes, 32
Association Activities, 40-41
Back-to-School Night, 33
Board's Rights & Responsibilities, 51
Break Period
Custodians, 35
Bulletin Boards, 40, 42
Custodians, 37
Changes in Teaching Stations, 33
Childbirth Leave, 24
Child Care Leave, 24-25
Collection of Monies, 39
Collective Bargaining, 5
Collective Negotiations, 2
Committee Responsibility, 33
Back-to-School Night, 33
Conferences, 33
Extra-Curricular Activities, 33-34, 51
Inclement Weather, 43
Longevity, 53
Overnight Field Trip, 34
Secretaries, 34
Part-Time Employees, 2, 4, 12
Sixth Period Assignments, 30-31
Summer School, 17-18
Custodians, 35-38
Conferences, 32-33
Contract Notification, 40
Criticism, 41
Damages, 39
Date of Agreement, 1
Death in Family, 26-27
Definition of Association, 3
Definition of Board, 3
Definition of Custodial, 3
Definition of Days, 3
Definition of Employees, 2
Definition of Extra-Curricular, 3
Definition of Grievance, 6
Definition of Grievant, 6
Definition of Major Subjects, 3
Definition of Parties, 3
Definition of Part-Time Aide, 4
Definition of Party in Interest, 6
Definition of School District, 3
Definition of School Year
Secretaries - 10 Month, 4
Secretaries - 12 Month, 4
Teachers, 3
Definition of Subject Fields, 4
Definition of Superintendent, 3
Discrimination Clause, 4, 42
Duty, Non-Teaching, 31
President of Association, 42
Effective Dates, 1
Emergency Leave, 26-27
Employee Files, 19
Employee Protection, 39
Equipment, 31, 56
Teachers, 14-16
Secretaries, Aides & Custodians, 16
Extra-Curricular Vacancies, 44
Extra-Curricular Guide New Placement, 52
Facilities Inspection, 42
Faculty Lounge, 31
Faculty Meetings, 32
Family Leave Act, 25-26, 28
Fingerprinting, 43
Freedom, Personal & Academic, 18-19
Funeral Leave
Custodians, 27
Teachers, Secretaries & Aides, 26-27
Good Cause Leave, 25
Grievance Procedures, 6 - 10
Holidays, 10-14
Custodians, 12-14
Secretaries - 12 Month, 11-12
Holiday Pay, 13-14
Insurance Protection
All Employees, 45-47
Dental, 47
Prescription, 47
Vision, 46
Retired Employees, 47
Joint Study Committee, 47-48
Just Cause Provision, 6
Leaves of Absence, 22-29
Adoption, 25, 28
Childbirth, 24
Child Care, 24-25
Emergency, 26-27
Family Leave Act
Teachers, Secretaries & Aides, 25-26
Custodians, 28
Funeral, 26-27
Good Cause, 25
Military, 25
Sabbatical, 28-29
Sick, 22-23, 27
Leave Without Pay, 23
Longevity, 48
Lunch Period
Aides, 34
Custodians, 35
Secretaries, 34
Teachers, 30
Materials, 31, 56
Meetings, 32
Membership Protection, 4
Morale, 7
Negotiation Committee, 5
Negotiations, 5-6
Objective, 1
Orientation Programs, 41
Custodians, 36-38
Secretaries, 34
Part-Time Employees, 2, 4, 12
Custodians, 42
Personal Leave, 23
Custodians, 27-28
Teachers, Secretaries & Aides, 23
Twelve-Month Employees, 23
Personnel File, 14-16
Secretaries, 16
Teachers, 14-16
Custodians, 21
Teachers, Secretaries & Aides, 43-44
Pregnancy Leave, 24
Preliminary Proposed Budget, 5
Preparation Periods, 30
Probationary Period
Custodians, 21
Professional Development, 48-49
Graduate Courses, 48-49
Promissory Note, 49
In-Service, 49
Secretaries, 49
Professional Leave, 23
Recognition of Association, 2
Reduction in Secretarial Staff, 34
Reduction in Custodial Staff, 44-45
Representation at Meetings, 41
Representation Fee, 54-55
Responsibility of Board, 1
Responsibility of Staff, 1
Rights of Employees, 40-43
Salary Information from Board, 40
Salary Status, 52-53
School Calendar, 10-12
Secretaries-12 Month, 11-12
Teachers and Aides, 10, 34
Sick Leave, 22, 27
Abuse of Policy, 27
Accumulated Days, 27-28
Teachers, Secretaries & Aides
Accumulated Days, 22-23
Sixth-Period Assignments, 30-31
Storage of Instructional Materials, 31
Strikes & Sanctions, 29
Student Discipline, 38
Substitutes, 17
Summer School, 17-18
Summer Vacancies, 44
Tentative Agreements, 6
Thefts, 39
Time Clocks
Custodians, 35-36
Custodians, 20
Involuntary, 20
Secretaries, 20
Teachers, 19-20
Uniforms, 56
Unsafe Working Conditions, 39, 42
Use of School Buildings, 40, 42
Vacancies, 20-21, 43-45
Vacations, 10-13
Custodians, 12-13
Secretaries - 12 Month, 11-12
Work Day
Aides, 34
Custodians, 35
Secretaries, 34
Teachers, 30-34
Work Force Decrease, 34, 44-45
Working Conditions, 30-38
X - Y - Z