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July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023
Burlington, New Jersey 08016
BOE approved March 18, 2020
HYPERLINK \l "_ebyoq3ts7sr2" \h PREAMBLE PAGEREF _ebyoq3ts7sr2 \h 3
HYPERLINK \l "_cr3y1i8qzixs" \h ARTICLE I PAGEREF _cr3y1i8qzixs \h 3
HYPERLINK \l "_26zq1jfaxth0" \h RECOGNITION PAGEREF _26zq1jfaxth0 \h 3
HYPERLINK \l "_jwmhsm5fbem" \h ARTICLE II PAGEREF _jwmhsm5fbem \h 4
HYPERLINK \l "_6pf3v4oziptd" \h GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE PAGEREF _6pf3v4oziptd \h 4
HYPERLINK \l "_voer90i2b3vg" \h ARTICLE III PAGEREF _voer90i2b3vg \h 7
HYPERLINK \l "_cc4i4i4s5exs" \h ADMINISTRATIVE RIGHTS PAGEREF _cc4i4i4s5exs \h 7
HYPERLINK \l "_5kqisu43ov8z" \h ARTICLE IV PAGEREF _5kqisu43ov8z \h 8
HYPERLINK \l "_4bdx3qyqgvry" \h BENEFITS PAGEREF _4bdx3qyqgvry \h 8
HYPERLINK \l "_o4kmurz9eb50" \h ARTICLE V PAGEREF _o4kmurz9eb50 \h 10
HYPERLINK \l "_li757nc4q6nv" \h PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PAGEREF _li757nc4q6nv \h 10
HYPERLINK \l "_jbli7snid5bn" \h ARTICLE VI PAGEREF _jbli7snid5bn \h 11
HYPERLINK \l "_1bjv877lthh2" \h TRANSFER, REASSIGNMENT, AND PROMOTION PAGEREF _1bjv877lthh2 \h 11
HYPERLINK \l "_z9yqm5kjkmtc" \h ARTICLE VII PAGEREF _z9yqm5kjkmtc \h 12
HYPERLINK \l "_1tg0pnqip070" \h MISCELLANEOUS PAGEREF _1tg0pnqip070 \h 12
HYPERLINK \l "_mnn3zh4zptlw" \h ARTICLE VIII PAGEREF _mnn3zh4zptlw \h 12
HYPERLINK \l "_3y80ebouveo6" \h EMPLOYMENT PAGEREF _3y80ebouveo6 \h 12
HYPERLINK \l "_j4267py6kz5" \h ARTICLE IX PAGEREF _j4267py6kz5 \h 14
HYPERLINK \l "_84aeyx8q25ga" \h EXTENDED LEAVES OF ABSENCE PAGEREF _84aeyx8q25ga \h 14
HYPERLINK \l "_dpkn59cwfgkk" \h ARTICLE X PAGEREF _dpkn59cwfgkk \h 16
HYPERLINK \l "_jrg8r0yfc9wx" \h ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES PAGEREF _jrg8r0yfc9wx \h 16
HYPERLINK \l "_wko1idn5xu43" \h ARTICLE XI - SALARY PAGEREF _wko1idn5xu43 \h 16
HYPERLINK \l "_9wafgtze5bo" \h ARTICLE XII PAGEREF _9wafgtze5bo \h 18
HYPERLINK \l "_xvmvqbhhcjo5" \h DURATION OF AGREEMENT PAGEREF _xvmvqbhhcjo5 \h 18
HYPERLINK \l "_5mhvuapzo00d" \h SIGNATURE PAGE PAGEREF _5mhvuapzo00d \h 19
This agreement is entered into this 18th day of March, 2020, by and between the Board of Education of Burlington Township, Burlington, New Jersey, hereinafter called the “BOARD,” and the Principals’ and Supervisors’ Association, hereinafter called the “ASSOCIATION.”
WHEREAS, the parties have reached certain understandings which they desire to confirm in the Agreement, be it
RESOLVED, in consideration of the following mutual covenants, it is hereby agreed as follows:
A. Unit Membership
In accordance with Chapter 123, Public Laws 1974, the BOARD hereby recognizes the ASSOCIATION as the exclusive and sole representative for the collective negotiation concerning the terms and conditions of employment and grievances for supervisory personnel employed or to be employed by the BOARD including only: high school principal, middle school principal, elementary school principals, high school vice principal, middle school vice principal, elementary school vice principals, director of student personnel, director of special services, athletic director, and supervisors (ten or twelve month).
B. Definition of Administrator
Unless otherwise indicated, the term “administrator” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all employees represented by the ASSOCIATION in the negotiation unit as above defined, and reference to “male” shall include females.
A. Definitions
1. The term “days” when used in this Article shall mean working days.
2. The term “grievance” means a complaint or claim that there has been improper application, interpretation or alleged violation of this Agreement, BOARD policies or administrative decisions affecting the terms and conditions of employment of an administrator or group of administrators.
3. An ADMINISTRATOR shall not have the right to refuse to follow an administrative directive or a BOARD policy on the grounds that he has instituted a grievance.
B. Purpose
The purpose of the procedure is to resolve, at the lowest possible level, differences concerning the rights of the parties regarding the terms and conditions of employment of the administrators covered by this agreement.
Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential
as may be appropriate at every level of the procedure.
C. Procedure
1. General
a. A grievance may be filed by any individual member, a group of
members, or by the ASSOCIATION, either in its name or as the
representative of a group or class whose individual signatures shall not
be necessary.
b. The number of days indicated at each level is considered as a
maximum and every effort shall be made to expedite the process. The
time limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement.
c. All grievances must be initiated at Level One within 15 school days after the administrator knows or should have known of the alleged basis of the grievance.
d. Upon failure at any step to communicate the decision on a grievance within the specified time limits, the grievance shall proceed to the next level of the grievance procedure. Failure to appeal an answer, which is unsatisfactory within the specified time limits, shall be deemed to constitute an acceptance of such response as resolving the grievance.
e. A grievance may be withdrawn at any point during the grievance procedure. The withdrawal of the grievance must be in writing to the superintendent and the grievance shall be deemed resolved.
2. Level One
a. The administrator with a grievance shall discuss it with his immediate supervisor or principal in an attempt to resolve the grievance informally. If the grievant is a principal, the discussion should be with the superintendent.
b. If, as a result of the discussion, the grievance is not resolved to the
satisfaction of the administrator within two days, he shall set forth
his grievance in writing to his supervisor. The principal shall
communicate his decision to the administrator in writing within two
days of receipt of the written grievance.
c. In the case of a principal being the grievant if, as a result of the
discussion, the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the
principal within two days, he shall set forth his grievance in
writing to the superintendent. The superintendent shall communicate his decision to the principal in writing within two days of receipt of the written grievance.
3. Level Two
a. In the case of a principal Level Two will be eliminated and the grievant will proceed to Level Three.
b. If the grievance is not resolved at Level One to the satisfaction of the administrator, he may appeal the decision to the superintendent of schools within five school days. The appeal to the superintendent
must be made in writing and must set forth the grounds upon which the grievance is based.
c. The superintendent shall request a report on the complaint from the principal, shall confer with the concerned parties and, upon request, with the administrator or principal separately. He shall attempt to resolve the matter within a period not to exceed five days from the receipt of the appeal. The superintendent shall communicate his decision, in writing, along with supporting reasons to the administrator and the principal.
4. Level Three
a. If after the superintendent has communicated his written decision, the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the administrator, he may appeal the superintendent’s decision to the BOARD within ten days.
b. The appeal to the BOARD must be submitted in writing through the superintendent who shall attach all related papers and forward the appeal to the BOARD.
c. The BOARD shall review the grievance and hold a hearing with the administrator if requested by either party.
d. If no hearing is requested, the BOARD shall render a decision within five days of the next scheduled BOARD meeting after having received the appeal. If a hearing has been requested, the BOARD shall render a decision within five days of the date of the hearing.
5. Level Four
a. Only a grievance arising from an alleged violation of the express
written terms of the agreement which remains unresolved to the
satisfaction of the administrator after a decision has been rendered by the BOARD may be submitted to arbitration within six days following the BOARD’S decision.
b. Within five days after such written notice of submission to arbitration, the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION shall attempt to
agree upon a mutually acceptable arbitrator and shall obtain a commitment from said arbitrator to serve. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator or to obtain such a commitment within the specified period, a request for a list of arbitrators may be made to the PERC by either party. The parties shall then be bound by the rules and procedures of the PERC
c. The arbitrator so selected shall confer with the representatives of the
BOARD and the ASSOCIATION and hold hearings promptly and
shall issue his decision no later than twenty days from the date of
the close of the hearings, or if oral hearings have been waived, then
from the date the final statements and proofs on the issues are
submitted to him. The arbitrator’s decision shall be in writing and
shall set forth his findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on the issue submitted. The arbitrator shall be without power or authority to make any decision which requires the commission of an act prohibited by law or which is a violation of the terms of this Agreement. The decision of the arbitrator shall be advisory and shall be submitted to the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION.
d. The cost for the services of the arbitrator, including per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel, subsistence expenses and the cost of the hearing room shall be borne equally by the Board of Education and the Association.
D. Right to Representation
Any aggrieved administrator may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself or, at his option, by a representative selected or approved by the ASSOCIATION. When an employee is not represented by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present as an observer.
E. Miscellaneous
If, in the judgment of the ASSOCIATION, a grievance affects a group or class of administrators working in separate buildings, the administrators must advise their individual principals of the grievance, but may submit the grievance in writing directly to the superintendent. If the group of administrators work in one building, they will start the grievance procedure at level one.
2. Forms - Forms for filing grievances, serving notices, making appeals, making reports and recommendations, and other necessary documents shall be prepared jointly by the superintendent and the ASSOCIATION and given appropriate distribution so as to facilitate operation of the grievance procedure.
1. Such disciplinary action as is necessary to be taken against any administrator shall be in accordance with those sections of Title 18A, Title 34 [PERC] and NJAC as apply.
2. Only the specific terms and conditions agreed to by both parties and subsequently ratified by the BOARD and the membership of the ASSOCIATION shall be included in this agreement.
3. The BOARD may, on occasion, request members of the administrative unit to appear before committees or the full BOARD in order to present information and/or recommendations.
4. All administrators represented by the ASSOCIATION shall be permitted, with a
minimum of one work day advance notice to the superintendent, unlimited
perusal of their complete personnel file and be permitted an opportunity to place
written communications in such file in response to materials placed in the file.
Nothing shall be placed in such personnel file without the administrator’s knowledge and he shall have the right to appeal the inclusion of any item through the superintendent to the BOARD.
5. BTPSA rights shall be in accordance with Chapter 123 Public Laws of 1974. Alleged violations of statues and regulations may be appealed before the Public Employees Relations Commission, the State Commissioner of Education, the State Board of Education, or other appropriate legal forums, and shall not be arbitrated under Article II of this Agreement.
As of July 1, 2020: the base plan changes will take effect: office copays will increase from $5 to $10 and Emergency room copays will increase from $25 to $50.
As of July 1, 2014: The Administrators will be entitled to the base plans for health insurance, currently Patriot V, the base plan for prescription as of July 1, 2014, and the base plan for dental.
The BOARD will provide employee coverage and family coverage in AETNA Patriot V or Patriot X Major Medical Health Benefits Plan (as per the employees choice); along with the Benecard RX Prescription Plan or the equivalent. Employees shall contribute toward the health benefit package in accordance with the tier four rate of P.L. 2011, Chapter 78. Association members hired prior to 9/1/05, reserve the right to convert their Health Benefits Program to, and from either plan during any open enrollment period.
1a. Effective 7/1/08, unit members who opt out of medical benefit coverage for a full school year shall receive 25% of current cost of medical, dental, and prescription plans for reimbursement at the end of the fiscal year. Members may opt out of their medical, dental, or prescription plans individually or in any combination of the three, and will receive 25% of whichever portion they opt out of.
1b. Effective July 1, 2017, any reimbursement paid to employees pursuant to Article IV.1a shall be capped at $8,500 per year; waiver amount to $5,000 for all individuals hired or moved into the unit after July 1, 2020.
2a. Removed July 1, 2014
2b. Removed July 1, 2017
2c. Removed July 1, 2017
3. Removed July 1, 2014
4. Removed July 1, 2014
5. Each administrator shall be entitled to the UNUM Insurance Plan, of which $625.00 per year will be paid by the BOARD.
6. Twelve month administrators shall:
a. Receive twenty days vacation per fiscal year. All vacation days shall have prior approval of the superintendent and all earned vacation days shall be taken within the fiscal year. Not more than five vacation days may be taken during the school year unless approved by the superintendent. On June 30th of each year, unused vacation days may be carried over to the next fiscal year; however, at the start of any fiscal year the total cumulative carried over vacation days is limited to a maximum of ten days.
b. Receive three personal days per fiscal year. All unused personal days will be transferred to sick days on June 30th of each year.
c. Receive twelve sick days per fiscal year. All unused sick days as of June 30th of each year shall be accumulated from year to year.
d. Any ten-month administrator going to a twelve-month position will receive vacation, based upon the months worked, on a pro-rated basis.
7. Ten-month administrators shall:
a. Receive two personal days per school year. All unused personal days will be transferred to sick days on June 30th of each year.
b. Receive ten sick days per school year. All unused sick days as of June 30th of
each year shall be accumulated from year to year.
8. Effective July 1, 2020, Administrators shall be permitted to convert up to five (5) sick leave days per year to Family Illness Days.
1. The BOARD will pay all of the membership dues in the appropriate local, state and national associations, listed below, at the level appropriate to the administrator’s placement.
National (ASCD) Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
State (NJPSA) New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association
Local (BCPSA) Burlington County Principals and Supervisors Association
Local (BTPSA) Burlington Township Principals and Supervisors Association
2. An administrator who, with prior approval from the superintendent, takes graduate or Doctoral level courses at an accredited college or university shall be entitled to tuition cost reimbursement from the BOARD. The maximum reimbursement per fiscal year per administrator shall be limited to the lesser of the actual tuition cost or the cost of 12 credits graduate or Doctoral credits at Rowan University.
3. Any costs resulting from an assignment(s) made by the BOARD or superintendent requiring the purchase of books or other materials will be reimbursed by the BOARD upon the submission of itemized vouchers duly filed. In this instance, all items must have prior approval by the superintendent.
4. National, State, and Regional Conventions and Workshops - The BOARD will allocate $20,000 per fiscal year whereby administrators of this ASSOCIATION may attend National, State, and Regional Conventions and Workshops of professional associations and the State Department of Education.
The guidelines shall be as follows:
1. DISTANT conventions, or workshops, shall be ones which are at such
a distance that it requires air travel to attend.
2. STATE, REGIONAL, State Department of Education and local workshops organized by either professional associations or private
companies may attend by using automobiles.
3. Conventions or workshops may be single or multiple days in length.
B. Procedures
1. Prior to the administrator making financial commitments, administrators shall apply, in writing, to the superintendent for
permission to attend a convention/workshop. A carefully worked out estimated cost should be included.
2. Distant conventions/workshops - A maximum of six administrators
per fiscal year may attend these conventions. The maximum expenses from the $20,000 shall not exceed $2,500 per person, or $15,000.
3. State and Regional Workshops - An unlimited number of
administrators may attend workshops with cost not to exceed the
money remaining from the $20,000.
4. The principal and vice principal of the same building will not be
permitted to leave simultaneously unless approved or requested by the superintendent.
5. The BOARD shall pay expenses only for the administrator and not for his spouse or dependents.
6. Upon returning from an overnight conference, a written report shall be submitted to the superintendent.
1. The BOARD’S Policy of posting all vacancies shall include all groups covered by this agreement.
2. When the BOARD deems it necessary for the effective and efficient management of the schools, administrative personnel may be transferred. On these occasions the BOARD will endeavor to effectuate such transfers prior to the opening of school in September. In any case, a minimum of 60 days notice shall be given the administrator or administrators affected.
3. An administrator may apply for any vacancy, which occurs providing the person has a valid state certificate for the position. Candidates for vacancies shall be notified in writing of the BOARD’s decision.
1. The negotiated agreement between the BOARD and ASSOCIATION will be printed and distributed by the ASSOCIATION and the cost will be shared equally.
2. Each administrator shall have a job description written by the BOARD.
3. An administrator who resigns or retires shall be entitled to payment for all unused
vacation days. This includes any unused carry over from the previous year, any
unused days from the 20 vacation days granted on July 1, and the unused pro-rated
number of vacation days at the per diem rate of 1/240th of his annual salary.
4. Principals, when available, shall be consulted prior to the hiring of personnel for their buildings and shall be involved in the interviewing process when available.
5. It is understood that administrators serve as the management representatives to the public community they serve and are, therefore, required to attend meetings and events after school hours without additional compensation. However, the administrators’ workday shall remain flexible while reflecting the administrators’ responsibilities to complete their assigned duties. All administrators work an eight-hour day. Any modification of the eight-hour day must be approved by the superintendent.
6. Removed July 1, 2017
7. Ten-month administrators shall be on duty a total of ten days during the periods immediately preceding the opening and following the closing of school. Generally, these administrators shall be on duty five days before the opening and five days after the closing of school. At the discretion of the superintendent, the scheduling of these ten days may be modified providing the total days do not exceed ten for the combined opening and closing and further, providing those administrators are given three weeks notice of such changes.
A. Placement on the salary guide.
1. Adjustment to salary schedule - Credit for previous educational
experience/industrial experience shall be determined by the superintendent
and the prospective employee.
2. Any ten month employee employed prior to February 1 of any school year
shall be given credit for one year of service. Any twelve month
employee employed prior to January 1 of any school year shall be given full credit for one year of service.
3. The superintendent shall have the discretion of hiring a new employee at any salary he selects provided that the new employee’s salary is not more than any other member of the unit in the same position with the same number of years experience, inside or outside the district, with the same level of education.
B. Previous sick leave accumulation - Previously unused leave days shall be restored to all employees returning from a leave granted by the BOARD.
C. Attendance Bonus - Any employee qualifying for the attendance bonus at the completion of a contract year shall receive a bonus by July 31st. ‘Attendance Bonus’ is defined as performance at work for the entire workday and the entire contract year. Attendance at approved in-service workshops and/or chaperoned field trips is counted as a regular workday. Jury duty will not affect attendance bonus. Administrators
completing the time requirements of their contract shall be eligible for one of the
following bonuses per fiscal year:
Attendance Bonus $ 300.00
More than zero days up to and including one day $ 250.00
More than one day up to and including two days $ 200.00
D. Travel Reimbursement - Employee(s) required to use their personal auto for travel
between schools during the work day shall be reimbursed at the rate allowable under NJ OMB.
E. Authorized Absence Other than Sick Leave
1. Death
a. Up to five days at any one time in the event of the death of an
employee’s parent, spouse, child, legal guardian, brother, sister,
grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law-, or any other member of the immediate household. In case of a bereavement leave the administrator shall be granted a non-consecutive leave within 30 days as granted by the Superintendent.
b. Two days will be granted for brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-
law, or daughter-in-law. In case of a bereavement leave, the administrator shall be granted a non-consecutive leave within 30 days as granted by the Superintendent.
2. Subpoena - An employee subpoenaed by an official or department of government or by court clerk (not an attorney) as a witness, will be granted the day’s leave necessary to serve as a witness (not an observer), and the differential payment will be made between the employee’s regular contracted salary and the court’s per diem stipend. Except no differential payment shall be made in those cases when the employee and the BOARD are legal adversaries. All subpoenaed employees must submit a copy of the subpoena prior to the approval of the leave.
A. Association - The Board agrees that up to one employee designated by the Association shall, upon request, be granted a leave of absence without pay for up to one year for the purpose of engaging in activities of the Association or its affiliates. This provision shall be limited to once in the Administrator’s career with the District.
B. Military – Military leave shall be granted in accordance with state and federal regulations.
C. Disability Due to Pregnancy/Child Rearing Leave
1. After the pregnancy is medically confirmed, the employee shall submit a statement from her personal physician to the superintendent setting forth the anticipated date of delivery and certification by the physician that the condition of the employee will not interfere with the full performance of her duties.
2. The Board shall grant disability due to pregnancy leave and child rearing leave upon written request of the employee. The combined leaves may not exceed one (1) year. A full school year leave will run from September 1 to June 30 for 10-month employees; and July 1 to June 30 for 12-month employees. The leaves must be consecutive and contiguous to the birth or adoption of a child 5 years or less in age.
3. Planned work beyond the first day of the 9th month of pregnancy will again require doctor’s certification that it is physically possible for the employee to continue. Work into the 9th month may require possible consultation with the school board physician.
4. The employee must provide two months advance written notice as to the exact date the leave is to begin. In the same letter, the employee must identify the request date of return to work.
5. An employee who has been granted disability leave may request, in writing to the superintendent, to use her sick leave for a period not to exceed 40 sick days. These days must be consecutive and may be scheduled in any combination of days either before or after delivery or in any combination of days before and after delivery. A statement from the employee’s personal physician certifying the exact date of the employee’s disability must accompany this written request. The provisions of this paragraph will be governed by federal and state law.
6. Any employee may request an adoption leave without pay for a period of up to one year. The employee will consult with his or her supervisor during the planning stages for the adoption. In order to meet the BOARD requirements for educational continuity, employees are expected to give two months advance written notice of the intended leave, except in cases where the adoption agency cannot provide notice of two months lead time. In the latter case, the employee may begin leave with less than two months notice.
D. Sabbatical – Sabbatical leaves without pay will be granted by the Board. An Administrator may only be granted one sabbatical leave in their career in the District.
E. Good Cause – Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the BOARD for good reason.
F. The number of leaves of absence to be granted under sections B, D, E herein shall not exceed three in any one school year.
G. Return from leave
1. Employees on leave for the remainder of the school year must notify the superintendent in writing:
a) By April 1st of their intention to work the following July 1.
2. Upon return from leave granted pursuant to Section B or D of this Article, an employee shall be considered as if he were actively employed by the BOARD during the leave and shall be placed on Schedule A at the level he would have achieved if he had not been absent.
a) A ten-month employee returning on a subsequent year from an official leave and who has worked 90 school days or more will be placed on Schedule A at the level he would have achieved if he had not been absent. One who has worked less than 90 days will be placed on Schedule A at the same level as when he had left.
b) A twelve-month employee returning on a subsequent year from an official leave and who has worked 110 workdays or more will be placed on Schedule A at the level he would have achieved if he had not been absent. One who has worked less than 110 days will be placed on Schedule A at the same level as when he had left.
3. All benefits other than salary to which an employee was entitled at the time his approved leave of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave shall be restored to him upon his return and he shall be assigned to the same position which he held at the time said leave commenced if available, or to a position similar to which the employee held at the time the leave of absence was granted.
A. The ASSOCIATION may distribute official information concerning ASSOCIATION business through the use of employees’ mailboxes and inter-school mail distributions.
B. The ASSOCIATION and its representatives shall have the right to use school
buildings, the auditorium, and meeting rooms at all reasonable hours for meetings
when such facilities are not otherwise in use. Such use shall require approval by the superintendent.
C. The ASSOCIATION may have reasonable use of office equipment, excluding the
FAX and administrative computers. The ASSOCIATION shall reimburse the
BOARD fifty dollars per fiscal year for costs related to the use
of the copy and office equipment.
1. The salaries of all administrators covered by this agreement are set forth in Schedule A which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Compensation is inclusive of evening responsibilities.
2. Administrator minimum salary will be set at $86,000 per year, prorated when appropriate.
4. Longevity: At the start of the employee’s fifteenth (15th) year of service in Burlington Township (not including any experience credited at initial hire), the employee shall receive an additional one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars (1,750) in longevity. At the start of the employee’s twentieth (20th) year of service in Burlington Township (not including any experience credited at initial hire), the employee shall receive an additional one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($1,750) in longevity, for a total of three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500) in longevity.
5. During the duration of this agreement, movement across the salary guide shall be as follows:
Masters + 15 $1,200.00 (+)
Masters + 30 $1,200.00 (+ +)
Masters + 45 $1,200.00 (+ + +)
Masters + 60 $1,200.00 (+ + + +)
Ph.D/Ed.D. $2,700.00 (+ + + + + )
Administrators hired as of July 1, 2020 shall move across the salary guide as follows:
Masters +15 $900 (*)
Masters +30 $900 (**) (1,800 total)
Masters +45 $900 (***) (2,700 total)
Masters +60 $1,200 (****) (3,900 total)
PhD/EdD $1,500 (*****) (5,400 total)
6. As per negotiations between the BOE and BTPSA, the yearly increases are as follows:
 | Yearly Increase (per member) |
2020-2021 | $3,700 |
2021-2022 | $3,700 |
2022-2023 | $3,700 |
**The dollar amount increase, calculated and distributed equally to each member, was determined at the time of negotiations.
Additionally, each Administrator shall be eligible for Merit Pay as follows:
The Association and the Board agree that if mutually beneficial, the Superintendent and Association will agree to increase the number of goals for an individual year for all members of the Association. This increase will not exceed 4 goals per Administrator per year and will not be less than 3 goals per Administrator per year. These refer to goals tied to merit.
The flat amount per goal shall be:
2020-2021 - $450 per goal per person ($1,350 per person the first year)
2021-2022 - $450 per goal per person
2022-2023 - $450 per goal per person
Merit Pay shall not be part of the Base Salary effective July 1, 2020. Academic credits will remain as part of the base. Protocol for developing goals will be collaboratively agreed upon and revised within the previously established 'Merit Pay Guidelines.'
7. Protocol for developing goals and means to determine the allocation of merit to be awarded will be collaboratively agreed upon between the BTPSA and the Superintendent.
8. Effect July 1, 2014, any Administrator required to work overnight trips be paid the overnight rate of $151 per night.
B. In cases where the BOARD hires a ten-month administrator for a period of time when he is not required to be at work, the administrator is to be paid 1/200th of his salary per diem. In cases of employment in July and August, the salary will be based on the previous year’s contractual salary.
C. Other Remuneration
1. During the life of this contract and upon retirement, or severance from the Burlington Township Schools for reasons other than dismissal, administrators shall be eligible to redeem their unused sick leave according to the following schedule:
Less than 15 years of service to this district $50.00 per day
15 or more years of service to this district $100.00 per day
2. There will be a cap of 325 days for twelve-month employees and 275 days for ten-month employees. In case of illness, sick days will be allowed to accumulate beyond the cap.
3. In case of death, the administrator’s estate will receive the unused sick and vacation day benefits as stated in Article XI, Section C, 1 & 2.
The terms and conditions of this memorandum of agreement will cover the 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023 fiscal years, and shall become effective July 1, 2020, and shall continue until a successive agreement is negotiated. It may not be changed or altered except by mutual written consent.
By ____________________________ By ____________________
Burlington Township Prin. & Super. Burlington Township Board
Association President Board President
By ____________________________ By __________________________
Burlington Township Prin. & Super. Burlington Township Board Chief Negotiator Negotiations Chair