Docket Number: IA-2010-039 & IA-2010-040 & IA-2010-041
PartiesNJ/State (State Police) and State Troopers Frat Assn
Employer County:
Arbitrator:Mastriani, J
Date Received:09/29/2011
Award Type:Conventional
Current Status:Award Issued
Appellate Court:
Supreme Court:
Consolidated with Docket Number(s):IA-2010-040;IA-2010-041
Award History
IA-2010-039 & IA-2010-040 & IA-2010-041 Award Received on 09/29/2011
IA-2010-040 Award Received on 09/29/2011
IA-2010-041 Award Received on 09/29/2011